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Dec 26, 2019, 10:26 AM
The account may be impressive, but it seems to me that the owner isn't all that bright.  No bank account should contain more than the maximum amount that the bank is insured for.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that amount $100,000?  If you have 100 million, you should spread it out in multiple banks.
Article here.  Dear Abby is a female-written advice column. A male abuse victim wrote to her seeking suggestions for resources to help male abuse victims. It's nice to know that of the two resources that she suggests to him, at least one of them is an advocacy group that is genuinely friendly to male victims (SAFE).

Husband Abused By His Wife Finds Few Resources For Men
Dear Abby
By Abigail Van Buren
June 22, 2011

DEAR ABBY: I was a victim of domestic abuse by my wife, and I don't feel I have been treated fairly. There are many programs for abused women, but I haven't found any for men. This problem is more common than people realize, but men are embarrassed to say anything. I'd like my voice to be heard to encourage men to speak up.

I did not hit my wife back after she beat on me. I still love her, but I refuse to be abused any longer. Abby, please help me help myself and others. -- BILL IN ARKANSAS

DEAR BILL: Gladly. Among the problems with spousal abuse is that it escalates. Over the last decade domestic violence groups have become more aware of female-to-male domestic violence and violent behavior in same-sex relationships, and are better prepared to offer help than they used to be. That's why it's important you contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline. The toll-free number is (800) 799-7233. Counselors there offer guidance to women and men who are being abused by their spouse or partner.

Another organization, SAFE (Stop Abuse for Everyone), also assists victims of abuse regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation. Its website is
To the mind of a feminist ideologue, "equality" can mean thousands of years of ostensibly male privilege and domination being "balanced out" with thousands of years of female privilege and domination.  Such a turnabout would be fair play in the feminist's mind.  Maybe after that balance had been achieved -- sometime around the year 5011 A.D. -- the feminists will tack on an additional epoch of female privilege as a sort of "reparations" for the alleged male-domination that reigned up until feminism's rise during the 20th century.  If we accepted such feminist's rendition of equality, we wouldn't get back to any semblance of authentic equality until, say, around the year 8011 A.D.  Which by that time, they might just revise history again as they did during the 20th century, and try to convince us all that women have been oppressed by male privilege and domination from 1000 B.C. all the way to 8011 A.D. -- a period of more than 9000 years -- and at that time this lie will be the feminists' pretext to try for another 9000 years of female domination.  It could be the year 17022 A.D. before the feminists are done with their epoch of female domination.  But then again, even at that time they could always try again for another 15,000 years of female privilege...  After all, historical revisionism is a potent weapon in the feminist arsenal.

With feminist ideologues' version of "equality," when does the inequality ever actually end?
I posted this comment on his blog:

What an AWFUL article! Why is it that every year around Father's Day, we get some anti-male father shamer, a tool like Jeff Pearlman to tell fathers how bad they are and demand that they shape up?

I am sickened by the sentiment. Father's Day is a day on which fathers should be HONORED, not shamed, not accused of being privileged and lazy, not told to "wake up." Do you ever hear people demanding such things of mothers on Mother's Day? Is it so much to ask that fathers be given honor on Father's Day?

These statements in particular really made me want to expel my lunch:

1. "Pay close attention, because, behind your back, people are pitying your wife"

2. "Make Father's Day less about you"

3. "Really, wake the hell up. Now. I understand that most of you have 9-to-5 jobs, that you leave tired and come home tired and just wanna chill in front of SportsCenter with a bowl of chips. But, seriously, you have no remote idea: Being a stay-at-home parent is exhausting."

I've been a full-time stay-at-home parent, and I'm telling you it's absolutely not that hard. If it is, then you're doing it wrong. Get organized, stick to a schedule and enforce a routine. Your kids will be just fine because they know what to expect. Then, while the breadwinner is still out earning the money to ensure your survival, you can take a leisurely stroll down to the park with your kids and play with them while your partner slaves away in front of a CRT monitor.

