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Messages - Sir Percy


You are a fine, courageous person, Teri, and a target for the hate-filled morons we oppose.
Main / The Last Post
Jun 18, 2006, 09:09 PM
This is the Steed.

I have carried my good friend Sir Percy from the field. He went down not as he would have liked, with his friends with sword in hand against the enemy. He was brought down by a spear, in the back, as he defended Truth against liars and knaves.

To Sir Percy, Truth was paramount.

I have taken him to the Monks.

He would have liked his poem to be shared and read over his tomb.

Words in Passing

We were not ready.
We did not see from where the blows came.

She was.
The Blue Pencil, poised,

The first was Fair, our childhood's most cherished friend:
Resolver of squabbles, distributor, sharer,
Fair cared for all:
a string of rubies around her doomed, pale and lovely neck.
It was so sad.
They said it was consumption.
All used up, in tatters, shrouded,
she just faded away.

Next to go was that sturdy, quarrelsome Equality, which surprised us all
as he was so in demand, they said,
by all,
especially some;
aye, and relied upon.
For so many years a staunch friend and fighter.

His burial dressage, a white cheesecloth, yoked neck.
Naked beneath,
his scarred skin a testament.
Burned Beyond Recognition.

Truth tried hard.
Was Tried.
Derided, Derrida-ed,
denied existence;
Perjured, Falsely accused,
she struggled
as she was garrotted.

Died hard.

Soon after that, Justice
suicided off a nearby cliff.
Now Lover's Leap, a place then
from which many a loving couple had gazed out,
seeking the broader vista.

Now has Disabled Access.

Was it in despair?
Perhaps sympathy with the others.

No-one saw her silent fall.
Was she pushed?
Who could gain?
Her handmaids will argue for a time and time,
billing innocence by the hour.

The old, wise man, Honour, lost his marbles, they said.
He languished as the village idiot for a while,
The butt of jokes and calumnies.

His body was found in a ditch one day.

They left it there.

The loss of these good companions all
has been followed now
by Liberty and Freedom,
two noble and leathery old soldiers.

They put on their dress uniforms, immaculate,
faced each other squarely and
blew each other's brains out.
Such fine shots, both.

They left a note. Signed together as written together.
They could no longer support the malignancy of the vile regime,
the note said.
They felt duty-bound to remove themselves
from further abuse,
the note said.

They took Duty with them.

An altar was discovered in the woods
On which the charred bones of hermaphrodite Trust
Were found,
Sacrificed to Narcissus
Who had been elevated to the Pantheon.
Tears flowed down Olympus' stony sides.

Even God cries.

The book closed.

After, there was Laughter, Music, Whine.
High pitched.
So much fun.
The departed were only words
After all.

Oppressive words.
Now dead.
Like Fathers.
Dead, white males.

What, three were maids?
'So? Whatever', said the wenches.

No one noticed Love fall to her knees.
Her calls for help were drowned by song.
Trampled to death under dancing feet.
The last to succumb.


The Impostor was on the scene quickly.
Ready, Definite.
By Order.
She said.

The Princess of Lies rides
over barren lands.
Long hair down her back.
Across her breast,
Over her steed's flank.
Hooves on skulls.

The children gabble and cry.
No words
their pain.

They were

We will not see his like again. The last Knight.

Stating that our troops are slaughtering civilians sure seams like bashing to me.

Then you either have a strange use of language born perhaps of idleness or a weak mind, in which case, should that be the case, I have sympathy for your plight, or you have no real idea of how badly honourable men, soldiers, feel when they get things wrong or make an error. Killing is slaughter. War is mainly about slaughter despite some people's (yours, maybe) squeamish need for euphemisms. Some people are so used to untruth that they will find every way to avoid straight words. 'Collateral damage' better for you, instead of blowing up innocents by accident? I wonder if you might have this affliction. See someone. Get help. I am worried for your mental health.

