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Messages - Celtic Druid

Main / MRA Sloganeering Campaign
Nov 29, 2006, 03:40 AM
Great creativity and some outstanding slogans. I'm saving many of these for actual MRA activism. Thanks.
Main / MRA Sloganeering Campaign
Nov 25, 2006, 03:56 AM
Some excellent responses by Sir Jessy and Maus, excellence as standard.

I merely wished to attempt to mirror the iconic phrases to which feminism has strategically coined and has become common language such as "no means no." Short and to the point, yet as we know with feminism littered with flaws! Let's seek to avoid such transparent contradiction.

My examples are primitive but I'm sure they can be expanded upon or far more effective concise examples can be formulated.
Main / MRA Sloganeering Campaign
Nov 25, 2006, 03:47 AM
Why must a defunct ideology impose so much on people?

Why must a "proven" defunct ideology impose so much on people?

Why must men and women be divided by hatred?

Why must men and women be divided by the hatred of a minority?

Why must a defunct ideology impose so much on people?

Why must a "proven" defunct ideology impose so much on people?

Why must men and women be divided by hatred?

Why must men and women be divided by the hatred of a minority?

Why must a defunct ideology impose so much on people?

Why must a "proven" defunct ideology impose so much on people?

Why must men and women be divided by hatred?

Why must men and women be divided by the hatred of a minority?
Main / MRA Sloganeering Campaign
Nov 25, 2006, 03:46 AM
An insidious ideology has been able to command the language of the pop culture to which the majority have adhered too. Should we allow the majoritive "unawakened" to be led by political correctness and in turn feminism and a predictable fragmentation of values?

The majority of planet earth are gullible braindead morons. Must we automatically succeed by virtue of their "unconscious" inactive succession? Must I or you pay for this capitulation to which invariably there is no satisfifying excuse?
Main / MRA Sloganeering Campaign
Nov 25, 2006, 03:43 AM
Why do misandrist's define sexism?

Why do misandrist's define chauvinism?

OK, the concept of misandry is not understood by the majority. Allow me a little indulgence!
Main / MRA Sloganeering Campaign
Nov 25, 2006, 03:42 AM
Feminism is a fashionable descriptive of misandry.

Misandry is enabled by feminism. Or. Hatred of men is enabled by feminism.

Adherence to feminism equates to hatred.
Main / MRA Sloganeering Campaign
Nov 24, 2006, 07:38 PM
I'm sure most of you are aware of successful feminist contradictory sloganeering classics such as "no means no" and "there's no excuse for violence" (unless you're a female of course!).

In regard to the "no means no" feminist tenuous fervent stipulation as to what constitutes this - the inclusion of a sarcastic "unless you're a female" brings home to the average lay person the disparity in law that prevails so abundantly and pervasively to the detriment of men!

My point? Let's engineer some timeless classics which best express our grievances and frustrations as MRA's and men. These "expressions" will firstly best exemplify our position, and secondly more importantly will be understandable to the most non MRA!

Here's something to begin a productive and creative thread - " misandry is the new  misogyny."

It's not perfect. However it entices the inherent inquisitiveness of many to inquire -- what pray tell is misandry? We live in a world predominantly driven by pop culture, if we can breach it's vacuous wall's then an opportunity arises to implement the righteous voice of the men's movement to a degree not yet seen.
It's great to see your not perturbed TMOTS, I look forward too viewing and spreading the link to your next instalment.

Who knows how your productions will have evolved in 1, 5 or 10 years time. Anythings possible with a positive approach.
Quote from: "trailer park tony montana"
i posted this vid on a boxing website im a mod on and this was the first reply
"hp mate, this takes your female-hating to strange new levels"

Sadly a predictable "learned" response by an unawakened male.

Ask him to explain what he deems as female-hating, if making transparent the disparity in every aspect of the law regarding women, and how rarely their ever "equally" accountable - then admit your guilty as charged.

Also, ask him does he believe any demographic group should be above the law in a supposed democracy. His 'shame and guilt' response is out of context, and is typical of a mangina seeking to maximise access to the vagina.

TMOTS, as I've mentioned elsewhere - it's a good video. Don't get too despondent by the lack of replies. People will tend to just view it, assimilate the information and skip making a reply.

The video is doing the rounds with mention on many MRA blogs, forums and sites. By posting it on the net you have insured it will be viewed for many years to come, and thereby consigned to posterity.
If anybody has any problems with the submitted links, click on the link below where you will presented with a choice of three different quality downloads - dial-up, broadband and cd quality.
Quote from: "BRIAN"
That video was great man. We need to take it to the next level though. A professionally done, well editied and narrated version that could be shopped around to local TV stations and at least shown on public access channels. That sort of visual evidence is impossible to ignore.

Sure, I think the people who made it given their restrictive financial means - did a very good job.

As far as I understand, this film can be used or improved, as long as it remains true to the theme of awakening people to the taboo subject of womens violence/domestic violence.

Spread the links to this video far and wide, and if you can make some copies - pass them around. Apparently it is being left on buses and trains, in libraries and bus stops etc. Mark the CD/DVD with felt tip pen "Watch me. Copy me. Pass me on."

Let's spread this powerful video like a virus - tv stations, male friendly journalists, editors, pro-male celebrities, colleges, universities, friends etc.
Posted at

Have any of you guys managed to get hold of the free Bull Busters video going around? It's called Violent Women and it is very powerful.

It is doing the rounds on the street. The other day I was aksed if I had seen it. When I said no, a guy ran home and made me a copy and brought it back to me. It is very powerful. It has the words, "Watch me. Copy me. Pass me on" written in felt tip pen on the CD. I have done just that. Anyone who would like a copy should mail me at [email protected] I will send it on. If you are outside of the UK you have to send me postage and packaging costs (sorry).

The video shows women beating men, each other and children and makes the point that we have been brainwashed to accept female violence as part of the attempt to feminise men. It says that there has been a media conspiracy to keep the evidence from the people.

It's excellent and very strong.
File Size: 8.8MB
File Length: 30minutes.
File Size: 65.00MB
File Length: 30minutes.
File Size: 300MB
File Length: 30minutes.

More content & links coming soon... Please be patient Content & links coming soon... Please be patient
Main / D.V. Awareness Month - the bonus round
Nov 04, 2006, 12:56 AM
Great stuff MRA, I thought your latest statement "prison & grave are not men's shelters" succinct and one of your best. Keep up the good work.
Hi blackmanx, I'd just like to concur with TMOTS in regard to your tireless input regarding mens rights and domestic violence awareness. Thanks for all your effort brother.