That video is scary plausible. You know it's funny, but when lots of gay men began dropping like flies during the early 80s, the immediate repsonse from many doctors and scientists was that is was the drugs, the constant anal sex and introduction of foreign pathogens into your body, the stress, the entire lifestyle that was causing a collapse in the immune system. Certainly makes sense.
But the gay community did not want to hear that. They did not want to hear that their lifestyle, their drug use, their having anal sex with hundreds if not thousands of partners, the malnutrition, etc., was causing a collapse in their immune system. It can't be me. That would be a judgement on my lifestyle. There must be some germ that is getting me...some virus...something "out there" that is giving poor helpless innocent me AIDS.
Funny...recently I've heard the same theory about obesity...that it is caused by some "virus" out there., hehe are real doctors, "scientists" saying this, mind you...hehe.
When people do not want to take responsibility for their own actions, they always pursue some scapegoat, some reason "out there" for what is happening to me.
The US Department of Health, the Center for Disease Control, all being government -- that is, political -- organizations, collapsed to the pressure of the gay lobby and gave them what they wanted. They gave them their scape goat, their deus ex machina. They gave them HIV.
And they gave them HIV, an explanation for their disease, with little if any peer review or real scientific criticism of this theory. At the outset, plenty of scientists debated HIV as the cause of AIDS, and studies have never proven a causal link between HIV and AIDS. But the gay lobby had to have an answer, the answer they wanted to hear, so the government gave them one.
It's funny because it was around this same time that all sorts of formerly reputable institutions were collapsing to demands of political correctness. It was at about this same time, the late 1970s I think, that the gay lobby pushed the American Psychological Association to take homosexuality off its DSM list as a mental disorder. And in response to political, not scientific, pressure, the APA did just that.
A lot of liberal ideas stemming from the late 1960s were taking hold at that time. For example, prior to the Stonewall Riots of the 1960s, homosexuals had an awful hard time even having their own nightclubs, their own venues where they could meet each other and partake in all kinds of libertine sexual activities. The police routinely busted such establishments. While certainly socially intolerant, such persecution by police departments had the effect of breakiing up widespread homosexual activity and, most importantly, anal sex, which can introduce all kinds of conventional diseases into your system.
After the Stonewall Riots of 1969, police persecution of these nightclub establishments the 1980s, they had grown considerably in number and had become quite commonplace and accepted in the gay community. The activity that went on in those places likely became more salacious, as patrons could do as they wished without fear of being arrested by the police, much less judged by an increasingly tolerant society.
The growth in hard drug use occurred precisely at the same time, right alongside the growth in gay nightclubs, and increasing acceptance of the gay lifestyle. Recreational hard drug use barely even existed prior to the 1960s as a widespread phenomena. Throughout the 1970s, the drug culture grew and flourished and more drugs were put out on the street, the social stigma of using drugs lessened, and drugs got harder and harder (from marijuana to cocaine, heroin, etc). Moreover, they became a large part of the gay club scene, as they inherently bring pleasure and it is difficult to have the stamina to party all night and have sex with hundreds of men without having these powerful stimulants to fuel it.
Could it be? Could the HIV theory of AIDS be erroneous?
Well, then...what is "killing all those people?"
Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's the
crystal meth, crack, cocaine, heroin, poppers, constant partying, malnutrition, constant anal sex, emotional chaos, all which constitutes a constant assault on your body's system, destroying your immune system the same way you'd destroy the engine on your four-cylinder car if you drove it 120mph for hours and hours a day, for months on end, without even an oil change?
Maybe...just maybe THAT is what is killing all those people.
I saw the video. And I for one don't buy the old theory any more.