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Messages - AnubisRox
I do see the irony in this but here's what's really gnawing me:
Woman hits man, big joke.
Woman hits horse, gets charged.
But yet its fine for men to walk with women down on the part of the sidewalk closest to the street! Originally, it was so the woman wouldn't be hit by emptied chamberpots (back in the olden days) but now so that the guy is more vulnerable to traffic than the woman.
So, the difference between chauvinism and chivalry isn't the action, but the reason behind it eh?
Well, I was wrong; the six kids did not sway the judge. Maybe she invalidated her pussy pass with all that gun talk.
The fact that it's the President negated the pussy pass. If it was John Q. Regular then the "I've suffered enough because I can't see my kids" excuse would have worked.
It shows a man has to be ultra-rich or ultra-powerful to be immune (or at least protected) from female stupidity.
Better his life in jeopardy than her ego/reputation. Right?
As usual... with male sex offenders you hear all about the PROSECUTION, with female offenders you hear all about the DEFENSE!
Isn't this article also saying that if she cheats on the guy then its HIS FAULT since he didn't go down on her?
Yes, youre right. It did annoy me however about, as you said, the caveats. Only on Father's Day do you have to "qualify" to have good wishes. On Mother's Day, EVERY woman whos a mother is exalted! No ifs ands or buts. Shoot, even a woman like Casey Anthony is looked at in high regard until she killed her child! But for dads, the honor has to be earned.
But funny enough, they'll also exalt SINGLE MOMS on Fathers Day!!! Of course, assuming that every single mom is a saint from Krypton! No need to qualify there!
I wonder if doing the same article for mother's day would be allowed.
For a well written and objective article they sure didn't allow many comments. Hmmm, maybe because it was actually objective???
Its just another example of something being a problem only if it affects women in any way.
That's pretty much society in a nutshell.
He has an interesting tactic though in the 'video': Making women feel like they're the victims in order to oppose the bad treatment of men.
Like I said in my post, if he didn't then no one would care. If women were able to remain unaffected by whatever happens in men's lives then you wouldn't hear about these problems at all!
Its just another example of something being a problem only if it affects women in any way. I'll try to look up an article that said that the main problem with women outnumbering men in college is that the women won't have many options to "marry up" in the future. It looks like if it wasn't for that then there would be no problem. The fact that men die earlier than women is no problem because the women get taken care of by the husband's life insurance policy. Because of that safety net this discrepancy isn't addressed- its just seen as "the way it is".
Its sad when we have to look at something from someone else's perspective all the time to make it relevant.
When HLN and CNN interview women in the crowd they get mostly the same response with this whole presentation bullsh*t.
"Why is this freakshow getting the opportunity to have her voice heard?! Travis is dead! She KILLED him!! She TOOK his voice!!!"
I'm glad that there are women out there that will see past their own gender and know what is wrong.
Context may be important here. When I read this article it seemed as though she was trying to make the point to the young people that everyone had troubles and failures and to not let that stand in your way. I think the implication was that even someone as successful as obama had his own difficulties and was far from perfect.
Then she should have spent the same amount of time talking about her OWN failings!
Jodi took off her fako-baloney glasses and gave an intense hate stare at Juan when he started putting up photos of the butchered Travis Alexander again.
He better hope she never gets out. I think her true psycho nature is starting to come out under stress.
Its not stress. Its the anger of not getting away with it. Ever have a woman in school or work be all sweet to you when she wants a favor and then she gets all cold when you refuse it? Same animal.
Wow! Not protesting women incarcerated under false pretense, but ANY woman that's incarcerated! So, to these women, the real crime is women being punished when they commit crimes??!!!
"It's so easy for all of us to say, 'They committed a crime, just throw them in jail and lock away the key.'" Delanoy said.
You would if it was a man! Without a second thought.