Don't tell me that I have no idea how "hard" it is to stay at home. It's a privilege to stay at home, rather than a burdensome obligation. And it's an unappreciated obligation to be a full-time breadwinning provider. So Jeff, why don't you simply tell all the fathers out there "thank you," instead of shaming them, and thereafter be on your way.
Article here.  It's like clockwork.  Every year at Father's Day, we have some tool who fancies himself as a caped crusader and demands that fathers stop being such bad fathers, and for once start being good fathers.  Anyone care to give Jeff Pearlman a piece of your mind?  He also has a discussion of this article on his personal blog.  Comments are currently open...

A father's day wish: Dads, wake the hell up!
By Jeff Pearlman, Special to CNN
June 16, 2011 9:32 a.m. EDT

(CNN) -- The woman started crying.

I didn't expect this, because, well, why would I? We were two adults, standing in a preschool auditorium, waiting for the year-end musical gala to begin, talking summer plans and Twitter and junk fiction and all things mindless parents talk at mindless events. Then -- tears.

"My husband," she said, "doesn't care."

"Uh, about what?" I asked.

The floodgates now open, she told me her husband works from home. But he never drops their daughter off at preschool. He never picks their daughter up at preschool. He never wakes up with their daughter, never puts her to bed, never takes her to a movie or a carnival or a ball game; never comes up with fun daddy-daughter activities. "All he worries about is golf," the mother said. "Sometimes he'll take her to the driving range for an hour. But that's it. ..."

Two days later, by mere coincidence, a different mother cornered me. I was sitting in a pizzeria with my son, Emmett, and daughter, Casey, gnawing on a calzone. The woman, another preschool regular who always seems to be dragging around her kids with the worn look of a chain gang inmate, glanced my way and muttered, "My husband would never do that."

"Do what?" I asked.

"Be out alone with both of the kids at once," she said. "Never."

In case you are wondering, I am that dad. The one who works out of the house. The one who drives his kids to school, packs lunches and pushes swings and arranges play dates and attends teacher conferences and -- generally speaking -- frequently finds himself alone in brightly colored rooms filled with women and tykes.

Along with my wife (who, until recently, also worked from home), I wipe snot, clean poop, order time outs and say no -- Really, no! I'm being serious, no! -- to the damned ice cream man and his Satanic siren call. I know all of my kids' friends, and most of their tendencies (Ashley and Emily love dolls, Lucas only wants to talk about Derek Jeter, Tyler digs applesauce).

Hence, I have been sent here today, on behalf of the stay-at-home mothers of the world, to convey to my fellow pops a message of love and hope in this lead-up to Father's Day: Wake the hell up.

Really, wake the hell up. Now. I understand that most of you have 9-to-5 jobs, that you leave tired and come home tired and just wanna chill in front of SportsCenter with a bowl of chips. But, seriously, you have no remote idea: Being a stay-at-home parent is exhausting. At the office, you can hide. You can take lunch. You can pretend you're working while scrolling the Internet for Yankees-Blue Jays and, ahem, Lindsay Lohan news. You have genuine social interactions with folks over the age of, oh, 12. People ask questions about your day -- and listen to the answers.

I envy you, but I sort of pity you. Kids grow. Age 1 turns to age 3, which turns to age 7, which turns to 15 and 18 and 21, all in the blink of an eye. If you're there, as I am, it flies. If you're not there -- if you're almost never there -- it barely exists at all. Which is why I just can't stomach those millions of dads who view their days at home as recovery from work, who'd rather rest than engage, who have no problem with passing the tykes off for more alone time with mom and who, literally, moan to their wives, "You have no idea how hard I work."

For you, I offer these 10 commandments of righteous fatherhood. Pay close attention, because, behind your back, people are pitying your wife:

1. No golf on weekends: Seriously, it's ludicrous. Your spouse is home with the kids all the time, and you think it's OK to take five hours on a weekend day to pursue your own pastime? Selfishness, thy name is Father.

2. Wake up: Literally, wake up. With your kids. On at least one of the two weekend days -- and perhaps both. I know: you wake up early for work. Not even remotely the same thing. Rising alongside the kiddies is hard. And crazy. And (gasp!) sorta fun, if you'd just stop moping.

