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This attitude that women have:
The Huffington Post - need I say more?
Will Baring Our Breasts End the Culture of Rape?
According to a recent survey, 65 percent of Brazilians either partially or wholly believe that "if dressed provocatively, women deserve to be attacked and raped." The findings also revealed that 58.5 percent think, "if women knew how to behave, there would be less rape."
In response to these shocking stats, Brazilian women have launched a campaign posting semi-nude images of themselves, yet covering their nipples with a sign that reads #NãoMereçoSerEstuprada, which translates to #IDontDeserveToBeRaped. The message is clear. No matter what I am wearing, or not wearing, I don't deserve to be violated.
The mentality of blaming the victim holds women entirely responsible for being raped, while simultaneously excusing men for their actions. That is as absurd as suggesting it was my fault I got mugged because I had money in my wallet that a robber wanted. Can you imagine a police officer telling someone if they didn't want to get their car stolen, it shouldn't have been parked where it could be seen and desired?The mentality that women should do whatever to whoever at anytime and be immune from the results means women have no responsibility for their actions - or respect for anybody else. If you walked down the street waving thousands of dollars in cash in everybodys face each day it wouldn't be a suprise if it was eventually stollen by somebody. Here I've heard many times the Police telling people not to leave valuables visible in thier car, or their car unlocked. Why? Because it may get stollen. There are allways certain places, occasions when you shouldn't do certain things.
I appreciate this campaign as it directly challenges the offensive notion that "she asked for it." An appalling number of people are living with the belief system that the clothes a woman chooses to wear can be linked to whether a man rapes her or not. This logic confuses me. Women in Burka's get raped. Were they asking for it by exposing too much eyelid? Indigenous tribal cultures, where women are bare chested, aren't plagued with rape as a societal issue. Men don't rape because of an alluring mini skirt. Men rape for power.
We live in a culture of dominance, and most boys are raised and conditioned to think about how to dominate others. The alpha male complex permeates past the physical realm, and deep into the psyche. Men dominate each other. Bosses often dominate employees. Politicians too frequently attempt domination over society. War is how we often solve problems in the geopolitical atmosphere. This culture of dominance has saturated nearly all facets of life.The culture of dominance exits to benifite women. It forces men to compete against one another so women can pick the winners for themselves. As soon as the most desireable women in society start marrying the local toilet cleaner and not the highest placed male they can get, it will stop. Should we ignore the very clear desire of women to dominate men in modern days? The enless campaign to show how women are better at everything and how usles men are. But I don't believe women deserve to be raped.
The paradigm of domination is embedded into the archetype of the successful man. This mentality is ingrained in the definition of manliness and what is means to be powerful. It is not hard to make the leap to see how this indoctrination bleeds into a man's sexuality.Yeah,but I don't see how that might make him into a thief.
The campaign these Brazilians launched is a response to the assumption that women are at fault for being the victim of sexual assault. I applaud their pushing the envelope on this issue. The reality is I could be naked and passed out in front of 20 guys who would never take advantage of my vulnerability. I could also be minding my own business, wearing a potato sack, and attacked by a man in broad daylight.Yet the culture of dominace should make them all try to rape you, but none of them did. It will however changed their interaction with you, though it shouldn't - apparently. I look forward to the day I can walk naked and not be charged with (being male) anything. Yet if I did that people would interperate my behaviour and intentions wrongly. But I don't believe women deserve to be raped.
Dressing like a nun and avoiding dark alleys does not dissolve the culture of rape. The only way women won't be raped by men is when men stop raping women. Shaming women will never end this pandemic. According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, 1 in 6 U.S. women has experienced an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. Whether or not we're aware of it, we all know someone who has been raped. Statistically that means we also know a rapist. Let's follow the Brazilian's initiative and expand this conversation. It is time we heal the stunted masculinity that drives men to commit heinous acts against women. Rape doesn't stop with women, it stops with men.If its a pandemic for women then if you consider the point that if you include the numbers from prisons more men are raped than women - it must be a double pandemic. A triple pandemic if "accidental" pregnancy was included. But then this is all done for power, couldn't have anything to do with sex money or wanting to get something from the interaction. Statistically it doesn't mean we know a male rapist because 90% of rapists are recidivists. A very small number of men commiting most of the rapes. Yet "we" have a rape culture apparently, even though only the potato sack rapist succeded. That might give you a clue that most men aren't crosswired enough to rape - despite the culture - or misinterpret how you treat them . I am probably unaware of how many female rapists I know, I'll agree. Must do a studdy.
QuoteSo women aren't really being lesbianised by marketing. Its just a representation of the truth about women.
OK so nonetheless why is the innate truth only so recent to the forefront?
I caught the end of a documentary not that long ago, which pointed out that women get sexually aroused when looking at pictures of other naked women - whereas men don't with photos of men, unless their gay. This was proven with measuring instruments placed in/on the genitals. The kicker was - of course - that women lied about being aroused. The scientific evidence contradicted their claims conclusively.
Could you provide a link to that documentary?
That would provide more fodder for that form of "family violence". Any form of male dominence can't be anything but that. "Family violence" is what its (DV) called this month down here.
So when's the reversing "trend" part where Husbands/Fathers are NOW making most of the "domestic"spending decisions?
Actually, this is an important conversation to have. Several higher profile MRAs have pandered to the mainstream, and labelled other longtime MRAs as 'extremist'. As has been pointed out here, several longtime MRAs have been 'ousted' from AVfM (myself included), because we are 'too extreme'. The question never answered is 'in comparison to what?'
The 'fear of looking bad' crowd is what drives this tendency, in my view. Those who still have not internalized that Government KNOWS all this shit, and has for years, and yet they still follow the Feminist line... Why is that, do you think? This is not a battle for polite reasoned debate. Ever read the Agent Orange files? DO you seriously think RadFems (and only these radfems) don't infest nearly every arm of Government? Do you think RadFems are the only Eugenicists in existence?
Ever notice how nicely the Village Busybody attitude of Feminism fits with a Totalitarian Police State? Ever think maybe Government is USING Feminism precisely to enact these measures, and restrict these freedoms? Even if they aren't, this whole battle is for the 'undecided vote'....those that haven't paid much attention.
We are most effective when we try and reach men that are unsatisfied, but haven't figured out why. We are LEAST effective when we try to appeal to women, to bring them on board. Men do not ...I repeat NOT....respect 'soft, sensitive men' any more than women do. Men love the lines Bad GUys get in the movies every bit as much as women do.
Feminists have been trying to label us 'extremists' for years, hoping to get us to curb our own effectiveness. They continue to mislead the public explicitly for the purpose of smearing us...aka, make us 'look bad' no matter what we actually are. And now we have a sizeable chunk of the MRM following their lead, and taking their advice. And 'self policing' some of the more effective (or vocal, or tenacious) MRAs right out of having any interest in continuing.
The label 'extremist' should be, on every BBS and Forum, a charge that MUST be backed up with a coherent point or argument, to the point that baseless accusations of being 'extremist' should be a bannable offense. Same goes for accusations of 'misogyny'...back them up, or you're gone.
The MRM has long been open to detractors, and counter argument. But we are shooting ourselves in the foot, in exactly the same manner wider society has, when we accomodate the hysterics, and try and walk on eggshells. The 'fear of looking bad' is the meme that has been used to utterly control the West since the mid '80-'s. Let's not continue the trend, seeing as how we view ourselves as the guys with some answers.
Why hype the woman-getting-raped angle in order to get that legit point across?
Its just another example of something being a problem only if it affects women in any way.