The intellectual crystallization of the non-feminist revolution has been long a-building, and many have been the pioneering philosophers who have contributed to this ongoing effort over the course of years. Yes, I should know, for I have been one of them! We have all, in our ways, piled stone upon stone, building on the work of those who came before us.
And this thing of ours began how? It began with ordinary men -- men who knew that something was not right!
These men knew that a foul wind was astir, and that it blew from all directions. Understandably, they could not trace it; they could not unriddle the mystery of it; they could not reduce it to order. And finally, they could not comprehend what to do about it. For in the midst of this tempest they wandered in darkness, through an unknown landscape where entirely new forces prevailed, where old maps were useless and compass needles vacillated crazily in search of a magnetic north that had simply vanished.
Again, ordinary men knew that something was not right. And how did these men know? Well, some got their knowledge the hard way, through personal suffering or even tragedy. And others? Well. . they just knew. For it is only natural to heed your nose when a foul tempest strikes from all directions, yes?
So knowledge dawned, by degrees, upon men in growing numbers. And these men, largely by the grace of the internet, began to find each other and to share information. The most precious gift they acquired was the knowledge that they were not alone. And knowing this, they let the torch beam of their pooled comprehension play randomly upon the alien landscape where they found themselves, and they commenced by stages to know something of its topography, of the laws which formed it, and of the forces which governed their own place within it.
Every step along that road of knowledge not only brought renewed conviction that something was not right, but yielded growing evidence of what, in particular, was wrong. And bit by bit, the accumulations of analysis would crystallize into synthesis, leading to more analysis and more synthesis, layer by layer.
And so in time, we have witnessed the growth of understanding as a sequential progression of logic beginning in the microcosm of personal experience, and rippling ever outward into greater circumferences. Simply put, we have gained, through hard-fought battles of clarification, a view of the big picture. And here we pause for breath while we take in the panorama.
Yes, the panorama seems to swirl for a minute, but very soon settles into focus. And gazing out upon it, it dawns upon us little-by-little that we have arrived at the Next Level, that the game from henceforward will be very, very different indeed. We are ready to cast off the "mind-forged manacles" of the past, and face the future with a different set of implements.
In sum, the intellectual crystallization of the non-feminist revolution has reached a milestone, and is now set to grow exponentially, as never before.
The new year 2011 marks the inauguration of a bold new website in the field of counter-feminism and pro-male advocacy. I expect this new website will become notorious, even infamous, and brew quite a storm! The author of this website is Adam Kostakis -- and Adam is a
new man in every way. And although you've not heard of him, be assured, oh yes, that he has heard of you!
Now, it has been my good fortune to work closely with Adam Kostakis over the past few months, and I guarantee that he and I are of one mind upon the thought that feminists have no sense of humor!
But cutting to the chase: Adam Kostakis is a mysterious Slavic revolutionary from the dark hinterlands, an arcane doctor of epistemetaphysiology, an accomplished violinist who plays tortuously difficult Tartini sonatas on his vintage Stradivarius and lives in a dark, baronial castle atop the basalt cliffs overlooking the Yakima River Canyon in eastern Washington state, USA. In addition, Adam Kostakis wears a monocle, clicks his heels like a Prussian junker, and carries a manly duelling scar across his left cheekbone. All-in-all, patriarchally considered, quite the deuce of a fellow!
Adam has spent years in his tower pondering the work of the MRA philosophers (including my own!) and generally scrutinizing the MRA scene, and he believes the hour has struck in which he too must enter the lists and cross swords with the femplex. As an arcane doctor of epistemetaphysiology, Adam Kostakis has a superbly synthesizing mind which he has brought to bear upon the business now in hand. And Adam has formulated an innovative world-paradigm that will compose the efficient philosophical foundation for the non-feminist revolution as it moves ever deeper into the post-argumentalist phase of the feminist war.
Adam Kostakis's website is a blog which bears the straightforward title of
Gynocentrism Theory. Adam will make known his counter-feminist teachings in regular installments, or lectures, to be posted on a weekly basis. The whole wide world is invited to attend these lectures, but non-feminist partisans, at all levels of training, are particularly invited. For it is such folk especially whom we hope to inspire with a new modality of thinking, feeling, operating, and being-in-the-world.
Adam's blog has been in preparation for several months, and the lecture material stands ready well in advance. Adam has submitted numerous manuscripts to me for critical perusal and advisement, and this work, for me, has been a pleasure indeed!
What you will find is a grand new synthesis that builds upon the best MRA traditions of the past, and yet surpasses them -- keeping what is profitable while purging away the dross, in a way that combines both conventional and unconventional strategies. Welcome to the New Level, and brace yourself for the power boost! We lay the foundation here for a new political understanding and a new model of disciplined preaching -- a stabilizing center of gravity amidst the intellectual chaos which, until now, has prevailed in both the pro-male men's movement and the non-feminist sector as a whole.
Scattering memes in the wind, steady as we go . . .
Go now