3. Change diapers: If you have little kids, and you don't know how to change diapers (or, even worse, refuse to change diapers), you're pathetic. That's no exaggeration -- p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c. It's not all that hard, and though the poop sometimes winds up on the fingers, well, uh, yeah. It just does. Wash your hands.

4. Play with dolls and paint your toenails: How many fathers do I know who refuse to get girlish with their girls? Dozens. Dude, put aside the machismo, break out Barbie and slather on some pink polish. You'll make a friend for life -- and nobody else is watching.

5. Do things you don't want to do: It's easy to take the kids to the driving range -- because you want to be there. Now try spending the day having a tea party at American Girl. Or crawling through one of those wormholes at the nearby kiddie gym. Fun? Often, no. But this isn't about you.

6. Order the wife to bug off: I recently met a mother who told me her husband hadn't been alone with their 9-year-old daughter for more than two hours ... ever. Inexcusable. Let your wife do her own thing: relax, take a run, whatever. Entertain your children solo. They don't bite (Note: is not liable if your children do, in fact, bite).

7. Surprise! Just once, on a random day without meaning or purpose, show up early at your kid's school/camp/wherever, say "Get in the car!" and take him/her somewhere special. Just the two of you, alone. A movie. A park. A hike. The memory lasts -- I promise.

8. Dishes Don't Clean Themselves (Nor Do Toys): It's amazing how this one works. You pick up a dish, run it under hot water with some soap, rub it down with a towel and place it back on the shelf. Then repeat.

9. Wake up your kid: Not often. But if you want to score big points and create a killer memory moment, walk in Junior's room at, oh, midnight, wake him/her up and go outside for 10 minutes to watch the stars.

10. For God's sake, tell your kids you love them: They never see you, and they'd probably like to know.

Bud, as you read this your wife is expecting little -- and your kids are expecting even less. Pull one out of the blue. Make Father's Day less about you, and all about them. [emphasis mine -- John Dias]

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Jeff Pearlman.
This video fascinates me.  I think that we can learn something from it because it may help us to identify how to motivate ourselves and motivate others to achieve bigger and better things, whether those things be personal goals or maybe even achievements for the causes that we believe in.  Tell me what you think, guys.

RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

Who is the  bitch flipping the bird? Is she the SOW cow?

That picture would be the prime minister of Australia.
Fellow advocates, check out the following video of a brave elected official in Australia.  Copy and paste a link to this video into your blog or Web site, into your e-mail newsletter, into whatever distribution network over which you have influence, far and wide.  It's that good.

The feminist trojan horse in Family Law
May 31, 2011
The feminist trojan horse in Family Law

We have a bold and uncompromising ally in an Australian member of parliament named George Christensen.  Here is his Web page:

The video linked above is so compelling that I think I wouldn't be exaggerating to say that to MRAs it is indeed electrifying.  Mr. Christensen criticizes anti-father legislation specifically on the basis that it is based on feminist ideology, and he also says that the author of the legislation promoted "myths" about family violence as the pretext to passing her anti-father bill.  Twice the president of the chamber demanded that he "withdraw," but Christensen simply didn't back down at all.

From the floor of a deliberative chamber in the halls of government, we have now heard the powerful voice of a true champion of men's and father's rights -- and, indeed, of their children's rights.

Spread the word!

P.S. -- The above video was found through a posting on the new blog of a highly articulate men's rights advocate named George Rolph.  Check out his article, and also his new blog, here:
Main / OT: Homeowner forecloses on bank!
Jun 08, 2011, 11:31 AM
Article here.  This is off-topic, but it resonated with me because somehow a big bank that was trying to perpetrate an injustice was held accountable instead of getting away with swiping the home of a couple that had paid cash for their home and owned their property free and clear.  After some legal maneuvers, the homeowners ended up recouping their legal fees by foreclosing on the bank!  

Yeah!  All power to the people!  Stick it to The Man!   :thumbsup:

Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It
June 5, 2011
By Kelly Heffernan-Tabor
CBS News


Collier County, Florida -- Have you heard the one about a homeowner foreclosing on a bank?