Killing accidentally or because of poor intel is incompetent. It happens. In every war, in every army. It certainly can't be called competent, now can it? To hold this as simply unfortunate and pass over it is not the mark of hounourable men. One cannot expect total competence of course, but one can guard against it. To recognise it and try damned hard to make correction is the mark of good soldiering. To simply react accusingly, falsly accusingly, against the recognition is to compound it. Enunciating it leads to correcting. It is not 'bashing'. To accuse honest men who spell it out as it is, is the mark of conceit at the very least and a mendacity. Typical of femonazis. Maybe you suffer from these, poor dear. A Family Court Judge would probably smile on you. I don't. It is dishonourable. Not that I would incur Dr E's wrath by saying you are dishonourable of course.

have said words to the effect

There is no weaseling out. My words were precise. Not 'to the effect'. You seem to be the only one who needs this spelling out in words of one syllable. A person has to really try hard to misunderstand me. It takes real talent to not know what I am saying when I give a view. Your 'seems to me's' are a good example of that talent. To represent my attitude incorrectly when it has been clearly stated may indicate dislexia, Brian. Visual or mental types occur. See someone, Brian. Something is amiss up there in the top paddock.

The force that took Iraq, did so with the greatest efficiency possible and a remarkable limitation on loss of life.

This is recognition of high skill, extremely high level military art and execution, and unprecedented humanity, and given its due. Is this 'bashing' too? Did I inadvertently miss an opportunity to 'bash', Brian? How remiss of me. Did you not say I don't miss such an opportunity.? Please, tell us all if you were wrong. Did you tell a porky, Brian? Is an apology so hard or are you still waiting on the Princess of Lies to ski? Do you simply not recognise when you are wrong? Do you have some delusions of adequacy?

That's not an insult Dr E. An expression of concern for your little friend. I am using a wooden sword. Just practice.

The American administration ( and its allies) is presiding over a morbid farce internationally

The American Administration is presiding over this war. It is a morbid (people are dying, being killed, slaughtered, unecessarily) farce. My word, farce. Maybe another might be more apt, but again it is a criticism, born from frustration, a frustration felt and enunciated every day by the troops, the Generals, all those who seek to find the better way to bring about the peace. Not 'bashing'. How femonazi to call it 'bashing'. One of their favourite words.

Yes, the insurgents create mayhem and murder. But we look at our own actions. Critically. Well, some of us do. Not blindly and blythly congratulating ourselves for getting it just about right when clearly we can do better, lose fewer lives, have fewer wounded, do the job with fewer dead on both sides, as Field Marshal Montgomery ordered.  These are our men dying and I, along with meny others, are scandalised by it. Perhaps you wish to gloss over it. After all, as you said at the end of your diatribe of drivel, men's deaths are not newsworthy. Not like women's.

Then you call the command authority and the U.S. administration incompetant

It is. Filing clerks have been sacked for less. Male ones, of course. I do not wish to hide behind the Authority of the Many, but join even internal administration concerns that things can and must be done better. Just because it is American does not confer infallibility. There was not and still isn't an adequate plan for peace.  To act without one in such a fast moving action with an expectation, born out, of early victory, is incompetent. The Military Command expected, quite reasonably, that the Defence Department would have a plan. They did not.  The troops have been left with a bloody mess. That is incompetence. Political. There were and are too many unexpected reisitances. These could have been forcast and planned for. They were not. More incompetence. It doesn't take genius to figure that most countries' populations are more nationalistic than Internationalists. The hand that feeds is more often than not, bit. Do not criticise now and the same errors will be made again the next time. This is not 'bashing' It is realistic.

But I guess some prefer the feminazi way of calling criticism, 'violence'. "Bashing".  No difference seen. Have you adopted this femonazi language, mendacious tactic recently or is it second nature to you. Just a question.

As Dr E has specifically forbidden me to give name to you, I have deliberately given name only to what you say. It is against your words.
You say:
You launch into more personal attacks calling me a liar.

I say:
What you say is a damned lie.

So you hark back, and while I try to meet Dr E's requirements to treat your person to no insults - even to try to fathom your deficiencies - far too many - out of concern for you - yet you go right ahead and say more:

In classic Keyboard Hardass style.

I wil let that attempt at rudeness pass. To weak. But perhaps Dr E might be prevailed upon to take off his family court judicial robe and actually dispense some justice. With mercy of course. Mitigating circumstances might apply in your case.

My thoughts are that you should not dish it out if you can't take it.

Well, you have demonstrated just how deep your thoughts go, Brian, the limitations of your understanding of grown-up matters, so this is dismissable as mere cant. Playground stuff. Call me some more funny names, Brian. I rather liked the teabag one. We can have a laugh together.

