I believe so, but I am not 100% sure. They were both on the Dr Phil show as advisors to Bridget Marks. Dr Mathis had this to say about PAS.
"Every day court bias and misconduct by judges who have been groomed in Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) harm the children in America. Every day courts collude with sexual predators who grow their own child victims and continue the abuse by awarding custody to these abusive parents. Parent Alienation Syndrome is a pseudo-psychological theory that Dr. Richard Gardner ?made up? in his head and which no mental health, psychological, scientific or any other organization outside of judges and attorneys, back up, support or use. It states that when women are going through divorce and state that there has been sexual misconduct by their partner, they are alienating the children against the father, and should be punished by having a weekend in jail and losing their right to parent. It is the most outrageous act of harm that has come to children across America in the last century. Dr. Gardner didn't have any scientific research to back up his claim and I find it interesting that he committed suicide this past year."
Then Dean Tong from his website.
"Dean Tong presented Child Abuse 2000: False Allegations and Parental Alienation Syndrome at the November 7, 1999 National Cry for the Children Rally in Washington, DC. Visit
www.nationalcryforchildren.org to order a copy of his compelling speech!"
"1990'S Attended scores of conference seminars and plenary sessions dealing with child custody, and parental alienation syndrome given by Richard Gardner, M.D., Douglas Darnall, Ph.D., and Philip Stahl, Ph.D., at the Childrens Rights Council, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999."
This is like Warren Farrell and Gloria Allred getting together to praise Andrea Dworkin. I am confused.