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Topics - CaptDMO

Main / Antimisandry-anyone interested?
Apr 04, 2015, 06:33 AM

Marx is tossing it it, and looking for an "heir".
I'm too old.
IMHO Antimisandry has been a relitively vibrant and prolific site.
Anyone interested (including our hosts)
Main / I propose......
Oct 17, 2014, 03:40 PM
Hello....? HELLOOOOO....?

As things seem to be in the down cycle, some sort of auto feed to Instapundit's recent campaign of
TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (amongst other stuff), Link, and add to the "permanent record HERE.
(SOME stuff seems to have more and more incredible ability to "unexpectedly" disappear!)
MOSTLY U.S, but some of the usual suspects from the UK as well.

I'm fairly sure he has a compilation (somewhere on the site) of all the cases he's culling from the otherwise "buried on page 12" criminal accounts.
Edit to add: for the current "score" card.
He's ALSO picked up the ball on current cases where women are getting "discount" sentencing, after being found guilty by a jury of their peers, by judges who seem to offer...well..."discount sentencing" for girls commiting the very same crimes ALLEGED to be statistically of the Male domain.
(Although I wish He'd cover more "forgiven" embezzlement of public taxpayer cash by women in municipal accounting, it's Glenn's site, so...)

And while I'm hyping OTHER sites, (prowling for potential fish for here) I may as well mention Just 4 Guys. I been lurking there every now and then.
Not always peaches and cream. I AM a white man after all, but generally (IMHO) good stuff by the host AND the "regulars".
Not a "Hate Whitey" site, nor a "Us po' Niggas" site,  but better insight about Black Men (mostly U.S. as far as I can tell) have to deal with in THEIR "sphere", with women, and each other.
Not recommended for "Us Po Gay White Progressive Circumcised Male Oppressors" folk with "an agenda".

BOTH sites are pretty active, now. Susceptible to the same cyclic ups and downs, and Instapundit has an INSUFFERABLE relationship w/ Amazon dot com (ads/links pay his web freight, but NOT his "opinion",  I suspect.)  


Main / Check your male privelege
Jul 28, 2014, 05:10 AM
Mirroring Beene's post of the other day...
Maybe there's a better "Here we go again" place to file this?

July 27. 2014 7:28PM

Keene mother of toddler pleads to interference of custody
Union Leader Correspondent

KEENE -- The mother who went missing with her toddler in February pleaded guilty to interference with custody of a minor and contempt of court on Tuesday.

Nicole Reynolds, 33, of Keene appeared in Cheshire County Superior Court Tuesday for a plea and sentencing hearing.

In the negotiated plea she plead to interference with custody of a minor and contempt of court.

She was also order to pay restitution of $2,616.39 to the father of the child, Seth Geraghty, and the child's grandparents, Michael and Fern Geraghty.

Reynolds was given two suspended sentences of 12 months in the Cheshire County House of Corrections. The sentences are suspended for three years pending her good behavior.

Reynolds and her two-year-old daughter, Gianna Geraghty went missing Feb. 5.

Police said Reynolds took her daughter because she was upset because the 2-year-old's grandparents were given custody of the child.

A week later the Jacksonville, Fla., Police Department found mother and daughter safe.

The toddler was returned to her grandparents. Florida police arrested Reynolds on unrelated non-felony charges in Florida. She was returned to New Hampshire shortly after to face a felony warrant for interference with custody.

So, a woman kidnaps a child and takes it across state lines......
"Excused" from prison dependent on an expectation of  "good" behavior.
The piece seems to have "forgot"....
The names of the judge and prosecutor.
The original "crime" removing custody.
Why-AND I'M ASSUMING HERE-she was estranged from her husband, child, as well as the child's paternal grandparents.
The crimes that brought her to the attention of the state she fled to- apparently,the warrant for her arrest only cited "Felony interfering with custody of a child", yet that's all the "negotiated" plea was in Superior court.
Why "interfering with custody, and contempt of court" was deemed a suitable plea replacement for kidnapping.
Was she "in custody" between her arrest and trial?
How she came to flee to Florida, if anyone was "helping" her, who paid for her, and child's, return.

Reporters are at the mercy of editors for what actually get's ink.
Maybe these are reasonable questions for the reporter  MEGHAN PIERCE [email protected]
or the "chief" editor of the paper, Joe McQuaid [email protected], or on twitter @deucecrew
Note: All contact info was  listed in the paper.