Brian, I have asked you to show where I 'have taken every opportunity to bash', 'bashed troops', bashed' the  war on terror. You haven't even attempted to. Why is this?  Your empty words are lies and false accusations. Not that you are a liar or a false accuser of course. Forbidden to say that. You would be in good company with any number of femonazis though. Not that I would even think you were one. Heaven and Dr E forbid. What gender are you, by the way? In between maybe?

You still haven't told us if you are the Brian who buggered up the iFem board. Evading answering? Not even a denial?

My goodness, how hard it is to be nice. :roll:

In this war, as in others:

The children gabble and cry.
No words
their pain.

They were forbidden.
I will be generous in considering that to be a half way move. A right to reply in a new topic.

This one is suitable, surely.

Here is an amended defense.

You take every opportunity to bash the war on terror and those fighting it Sir Percy. Well I am gooing to call you on it every time I see you do it so get used to it.

For the record, I am a staunch supporter of waging war on terrorists. I fully support our troops and yours and everyone elses engaged in this war. Perhaps you can ask Steve Beene. He and I have exchanged a few pms and I would be sure that he will back me up that I have always given him and his colleagues my total confidence and praise.

I do not 'bash' the war. I do not 'bash' those fighting it. I do not 'take every opportunity' to 'bash' either the war or the troops fighting it.

I defy you to call me out whenever you see me do it.

Please show here below the 'every opportunity, the bashing of the war on terror, the bashing of the troops that you FALSELY ACCUSE me of doing.

Like many others who have experience of war here, I can recognise deficiencies in the conduct of operations. I can critique the matters, as can anyone else. The American, Australian and British Generals do so regularly, calling for more and better resources and plans. They recognise that things could go a lot better and I agree with them. Seeking better means is a duty.

I am as heartfelt for the 2500 troops that have been killed and the tens of thousands more that have been wounded. I praise them. I empathise with them. These men are my brothers.

For you, Brian, to say that this concern for the needless death of my brothers and others in this war means that I 'bash', 'take every opportunity' to bash, then you are something I am not allowed to say by order of Dr E.

But, What you say is a damned lie.

It is a total misrepresentation. It is contrary to my stated position.

What you 'are' is a conclusion that others can draw for themselves as I am not allowed to attack you personally. Why you would want to so deliberately and aggressively denounce me as a 'basher' of my brothers I leave for others to guess.

An unreserved apology is required.

And please, tell us, are you the same Brian who did his best to wreck the iFem board with his appaling claims and mendacities and lies ? I notice that you are a recent arrival here
A member of this board made a false allegation against me.

Angrily I challenged it and him.

Like a Family Court Judge, Dr E closed the topic letting the false allegation stand and no right of reply given. Twice he did this.

Personal attacks of name calling I can treat as funny. I even put smilies after the names I was called when I listed them.  To me they are not personal attacks at all. Call me what ever you like. Asshat, pompous, turd, whatever. I will happily trade such minor insults. But to deliberately misrepresent me, claim I hold a position directely opposite to the one I clearly state, is a personal attack. More it is intellectually indefensible and dishonest.

For the Moderator of this board to act as he has done, shut down the discussion leaving no right of reply, is a failure of justice. The family Court comes to SYG.

I will not pst on this board again until I have an apolgy and retraction from Both Brian and Dr E.
Main / I call out BRIAN.
Jun 17, 2006, 06:50 AM
You take every opportunity to bash the war on terror and those fighting it Sir Percy. Well I am gooing to call you on it every time I see you do it so get used to it.

For the record, I am a staunch supporter of waging war on terrorists. I fully support our troops and yours and everyone elses engaged in this war. Perhaps you can ask Steve Beene. He and I have exchanged a few pms and I would be sure that he will back me up that I have always given him and his colleagues my total confidence and praise.

I do not 'bash' the war. I do not 'bash' those fighting it. I do not 'take every opportunity' to 'bash' either the war or the troops fighting it.

I defy you to call me out whenever you see me do it. Were you in my presence I would call you outside and give you the thrashing you deserve for the calumny.

Like many others who have experience of war here, I can recognise deficiencies in the conduct of operations. I can critique the matters as can anyone else. The American, Australian and British Generals do so regularly, calling for more and better resources and plans. They recognise that things could go a lot better and I agree with them. Seeking better means is a duty.

