Whether anything comes of it or not, lots and lots of people are starting to get that there probably was significant election fraud. The New York Times and all the rest of the left-leaning media are trying to deny and suppress this, but it is still getting out among the populace. My impression is that the Trump administration is really getting on this as quickly as possible.
Here is a photo in Lansing, Michigan, last Saturday (not by me - I saw it on another website) of people protesting the fraud:
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/552650d8c3767185dd50679f42c22655bc83b17d278705e3829414d3dcca40a7.jpgThe social media are really working overtime to suppress this. Many people are now turning to neutral versions of Facebook & Co: Parler, MeWe, Gab etc. The smirking, arrogant head of Google, Sundar Pichai, also needs to be taken down a notch.