In the US we observed Memorial Day on Monday. Formerly known as remembrance day.
Like many "official" US Federal Holidays on the calendar, it has attracted it's fair share of parasites, opportunists, commercial ventures,both semi-legitimate and outright fraudulent.
Now, being one of those Old Angry White cisMales, I have taken it upon myself to tend to the otherwise "Oh, someone ELSE will do it...." cemetery. (a story of astonishing "Hey, can't do THAT" in itself)
Part of the regular maintenance is getting the grass, overgrowth cut back, ESPECIALLY for the Memorial Day ceremony.
Local Veterans of Foreign Wars/American Legion/honor guard including *gasp* rifle salute.
Local school band (they were uncharacteristically GOOD this year, but they used a "ringer" for Taps).

Being the Mary Sunshine, Pollyanna that I am, I watched the school kids filing out, right in front of me, toward the bus after the doings, wondering what was in store for them. How many of them were going to end up in foreign, or domestic, "conflict".
As it stands now, I have a hard enough time "imagining" which ones might "take over" personal responsibility for the cemetery.
Because it can be hard, actually COSTS me cash, and there's ALWAYS someone with ZERO callouses to make a political gesture in "Wait a minute, you can't DO that...!" (I've managed to brush the worst of them aside, along with the grass clippings, replaced  veteran's marker flags (TY VFW/AL), and discarded plastic flower decorations.)

It's a dirty job, someone has to do it.
Remember Mike Rowe? (Look him up)
The man,  who simply left HIM (well,...and me) gob smacked, in reflection of self pity.
FROM: Glen Beck's site "The Blaze"


Kind of  (re?) inspirational for the "Fuck 'em, just get 'er done" ilk .

Staff Sargent Travis Mills, formerly of the 82nd Airborne, US Army. And he's just ONE.
As "forwarded" by the Memorandum click-fodder mill.
I shit you not. SOME value for those interested in intellectual amusement.  
Perhaps a few folks willing to "register" at Mr. Kos' site (and the like) may begin to educate his regular readers.
Don't forget to visit the "sources" of his "independent investigation".
Be polite of course, but bear in mind that such folks "followers" ALSO have limited tools to get a rise out of others.

"Well, it's complicated"
I recommend ", it is not"

EDIT to ADD: From the piece...complete with trigger warning.
Trigger Warning: Violence against Women

Last Night in Santa Barbara California, a Gunman in a BMW opened fire on students near the UC Santa Barbara campus in Isla Vista. Seven are dead including the gunman, with a further seven injured. the way, three of the dead were his male housemates killed with a knife, one of those shot was a male deli clerk.
Two were "random" females. And of course, himself. No idea about the wounded.
Apparently, it turns out that he actually subscribed to a leftist "site", while occasionally finding solace at a gym rat chat room.
I could be wrong about the last bit, depends who you believe.
I sure as hell don't recognize this guy from ANY of the man o'sphere, where I surf,  then again, I don't get around like I used to.  

Main / Got college?
Apr 29, 2014, 11:08 AM
(via. Instapundit)

In a desperate attempt to inflict as much damage as humanly possible on potential "right wing" voters, the current US Vice President's "council" makes up more shit.
"Dear colleague...." was only setting up the straw men. There are no accusers, false or otherwise, only "survivors".
Feel free to correct the language of such "higher" education folk wherever it seems to be "mis-remembered".

Ever notice how predominantly female "Social Services" jobs, For The Children..., REQUIRE a degree "investment"  from "approved" institutions ?

I wonder what the academic/employment opportunities are for a "survivor" of false accusation viability from administrators
whose livelihood is reliant on Federal "education" tax dollars?
OK, THIS probably ought  to get permanently "filed" around here somewhere. From Just Four Guys

The echo's of the "formula" MAY just sound eerily chilling to US readers.
The main piece is good.
The comments are engaging.

Main / State Supreme Court vs."Family" Court
Nov 18, 2013, 03:33 PM
I know there's a permanent file for this stuff SOMEWHERE.
Add it to the list.
(edited, Bold mine)

State Supreme Court overturns termination of father's parental rights
New Hampshire Union Leader
CONCORD -- A Manchester Circuit Court judge should never have terminated the parental rights of a father who spent time in jail for an armed robbery and never held a full-time job because he never abandoned his son, the Supreme Court ruled last week.