I am as heartfelt for the 2500 tropps that have been killed and the tens of thousands more that have been wounded. I praise them. I empathise with them. These men are my brothers.

For you, Brian, to say that this means that I 'bash', then you are a fool. More than that, you are a damned liar.

An unreserved apology is required.

And please, tell us, are you the same Brian who did his best to wreck the iFem board with his appaling claims and mendacities and lies ? I notice that you are a recent arrival here.

Now, if this post topic means that Dr E will ban me - he closed down the topic from which the quote was taken without affording a right to reply to the calumny -  then perhaps I should not be here.
Condesending shit-bag. Teabag. Booger eating moron.

:D  :lol:  :lol:  :wink:
Main / More feminist insanity!!
Jun 17, 2006, 04:32 AM
I don't want the rich producing super-intelligent babies just because they can afford the best clinics.

Why not? Is being poor preferable?
Main / Be There! F4J comes to the US
Jun 17, 2006, 03:34 AM
Time is relative in Cyberspace.  :D Its always now.
Main / Father's Day Protest(s) #5
Jun 17, 2006, 01:44 AM
No erectile dysfunction here

hahaha. Good snaps. Gave an idea for a sign.

Find an erectile dysfunction clinic. Have a sign on the ute -

Main / Be There! F4J comes to the US
Jun 17, 2006, 01:31 AM
I hope you guys had a great day. It is Saturday here, late. I was with you in spirit. My (Flt Sim) Learjet did a stirling job. What a lot of airfields you have! I t/o'd from Rickenbacker at 11.45 and overflew Columbus several times towing a banner saying "Rock 'em F4J". A lot of rules broken I'm afraid as I flew at 250kts at 1000ft and made as much noise as I could ( engines at 95%, full flaps, wheels down, spoilers out, hahaha) then climbed to 9000 for a few loops just for the kids with binoculars. Great fun for the rally crowds.

Not an F16 in sight. The Homeland security people must have given me a free pass! There was a bit of an unfortunate aspect, however. I landed back a Rickenbacker an hour and a half later just a bit too fast and lost my nosewheel. Bugger. Any airframe mechanics in the house?

I left my Steed at Heathrow - London - earlier, with a bale of hay, as I had a warm up run for Raymond's conference. That went well too. He was glad to see me back.

Now. tell us ALL about the day.
Well guys, it is late Saturday where I am. I was with you in Spirit.

I left the Steed with a bale of hay and mounted my Learjet at Heathrow. T/o at 9.45 GMT heading East. A turn left onto 040 at 2000 ft and there was Westminster on the nose. Hahaha. I was probaly breaking every aviation law in the place but I criss-crossed the area at 200kts at 1500ft dropping virtual leaflets of support. After half an hour I figured your conference was in full swing and hoped it was packed with supporters, so I set course for Stansted. Landed fine, a bit fast but otherwise a tyre change was all that was needed! ( Off to Columbus Ohio after that)

I hope your day was a great success.
Main / Focus on the Family diminishes dads
Jun 16, 2006, 11:06 PM
The propensity for those who pass as our societal commentators and intellectuals to swallow agitprop holus bolus, never ceases to amaze me. But then I tend to expect too much. Joe Stalin had a more realistic view of the 'educated'.

One has to ask if this McDowell fellow is mearly ignorant, deliberately blind, or so bereft of discriminating judgement - a phrase which used to be a mark of high regard but now more commonly an epithet thrown by PC affectionados - that he just cannot fathom the issue. Maybe he is just 'tired and emotional'. Lazy? A gender war coward?

Worth listening to, he ain't.
God spared Sodom and Gommorrah for an extra day or two so the Angels could search for the few good men and their women.  Precious few were found. In the city of FemoGotham, it is a hope against hope to search for the few good women, but Parker will be counted amongst them.

Rally to her good women, escape with your men, your good men, for the fire is about to descend and the city will be destroyed soon.
Main / Saudi 'torture' Britons lose case
Jun 16, 2006, 08:25 PM
Britain and America, labouring as they are under a cloak of official mendacity, need people like the Saudis to torture others so that we can look lily white. Prosecute the Saudi officials? What? They are on the payroll. So they torture innocents to extract false 'confessions' after a false allegation. Tony and George will be sending Family Court 'officials' there for training next.