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Generally speaking (of course there are exceptions).
The men on this forum have become nothing more then high comedy.
You've now entered the ranks (and perhaps surpassed) of not only militant feminists but white supremacists, crazy nation of Islam types, self professed vampires, and furries (reading one thread one might think you're closest to the furries).
The white man = The most noble of victimized victims, tread upon by jezebels and harlots continuously.. dropping like flies because of the incessant barrage of female induced hatred.
Congrats on making this forum "the freak's freak" forum. Please continue to entertain without actually harming real human beings please.
I received one yesterday and it really spooks me!
I decided that I will simply have to trust that you gents have the intelligence and the open-mindedness to see these things for yourselves.
So, Amber's form of "Men's Rights" is to have the genders act within their own roles, completely oblivious to the idea that today, being a "woman" already means to be virtually free of responsibility, while having choices, rights and freedoms.
That is what it looks like from Amber's articles that I have read.
The freest, most bitchen', totally hot country in like, forever, and stuff...
Sadly, No points us in the direction of our mutual gal-pal, Amber Pawlik, who is still cruising MensNewsDaily (yeah, we never heard of it either) looking for a date to the Winter Formal at PSU. Today Amber is talking war stuff:
This scum bucket, as of this morning of December 14, 2003, was captured and detained, and all Iraqis can rest assured that they will never suffer terror at the hands of this monster again. It wasn�t Canada that captured him; it wasn�t Mexico; it wasn�t Germany; it wasn�t France: it was the United States, the freest, most capitalistic nation in the world today or ever.
This is sooo Tiger-Beat-meets-The-New-Republic. Maybe Amber can do a sleepover at Kathryn Jean Lopez's place this Saturday night and they can, like, stay up late eating microwave popcorn and watching Red Dawn and writing notes to slip into Rich Lowry's locker at the Corner because, he's like, all yummy and stuff, like James Spader in Pretty In Pink kinda way, and omigod! he likes you, no he likes you! and we better masturbate and then go to sleep before your mom wakes up or we won't be able to go to Hot Topic at the mall tomorrow and buy Good Charlotte and Rod Dreher pins.....