In the unanimous decision written by Associate Justice Robert J. Lynn, the court reversed Judge Susan B. Carbon's ruling that terminated the man's parental rights saying he had abandoned his 6-year-old son and that it was in the child's best interest.

Father and son spent a few days each month together until December 2007 when the father was arrested for armed robbery and imprisoned until June 2010. The mother visited him in prison on a number of occasions, but brought Deven only one or two times.
In June 2010, the father was released from a halfway house and, during the next three months, visited with Deven a few times each week. He took numerous photos of his son and posted comments about the visits on his Facebook page.
In September 2010, however, the parents had a long telephone conversation during which the mother said she did not want him visiting with Deven until the father "straighten(ed) out" his life.Thereafter, contact with his son decreased because, Carbon found, the mother made it difficult for him to contact his son. Between September 2010 and March 2011, the father called the mother at least once about giving Deven a Christmas gift.

In October 2010, the mother filed a petition to change Deven's surname to her own. Although she knew the father was no longer incarcerated, she listed his last known address as the state prison. As a result, the father did not receive notice of the petition and did not learn that Deven's name had been changed until December, when the mother posted the information online.

Beginning in March 2011, the father tried several times to contact the mother to arrange to visit Deven. He also asked her father for help in arranging visits. When that failed, he filed a parenting petition in December 2011 and also proposed a parenting plan and a visitation schedule.

In January 2012, the mother filed a petition to terminate his parental rights on the grounds of abandonment and failure to provide support.

The judge, in opposition to the guardian ad litem's recommendation, terminated the father's parental rights.

Carbon noted the mother's new partner had become a father figure for Deven, had welcomed Deven into his extended family and provided financial, emotional and other support for the child.

The Supreme Court, however, said a court cannot terminate parental rights unless the petitioning party proves the statutory grounds for termination beyond a reasonable doubt. It agreed with the judge that the evidence in the case was sufficient to trigger the presumption of abandonment but, the jurists said, the finding that there was no communication for a period of at least six months is only the first step in determining abandonment.

The trial court, however, also must consider "the frequency and quality of the communication between the parent and child, the emotional and financial support provided by the parent for the child, and whether the overall conduct of the parent evidences a willingness to take on responsibility and concern for the child's physical and emotional care and well-being."

The Supreme Court said the record shows the father made efforts to communicate with Deven both before and after the triggering period, which is a six-month span of time when a parent has left the child in the care and custody of another without any provision for the child's support or without communicating with the child.

In this case, the father visited with Deven multiple times a week for three months, which is sufficient to show his conduct during this time was more than minimal and evidenced a concern for Deven's physical and emotional care and well-being, according to the decision.

"Indeed the trial court found that the father enjoyed these visits with Deven; he took pictures of the child and posted Facebook messages about visits. The father also made an effort to communicate with Deven after the triggering period. He repeatedly called or sent Facebook messages to the mother in an attempt to arrange parenting time with Deven, and also called or text messaged the mother's father to solicit his help in seeing Deven. When these efforts failed, the father filed a parenting petition requesting visitation time with Deven."

[email protected]

See the difference between real court "officers", and (special)family court "officers"?
The guy is NOT up for Father Of The Year. None the less.
Main / Good Men's Project
Oct 17, 2013, 06:25 AM
Just stunning.


Which Domestic violence "program was that exactly?
I've heard that Glenn Reynolds MAY actually personally know Dr. Helen Smith PhD, author of the HIGHLY ACCLAIMED book Men On Strike
(ISBN-13: 978-1-59403-675-0, Amazon, or of course,your local independant book monger)

Twitter (et cet) is soooooo cool.
The good news;
One can showcase their imagined intellect to millions of folk they've never met, in seconds.
The BAD news;  One can ALSO showcase their imagined intellect to millions of folk they've never met, in seconds.
ONE good reason I don't "do" Twitter et al!

 Via:Instapundit (of course).
A Man Dumb Arc Ought (sic-for hopefully obvious reasons)gets the spanking she so psycological ego subliminally craves.
I read about that in a  "journolist's" synopsis, of a "recent study", in a  periodical deemed "popular", by an elite majority once, so I'm qualified to say this.

