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Messages - Candide

Main / Re: Be a man
Nov 12, 2007, 08:29 PM
I say just recognize how you are being manipulated and do what you perceive to be in your best interest.  I realized a long time ago there's no percentage in being a dead hero.  So do the police.
I've been looking into this subject for some time, so at the risk of being tarred as a "conspiracy nutbar", I submit this link because it sums it up in a straight forward manner what I have gleaned:
I've been following these types of sites and postings on the 'Net for some time.  I also know something about how governments work, as well as human nature.  Also everyone who  has worked knows their overseer does NOT fully disclose his agenda to his underlings.  I think it's a good idea to understand how the money system works, how "events" are contrived or exploited to ensure public compliance with political agendas.
Now having said that, I submit feminism would not survive without government support.  Can anyone recall ANY feminist protest that the power structure responded to with violence? Because I can't.

My response to this is simple.  Say nothing and do as little as possible to support the power structure.  For the time being I simply use credit cards and take the balance in cash.  Food such as grains can be had fairly cheaply and can last a long time.  Knowing how to garden is a good idea.  Developing one's own self-sufficiency to lesson one's ability to be beholden I don't think is a bad idea.  Actively anticipating a police state where one has no rights would be something worth considering.  My focus is what I CAN do.
Main / Re: The Last Bastion of Male Privilege
Oct 03, 2007, 11:50 AM
If there is a Patriarchy, no one invited me nor anyone I know or even heard of.  Having said that, I have had the opportunity to chair extracurricular meetings.  The flak I caught generally came from mediocres who complained the most and did the least.  I also lost respect for those who wouldn't "walk their talk" when faced with a moment of truth.  I simply want people in my life whose back we''ll have respectively.  So I have walked away from "groups".
I would say an anonymous tip to someone suitable would be most optimally time-effective for you.  After all, life is limited in many respects. I don't want to lose my peace of mind over some moron if I can avoid it.
Main / Re: The Night the TVs Go Out
Oct 03, 2007, 10:40 AM

On the internet you can post your personal views as fact without recourse.

I have to admit that is why I prefer the Internet.  Moreover, what frustrates the likes of you is the fact that personal experience is UNASSAILABLE. :sunny:  I am afraid there is NO WAY to convince me differently of something I know thru experience to be true.
If he's at the bar , he will be sitting with his back against the wall & probably in one of the corners ;o).  I would sit with one chair between me & him.  I would see if he's worth buying a drink for.
Main / Re: Guerrilla Activism, good or bad?
Oct 03, 2007, 10:19 AM
Hey!  Whatever works.   :sunny:
I really don't think it matters who gets voted for.  They are going to do the bidding of those who fund their campaign, as well as that of their party.
This illustrates perfectly how feminism perpetuates itself.  These people will cluster with their kind and get "grants" to spew out more of the same.
Main / Re: Banning Boyhood
Sep 30, 2007, 03:31 PM
Please bear in mind this type of drivel emanates from people who "liked" school.  A bunch of bloodless, gutless geeks. And also note how they just love "groups" but certainly not "gangs". Consensus thru mediocrity
Frankly because there are very few men - and women who can be trusted anymore.  The type of society we live in reinforces the moral decay.
Main / Re: Feminist Wanted!
Sep 30, 2007, 03:02 PM

Quote from: Factory
Quote from: hansside
I am glad to see there is consensus on whether women in the west are oppressed today.

But were they ever?

More to the point...who gives a fuck?

I do.

This myth has been used to pummel us for decades.  The vast majority of people in the US if you were to ask them if women had been oppressed would nod their head and say, "Sure."  If you counter that and say you don't think that is so you are looked at like a nut and are immediately accused of being a woman hater.

We have got to put an end to this myth.  It is the foundation of the lies that have been repeated so often that they are now "common" knowledge.

This is important.

Hey!  I remember when the term was "Women's Liberation".  Let's liberate them to their heavy lifting.  :toothy9:
That poor academic feminist and the "studies" she wants to debate cut no ice here.  EXPERIENCE IS UNASSAILABLE  :sunny:
Here's the thing: à la George Orwell's "Animal Farm", feminism now means that women are more equal than men.  While women are quite happy to cash in on the rights, they can still play the victim card to get preferential treatment.  Men are free to work or free to go to jail for much longer than females.  Just like the pre-feminist era, men are expected to take the same amount of initiative in the dating and mating game.  The legal stakes tho are much higher.  Men get locked up by the state based simply on a woman's unsubstantiated accusation.  What comes to mind is the last guy Bush had killed as governor of Texas, based simply on one woman's accusation alone.  Then there is everything from "date rape" to the fair, impartial judicial system that sees to it that women as a rule get child custody.  Women are rarely if ever punished for making false allegations or interfering with the father's visitation rights.
I used to think feminism was in fact about "equal rights" - something I'm really not opposed to.  However, the movement is about teaching women to blame &  hate men.  According to feminists, it is ONLY men who can possibly be sexist.  They have claimed to be anti-censorship, but only for "empowering" lesbian literature.  If someone makes a factual, reasoned, dispassionate post on a feminist board, it will nonetheless be deleted if it runs counter to the feminist party line.  Feminists demonize men as rapists, child molesters and batterers.   I could go on about how boys are at the mercy of feminized teachers, who cripple their self-image & drugging them into submission and so forth.

Maybe you're starting to get it now.  I've had my moments of anger toward Western women, but now I'm simply cynically indifferent.  Whatever reserves of compassion and goodwill I had toward women has long been exhausted.  I'm not the guy who's going to rush in to rescue damsels in distress.  I've structured my life so as to avoid interacting with the mean, bitter, vindictive shrews.  I can hear you respond that "not all women are like that".  That is true.  However, the 95% who ARE do give the rest a bad name.