Well, it has happened in Florida and involves a North Carolina based bank.

Instead of Bank of America foreclosing on some Florida homeowner, the homeowners had sheriff's deputies foreclose on the bank.

It started five months ago when Bank of America filed foreclosure papers on the home of a couple, who didn't owe a dime on their home.

The couple said they paid cash for the house.

The case went to court and the homeowners were able to prove they didn't owe Bank of America anything on the house. In fact, it was proven that the couple never even had a mortgage bill to pay.

A Collier County Judge agreed and after the hearing, Bank of America was ordered, by the court to pay the legal fees of the homeowners', Maurenn Nyergers and her husband.

The Judge said the bank wrongfully tried to foreclose on the Nyergers' house.

So, how did it end with bank being foreclosed on?  After more than 5 months of the judge's ruling, the bank still hadn't paid the legal fees, and the homeowner's attorney did exactly what the bank tried to do to the homeowners. He seized the bank's assets.

"They've ignored our calls, ignored our letters, legally this is the next step to get my clients compensated, " attorney Todd Allen told CBS.

Sheriff's deputies, movers, and the Nyergers' attorney went to the bank and foreclosed on it. The attorney gave instructions to to remove desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets and any cash in the teller's drawers.

After about an hour of being locked out of the bank, the bank manager handed the attorney a check for the legal fees.

"As a foreclosure defense attorney this is sweet justice" says Allen.

Allen says this is something that he sees often in court, banks making errors because they didn't investigate the foreclosure and it becomes a lengthy and expensive battle for the homeowner.

CBS News
What makes this relevant to discuss on SYG is whether we would have cause to defend a male treasury secretary if the situation were reversed.  For example, what if a male treasury secretary was interrupted by a female MP who then used a gendered insult against him?  Imagine a female senator imitating the call of Tarzan after a male cabinet secretary icily demanded not to be interrupted.  Would we as men's advocates have just cause to criticize the female MP (and not just for violating the rules of order in the committee hearing)?

What also makes this relevant for men's advocates to discuss, as I mentioned earlier, is that while both parties seem to have violated decorum (and possibly the committee's rules of order), it's probable and typical that under the current misandric paradigm, the man will be roasted for his remark whereas the woman's testiness will be defended and justified.

He was an equal opportunity jerk and she pulled the gender card.

If I were the guy who upset her, I probably would have instead said something else, like, "Touchy, touchy!"  That would have been a gender-neutral comment.  The "meow hiss" thing seems to me like a gendered insult, hence I believe that it was a tad misogynistic.  Furthermore, for a man to use a "meow hiss" on another man, not only does that just seem unlikely but also if it actually did happen, it would probably be perceived as some sort of failed attempt at homosexual flirting.  So I find it implausible that a man would meow-hiss at another man that way; it would likely ever only happen from male-to-female.  

Even so, I do think that she was awfully touchy, especially for a cabinet secretary.  If you want to command respect and exude authority, then you really should pick your battles rather than sniping at people like she did.  She lost face with her touchiness, and then projected her loss of face on the man who mocked her for it.  Since he is a senator and this is a hearing, it stands to reason that both he and she owed it to their constituents to display a little more decorum than they both did.  But I am certain that she will universally be portrayed as the innocent victim despite her testiness while he'll be portrayed as a patronizing, misogynist pig.  She too deserves some criticism in this, having sniped at him, but being a women she'll inevitably be given a total pass on her behavior.
Article here.  What do you guys think?  Is she overreacting, or is this an example of genuine misogyny?

Penny Wong 'meowed' at by Liberal Senator David Bushby in an estimates hearing
Paul Elam just announced on his Web site that Vladek Filler was found not guilty of sexual assault, yet was found guilty of a lesser charge in which he was accused of throwing water on his wife's face.

Note that one of the kids (whose custody was awarded to Vladek Filler) testified that he saw his mom -- the accuser in this trial -- hit his dad in the face.  That's "HIT," not throwing water but hitting.  And she doesn't get charged criminally for hitting him in the face, whereas Vladek Filler gets charged, tried, and convicted for throwing some water.

I guess they got him somehow.