Crazy antics ensue.

Careful. Some man once showed her how to figure out/block specific posters, and  the website they are linking from...or something like that.  

Main / Where are they NOW?
Jan 12, 2013, 09:40 AM
Well, last october anyway.

Stunning, simply stunning, as usual.
IMHO: Comments worth scanning, but, like firearms, I don't feeeeel a need to register, and make censorship/banishment that much easier.
Apparently, Pandagon's Logo (via Raw Story) has "evolved" into an ever-ANGRY Panda...with a cape.

Of COURSE I got to wondering who ELSE from back in the day still suffers from (IMHO) failure-to-launch.]Schwyzer[/url]
Again, stunning. Again, not entering into the (sighacademic) fray, just curious.

Just remember. Such places feed primarily  on site-meter "data".   
Main / Seperate, but equal
Jun 27, 2012, 06:25 AM
In today's NYT on-line "headlines" version somebody decided THIS was the "money quote".
"For years we were trying to convince the courts that kids have constitutional rights just like adults. Now we realize that to ensure that kids are protected, we have to recognize that they are actually different from adults."
MARSHA LEVICK, co-founder of the Juvenile Law Center, on the Supreme Court's ruling to ban mandatory life sentences for juveniles.

I read this as "Oops! unintended consequences. We MEANT the same "rights", but with special exemptions barring eeeequaaaaaalityyyy in responsabilities, and consequences."

"Seperate, but equal" = BAD
"Equal, but seperate" =GOOD

Any other "angry old hetrosexual white male taxpayers" recall simular implications, throughout history, concerning OTHER "officially designated subsets" or their prospective country/state/city version of "We The People...", "In fairness...", or even "It's for the children..."?

Feel free to start a list.  

From The Union Leader
The newspaper neglected to mention this bit. It comes from an astute commenter. 
I've personally seen the video clip.
Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.) said that both Republican and Democratic women
members of Congress understand how to care for relatives and thus want the
healthcare system to change.

"We go to the ladies room and the Republican women and the Democratic women
and we just roll our eyes," she said. "And the Republican women said when we were
fighting over the healthcare bill, if we sent the men home..." at which point she
was interrupted by loud applause.

Kinda make me think that having Republican ladies in the legislature is a bad idea
if I want common sense to be represented. I don't bother holding such high expectations for ANYONE that has chosen to endorse the Democrat Party "Progressive Lifestyle" these days.   
Main / How it's done...
Dec 13, 2009, 06:45 AM
Of interest to F4J, and "Family" court critics everywhere.

What we need is......
There ought to be a law....
In's for the children...

Anytime a "new rule" is established, rarely is it an altruistic "solution" to a universal "issue".
Of course, once ambiguous "rules" are established, the fodder for lawyers fees, as well as opportunities to extract the fortunes of, brand for threat of futureconsequence,   or simply imprison -AND eternally torment- those most likely to
threaten the power/financial  base of the privileged few (call that "them", or the system, or the disingenuous folks that demand comfort at the expense of ANYONE elses labors.)

Sure, you can petition, protest, yell from the top of a tower.
Here's how we do it in New Hampshire, USA.

2010 Bills for Introduction
Scroll down to See:House Addresses

HA1 House Address: for the removal of Michael Garner, marital master in the judicial branch family division in Laconia, Belknap county, from his said office.
HA2 House Address: for the removal of Lucinda Sadler, district court judge, from her said office.
HA3 House Address: for the removal of Philip Cross, marital master in the judicial branch family division in the Derry District Court, from his said office.

All three contain scathing language citing the egregious "misconduct ", and blatent
disregard for law, as practiced by lawyers "promoted" to Marital Master status, when they aren't good enough to be appointed a REAL seat as a judge over a REAL court of law, or preform competently in representing a Free Market clientele.

