Below is a copy of an e/mail sent to U.K FATHERS it is complex in
nature but please note the content....
Has Dave uncovered huge mistakes in the sytem...I think he has ?
It makes very interesting reading.
All credit to this man who works endlessly for mens rights..
New Message on Male rights
From: ukfathers
Message 2 in Discussion
----- Original Message -----
From: Robillard
[email protected] Cx:
[email protected] ;
[email protected] Sent:
Friday, February 10, 2006 1:16 PM
Subject: REF # 2006/0003780 FAO Phillip
Dear Mr Kelly,
Thank you for your email of 9 February which asserts, on behalf of the DfES, that: "The Government did not commit at any stage to developing an Early Interventions model of dispute resolution, as proposed by New Approaches to Contact."
You are misinformed.
1. The Department is referred to Lord Filkin, Parliamentary Under secretary for State, Children and Families ( 13 April 2005 2005/0015774 POLF): "In no sense has there been any abandonment of the Early Interventions initiative proposed by the NATC"
This assertion is one of an extended line of documented official pronouncements made, and Ministerial meetings held, on the basis that
the EI project (and/or the principles in the EI project) were in progress. A
sample of similar pronouncements is excerpted at the foot of this email.
Please may I have your comments.
2. Following receipt of the EI project espoused by Ministers on 8 October 2003, the civil servant given the file (Mr Bruce Clark, Looked After Children) decided to ignore the EI project and replace it with a project of his own.
During this process, and for over a year, Mr Bruce Clark gave out to
Ministers (and to all other comers) that he continued to progress the EI project (and / or a project of a different named based upon identical
Details of this substitution are appended below.
Please may I have your comments.
3. The events outlined above, engineered by Mr Clark, have led Private Law family law reform to the present impasse:
(i) The Green Paper Parental Separation (based on the EI reforms Ministers believed were in the pipeline) was voided of utility
(ii) The Children and Adoption Bill (also based on the EI reforms Ministers believed were in the pipeline) was subverted.
(iii) To the extent that the Children and Adoption Bill will now achieve anything, it will now make things worse
Please may I have your comments.
4. Please you will confirm:
(i) whether the Mr Bruce Clark mentioned above is the same Mr Bruce
Clark who chaired the Working Group which devised the 2002 guidelines
on FII / MSBP, 'Safeguarding Children in whom Illness is Induced or Fabricated'
(ii) whether a demand that these guidelines be reviewed or withdrawn has been made by a Cross Party Group of MPs by letter to the Minister
submitted in January 2006
I look forward to your reply.
5. Can you confirm that the Guidelines on MSbP/ FII issued by Mr
Clark again involved Mr Clark substituting his own agenda ( i.e.
promulgating a national framework to process cases on the basis that
they might be guilty of MSbP) for the working remit under which his group
supposedly acted, namely to develop criteria for the "correct entification" of MSbP
I look forward to your reply.
6. Please also confirm:
- if Mr Clark is still employed by the Department
- if so, in what capacity
- the number and nature of any projects on which
Mr Clark is now believed to be working
I look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Robillard, --------------------------------
1. Ministers and the NATC Early Interventions project
"The Early Interventions project which was developed by New Approaches
to Contact (NATC) and others, is being developed and taken forward"
Lord Filkin, by letter, 29 April 2004 , to the Equal Parenting
"To suggest, as the Opposition have, that we have abandoned what was
known as the early interventions initiative is simply a travesty of the
Rt Hon Margaret Hodge, 13 December 2004; to the House
" In no sense has there been any abandonment of the Early Interventions
initiative as proposed by NATC... I also attach a table for your
information that
shows the differences between FRPP and Early Interventions."
Text of standard DfES email, e.g. 2 March 2005
'I should highlight that New Approaches to Contact have been involved
throughout the Department's Consultation on the Green paper Parental
Separation: Children's Needs and Parents' Responsibilities. I have
personally met with the Director of NATC to discuss the early
proposals to which (your constituent's) letter refers.'
The Rt Hon Margaret Hodge, 24 Jan 05, MH to Eric Forth MP
"Neither I, nor the Design Group, for the Family Resolutions Project
met New Approaches to Contact (NATC)."
The Rt Hon Margaret Hodge, 2 March 2005, in reply to a Written Question
from Eric Forth MP
"The Fam Res project now produced does not resemble the agreed EI
In fact, Fam
Res is opposite of EI. Work on the EI project never started."
Letter, NATC to Lord Filkin, 6 April 2005
2. Mr Bruce Clark - subverting family policy
The NATC EI project submitted on 8 October 2003, and approved by
was passed to Mr Bruce Clark for implementation.
The NATC EI project had full judicial approval.
Mr Clark mislaid the EI papers, possibly without reading them. He did not
approach the EI project originators. Instead, Mr Clark consulted almost
exclusively with those opposed to, or ignorant of, the EI project.
The design Team never saw the EI project specifications. The project name was changed - amidst assurances to Ministers that this was no more than a name-change. Mr Clark (unaware of first principles in this area) then began a different project, from scratch - unwittingly reversing the specific EI (or 'Florida ') principle adopted by Government.
Throughout the period October 2003 to end-2004 Mr Clark pretended - to
Ministers, Lords of Appeal, judges, lawyers and colleagues - that he was still taking the EI project (or the principles in the EI project) forward.
To put it bluntly, he lied.
The spoiler which Mr Clark substituted for the NATC EI project ('Family
Resolutions) has of course collapsed amidst general derision.
----- Original Message -----
From: <
[email protected] >
To: <Robillard>
Subject: Family Law Reform
Date: Thu, 9 Feb
2006 17:10:19 -0000
Dear Robillard
Thank you for your recent e-mails addressed to Ruth Kelly, Beverley
Hughes, Bill Rammell, Tessa Jowell and Karen Buck, about the New Approaches to Contact (NATC) Early Intervention project. I am sure you will appreciate that Ministers receive a large volume of correspondence and are unable to answer every letter or e-mail themselves. On this occasion, I have been asked to respond on behalf of the ministers.
The Government did not commit at any stage to developing an Early
Interventions model of dispute resolution, as proposed by New pproaches to Contact. The Government has developed and piloted a model called Family Resolutions which drew, in its design, on a number of similar models operating in other jurisdictions, including Florida, USA. The Family Resolutions Pilot Project was a time-limited pilot project that ran for one year from September 2004 to September 2005. It was designed to test the value of group work and parent planning sessions in helping parents resolve their differences about contact arrangements for their children after parental separation, without recourse to the full court process. The Pilot project ended in September 2005 and an independent evaluation, to assess its impact, is currently being prepared and is expected to be published in March 2006. This is intended to inform decisions about how to implement lessons learned from the pilot.
Yours sincerely
Phillip Kelly
Public Communications Unit
Your correspondence has been allocated the reference number
To correspond by email with the Department for Education and Skills
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