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Topics - Dadof4

Main / Mary Winkler is getting her kids back
Aug 01, 2008, 05:51 PM
It came out on  :angryfire: What in the hell is this world comming to?
Main / NY Times Article. Ready to puke guys?
Apr 30, 2008, 09:43 AM

Since most women raising children without the father in the home receive no child support payments, having an absent father can spell both emotional and economic problems for children.

'I'm More Than Mad'

Misty and Joey Milot of Dallas have not seen their father for six years. Their parents divorced in 1981 when the children were still small. For a while, their father visited occasionally and paid child support regularly. But in 1984 he stopped coming, and in 1988, the payments trickled to a halt. And now, 12-year-old Misty says what she feels toward her father is simply rage.

''When I see him, if I ever see him again, all I want to do is beat him and spit on him and then laugh when I'm done,'' she said. ''I'm more than mad that he abandoned us, I'm disgusted.''

Mr. Milot, who now lives in Arizona, blames his former wife for the estrangement. ''We had a very bitter divorce and I moved away, but whenever I came back to Dallas to see the kids, their mother would always get in the way,'' he said.

''Once I got there,'' he said, ''the kids were crying and cowering by the wall, because she's been priming them against me, so they were petrified. After that, I sat down and said to myself, 'Norman, what's happening to those kids isn't worth it; let them get on with their lives.' '' I'm convinced I've done the right thing.''

His former wife, Lynda Milot Benson, who heads the Texas chapter of ACES, the Association for Children for Enforcement of Support, a Toledo, Ohio-based organization concerned with child support, said she never interfered with her former husband's visits.

''I can't think of anything that in any way resembled that,'' Ms. Benson said. ''It's the typical thing you hear from abandoning fathers, that the moms are psychotic, and it's all their fault.''

About the only thing they both agree on is that the divorce has been very hard on their children. ''The sad part is that kids need two parents,'' Ms. Benson said. And Mr. Milot said, ''Kids don't deserve to be torn up like that.''

Now we're all deadbeats! Opps, wrong just "most" of us!  :pino:

Also Parental Allenation is now just a excuse for us to abandon our children after years of fighting.

''It's the typical thing you hear from abandoning fathers, that the moms are psychotic, and it's all their fault.''

I just wanted to point out the only quote that resembles truth in any way of the entire three page article.
Activism / Roomba, a new boycot.
Apr 01, 2008, 06:38 PM
 Just a few minutes ago I was watching T.V. minding my own and a commercial came on T.V. It had a woman as a woman, a donkey a.k.a jack ass as the the father and two pigs as the children. At first I was livid, ready to find the roomba website and tear someone a new one but then I realized that I should embrace this commercial as it is everything that we claim as men and fathers. What is a donkey? A beast of burden. Are we not the beasts of burden of the world? The children as pigs. Does the courts ever send our children to the slaughter by not helping a father to be involved in their lives? If you look at the statistics for fatherless children I would say it is comparable. Hell 65 to 70% of child abuse related deaths happen at the hands of mothers and female care givers. Could that be compared to the slaughter that all pigs end up at? I almost feel that the MRA's should buy the rights to this commercial and change the dialogue to reflect the truth of our situation. The characters are however perfect in my opinion.
Main / Oh poor lady.
Mar 17, 2008, 03:46 AM
WARREN -- A continuing fight between a man and his ex-girlfriend Thursday afternoon resulted in both of their vehicles being towed because neither had a valid driver's license, according to police.

Robert Faison, 40, 1769 Milton St. S.E., told police he was leaving his girlfriend's house on Southern Boulevard about 5 p.m. when his ex-girlfriend, Karenda Hutsenpiller, 19, 1163 E. Market St., drove up and struck him in the back with a police baton, according to a police report.

Faison said he tried driving away, and as he started to pass Hutsenpiller's Ford Explorer, she backed into his Cadillac. He said she continued following him and tried ramming his vehicle several more times before he called police, the report states.

The vehicles were stopped at the intersection of West Market Street and Tod Avenue.

Police checked on both vehicles and dispatchers told officers Faison was under suspension and Hutsenpiller had no driving privileges, the report states. They were issued citations and both vehicles were towed.

Officers noted in the report that the baton was found in Hutsenpiller's car, and there were two small children in the back seat.

No assault charges against Hutsenpiller had been filed as of Friday afternoon.

~cough~ duluth ~cough~