The "Family Court" system was introduced with the premise of "For the children..." of course. ALSO with claims of unclogging  the dockets of serious courts, due to the lack
of qualified Judicial candidates. (Damnall those show me the money-for-nothin' disingenuous "Civil" suits, and the REAL "fees" they generate for the media-advertised ambulance chasers)       

No idea how these will turn out, NH currently has a predominately Democrat Legislature
that regularly supports the kind of social experimentation that has proved rife with (allegedly) unintended consequences throughout history. I suspect a stall by the recipients of financial donors that um...MAY profit from the behavior outlined in the text of thoseHouse Addresses (Why haven't those publicly accused  "Marital Masters" been ARRESTED, assessed a bail bond to appear,and barred from the bench, until.. you know, until this can be sorted out? )

Of course, the "History" of such unintended consequences, taught in the"free" Public Schools, is constantly being dumbed down, and "reinterpreted. Strangely, there's all kinds of proposed "legislature" at that same Legislative Bill site to establish more taxes from the 50% of folks THAT ACTUALLY PAY THEM to continue to  promote and buttress the current approach to justifying substandard education, "edited" text books, social "promotion" and recognition,  and the further "extra benefits" for Unionized Municipal Employees that have been operating the institutions of steadily deteriorating "social consequences".

I particularly like the one about (paraphrase) Assessing a (currently non-existent) income tax for ALL wage earners (above a multitude of welfare-proscribed, and gub'mint "supervised",free stuff thresholds, or conversely,unable to "write-off" their um..earnings, vacation homes, and "essential" travel expenses) let's call them oh..actual workers, but ONLY in years the Legislature can't seem to balance the budget with the available cash-on-hand.       

From the files of Active Folks-
Text from WBUR-90.9 radio from Boston. Audio available at link.

The Other Side Of Domestic Violence

BOSTON -- One of the many repercussions from the recession is a rise in domestic violence. Nationally, three out of four shelters report an increase in women seeking help. In Massachusetts, sexual assault and domestic violence programs are experiencing increases in demand from 30 to 100 percent -- and the cases are more violent.

Experts cite a change in economic status as a primary cause.

Despite the growing number of women seeking help, there are still many victims in the shadows -- male victims. Research shows women assault their partners nearly as often as men.

Professor Murray Strauss, co-founder of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire, has done extensive research on domestic violence against men, but says that, in general, we don't hear much about it.

"We're more concerned about women being attacked than men -- as we should be -- because women are more vulnerable; women are more likely to be injured," Strauss said. "We should give priority to assaults by men, but we shouldn't ignore assaults by women."

Violence isn't always physical

Services for male victims of domestic abuse are difficult to come by. Jan Brown, director of the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men & Women, said there is a recurring pattern to what she hears in phone calls from men. "The physical attacks, guys will say, 'Well, I can take that. It's not that bad,' " Brown said. "But it's the psychological abuse that is usually most devastating to them."

"Domestic violence isn't just about physical injury," Brown said. "We've opened it up to mental, emotional abuse also. And men are more fearful of losing their children, losing their reputation, losing their property. All that psychological abuse that female abusers use, just as men have used, too."

Brown said male victims of domestic violence are less likely to come forward than are female victims, because of the greater degree of shame that comes from admitting they're being abused. "Many men are brought up to be tough, take it like a man and don't talk about your problems," Brown said. "And the other side of it is, there's no outreach for men as victims of female violence."

A man who is being abused may not even know to think of himself as a victim of domestic violence. "Just like 30 years ago, or more, women didn't know -- we didn't have a name for it," Brown said. "Today we don't have a name for what's happening to men. Yet."

Brown said men rarely have a place to turn in their communities, despite there being more than 2,000 domestic violence shelter programs in the country. "I myself have made calls to many of them, trying to find out services they offer," she said, "and many times I've gotten, 'We don't help men. I don't know what to tell ya.' "

Finding shelter and support

"Shelter is the hardest thing for men to find," Brown said. Even if a shelter program does offer services to men, those may not match the services offered to women. "Sometimes they'll say, 'Have 'em give us a call,' and it'll be phone support offered, maybe a one- or two-night hotel voucher, some court advocacy -- but that's it," Brown said.

She recalled one incident in particular in which her organization had to pay for a bus ticket to send a man from Boston to New Mexico, just to find him safe shelter.

She tells the men she speaks with to make sure they are able to prove that they are victims. "Through pictures, through emergency room visits -- reporting the injuries," she said. "Talk to the police. Create a paper trail."

Other times, Brown said, shelter programs direct male victims to homeless shelters, "which does not have the security and benefits that a domestic violence shelter program has."

Since Brown founded the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men & Women in 2000, she said she's seen some change, most in the form of growing awareness among the public. But that newfound awareness hasn't been represented in service programs, she said, which badly need to adopt a more "open-minded" attitude.

"It's a challenge," Brown said. "No doubt it's a challenge."

Via. email from DAHMAW
Main / Marriage? Well, what's your IQ?
Jul 02, 2009, 07:32 AM
Vox Popoli weighs in with the long version, using  more simple vocabulary than I would.
Make no mistake, Mr. Beale is most certainly in the over 101 IQ bracket.

Is Marriage worth it?
GROSSLY clipped
Is marriage worth it? Well, I should say it increasingly depends on the sex and religion of the individual. In its present state-dictated form, marriage is very much worth it for women, it is a tolerable and necessary risk for religious men, and it is an incredibly stupid gamble for non-religious men.
The man you marry today will not be the man you are married to in a decade, just as you will not be the same woman. Remember that marriage and love are as much processes as states.
The greatest challenge, assuming you don't actually physically repel strangers with your looks, is that men are rightfully wary of gambling their future and family on momentary female whims. So, the more you make it clear that you will do everything and sign anything that will help reduce that unreasonable risk, the more likely it is that you will eventually find yourself in possession of a husband.

*sigh* Read The Whole Thing
AND the commentary by "the usual suspects" that loiter there.
I am purposely NOT amongst them- on THIS one.
Main / DAHM-AW
Feb 26, 2009, 10:10 AM
DANG I like cut and paste.
Cross posted in Men and Domestic Violence

Recent piece in the (State of Maine)Kennebec Journal concerning Jan Brown and her efforts in providing
access to men faced with Domestic Abuse (whatever that may be).
Addressing the comparable  frequency of  domestic violence perpetration-much as Erin Prizzy discovered from the outset of HER original efforts in shelters for "battered" women.
HARMONY -- Every 21 seconds, somewhere in America a woman is raped or battered, according to a November 2000 Department of Justice report on the National Violence Against Women survey.
And every 38 seconds, somewhere in America a man is battered or raped by his intimate partner.

An estimated 1.5 million women and 835,000 men are the victims of domestic violence each year.

The reports show a raw, new face of spousal abuse -- where men and boys are also victims, said Jan Brown, director and founder of Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men & Women, based in Harmony(Maine).

Brown, 52, and members of her support staff are to be the subjects of an upcoming documentary about male victims of domestic violence. The one-hour documentary is part of the series called "Secret Lives of Women" and will be aired this spring on WE tv, a cable-TV outlet.

Surprisingly, the comments (must register to submit) have not been infected by knee-jerk
misandrists eager to defend the well cultivated  public perception, as well as public tax dollars, to their "cause".

Fairly near by in Conway New Hampshire, a selectman made a comment (paraphrase)
akin to "Domestic Violence is a cheep device abused by some women in divorce cases.",
when defending his position of not recommended for local taxpayer funds to
augment the SEVEN other sources of "operating expenses" (four full time salaried
"staff" members) in upcoming town meeting.

It got to Glenn Sacks (via AP I'm guessing). He shined a bit of light on it. No mention of the fisking in the local rag.

Of course, the flood of local printed letters, most of them quite simply ad hominem
(irony flag), took up an ASTOUNDING amount of "ink" for the Conway Daily Sun,a left-leaning rag (payment required for on-line access) . To date, ONE "printed" writer confessed to knowing of ONE instance, where a woman had outright lied about Domestic Violence-(battery-abuse-child sexual assault, whatever)- then went on to dismiss it, as if it were annecdotal.

Coincidently, the newly formed White Ribbon campaign, initiated by the husband of the local non-profit womans organisation in question Starting Point board member, jumped on the bandwagon to solicit members for their Order of the White Feather, by any other name (warning: WIKIPEDIA).

In fairness, I have not attended either of the"Mens" White Ribbon  gatherings to determine their actual agenda. In my defense, I know the players.   

Visit the Starting Point website linked above.
Find the section addressing legal/emergency help for hetrosexual  males and/or fathers.
Find the referral  to the(relatively) near by Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women
Oh wait..................................................................................     
Men and Domestic Violence / DAHM-AW
Feb 26, 2009, 09:58 AM
Recent piece in the (State of Maine)Kennebec Journal concerning Jan Brown and her efforts in providing
access to men faced with Domestic Abuse (whatever that may be).
Addressing the comparable  frequency of  domestic violence perpetration-much as Erin Prizzy discovered from the outset of HER original efforts in shelters for "battered" women.
HARMONY -- Every 21 seconds, somewhere in America a woman is raped or battered, according to a November 2000 Department of Justice report on the National Violence Against Women survey.
And every 38 seconds, somewhere in America a man is battered or raped by his intimate partner.

An estimated 1.5 million women and 835,000 men are the victims of domestic violence each year.

The reports show a raw, new face of spousal abuse -- where men and boys are also victims, said Jan Brown, director and founder of Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men & Women, based in Harmony(Maine).

Brown, 52, and members of her support staff are to be the subjects of an upcoming documentary about male victims of domestic violence. The one-hour documentary is part of the series called "Secret Lives of Women" and will be aired this spring on WE tv, a cable-TV outlet.

Surprisingly, the comments (must register to submit) have not been infected by knee-jerk
misandrists eager to defend the well cultivated  public perception, as well as public tax dollars, to their "cause".

Fairly near by in Conway New Hampshire, a selectman made a comment (paraphrase)
akin to "Domestic Violence is a cheep device abused by some women in divorce cases.",
when defending his position of not recommended for local taxpayer funds to
augment the SEVEN other sources of "operating expenses" (four full time salaried
"staff" members) in upcoming town meeting.

It got to Glenn Sacks (via AP I'm guessing). He shined a bit of light on it. No mention of the fisking in the local rag.

Of course, the flood of local printed letters, most of them quite simply ad hominem
(irony flag), took up an ASTOUNDING amount of "ink" for the Conway Daily Sun,a left-leaning rag (payment required for on-line access) . To date, ONE "printed" writer confessed to knowing of ONE instance, where a woman had outright lied about Domestic Violence-(battery-abuse-child sexual assault, whatever)- then went on to dismiss it, as if it were annecdotal.

Coincidently, the newly formed White Ribbon campaign, initiated by the husband of the local non-profit womans organisation in question Starting Point board member, jumped on the bandwagon to solicit members for their Order of the White Feather, by any other name (warning: WIKIPEDIA).

In fairness, I have not attended either of the"Mens" White Ribbon  gatherings to determine their actual agenda. In my defense, I know the players.   

Visit the Starting Point website linked above.
Find the section addressing legal/emergency help for hetrosexual  males and/or fathers.
Find the referral  to the(relatively) near by Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women
Oh wait..................................................................................     
In yet another astoundingly broad leap of logic yet another another group of ignorant cunts
jump on the band wagon well known to be propped up on cement blocks.

Despite the debunking of the data that falsely constructed the very same  "wheels" of the Duluth Model of Etheral "Legislation" that is most often enforced in "special" courts, this group of "special" citizens of the humanities has decreed that they are worthy of declaration that they be more equal than others.

In an industry teeming with faggots, and coincidently, a disproportionate (to the populace)
percentage of homosexuals, these women are DEMANDING favorable discrimination, based
entirely on gender. There has been NO demonstrable logic in their non sequtorial plaints-linking myths of "the workplace" to rejection of their sub standard performance
in a highly competitive, and demonstrably open, field.

The New York Times is the paper of record that actually gives  these parasites of "the Arts" column space.

"I personally don't think playwriting is a gene on a Y chromosome," said Theresa Rebeck, a playwright whose work (Omnium Gatherum," "Mauritius," "The Scene") has been produced frequently on New York stages, including on Broadway. She added that there has been a reluctance to confront the issue: "Many of our male peers find the debate intolerable. Men in the community seem to think that everything is fine."

Ms. Schulman counted 50 plays by living American playwrights that are being mounted at the 14 theaters, 40 by men and 10 by women. Although there are differences about the best way to tally the numbers, no one disputes that a significant inequity exists.

"It's harder for women playwrights and directors," said Oskar Eustis, artistic director at the nonprofit Public Theater, because "it's harder for professional women in the United States."

I claim, It's harde for THIS group because, compared to the grown ups, theirs is the  "work" of amatures, compared to successful craftsmanship of masters that have actually paid their dues

Let's look at the gender ratios in the "artistic" Scenic Artist/Designers Union (United Scenic Artists) for contrast.