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Messages - KellyMB

64 Buick Riviera 465 wildcat engine, 67 Vette convertible, 69 rs/ss convertible camero :greener: Anything large, 50's to 60's and American.
Main / Child abuse and women perpetrators
Jun 10, 2007, 01:10 PM
I posted this under another thread. But I think it is important enough to have a new thread. I have not seen this article before. Hope it is new to you also. It is a total gem. It is a long article but here are some exerpts.

The sexual abuse by women of children and teenagers
A surprising 86% of survivors of sexual abuse were not believed when they said the abuser was a woman.
Many myths were exposed, such as the one that women only sexually abused when coerced by men - they in fact played the lead part. Also the myth that women are incapable of cruelty - what was shown was beyond belief.
Women commit 25% of all child sexual abuse
250,000 children in UK have been sexually abused by women
Women in our society have been portrayed as victims, but somewhere within their victimisation they have learned that to abuse children gave them a sense of power, control, agency, and therefore they use the abuse of children to gain those things.
Jacqui Saradjiam: (clinical psychologist)
I think people find it so difficult to see that women sexually abuse children because the whole view of women is of nurturers, carers, protectors - people who do anything to look after children - and they see the women as victims rather than enemies or perpetrators of any abuse.
Michelle Elliott: (Director - children's charity Kidscape)
I think the issue strikes at the core of what we perceive ourselves as women to be. I think that it's easier to think that it's men - men the enemy, somehow - but it can't be women - it's one thing women can't do. Women can be equal, we can be free, we can be in charge of companies, but we can't sexually abuse children - That's a load of rubbish.
If you follow "Who Me"'s link, at the right side of the page is an article about child abuse perpitrated by women. It is a total gem. It is a long article but here are some exerpts.

The sexual abuse by women of children and teenagers
A surprising 86% of survivors of sexual abuse were not believed when they said the abuser was a woman.
Many myths were exposed, such as the one that women only sexually abused when coerced by men - they in fact played the lead part. Also the myth that women are incapable of cruelty - what was shown was beyond belief.
Women commit 25% of all child sexual abuse
250,000 children in UK have been sexually abused by women
Women in our society have been portrayed as victims, but somewhere within their victimisation they have learned that to abuse children gave them a sense of power, control, agency, and therefore they use the abuse of children to gain those things.
Jacqui Saradjiam: (clinical psychologist)
I think people find it so difficult to see that women sexually abuse children because the whole view of women is of nurturers, carers, protectors - people who do anything to look after children - and they see the women as victims rather than enemies or perpetrators of any abuse.
Michelle Elliott: (Director - children's charity Kidscape)
I think the issue strikes at the core of what we perceive ourselves as women to be. I think that it's easier to think that it's men - men the enemy, somehow - but it can't be women - it's one thing women can't do. Women can be equal, we can be free, we can be in charge of companies, but we can't sexually abuse children - That's a load of rubbish.
Adultery is abuse, don't do it.
Main / Re: An American learns limey-bonics
Jun 07, 2007, 09:10 PM
This is a great site with slang translations. I have a good friend from England. Every now and then he says something that makes go... "What the hell does that mean?" He has been teaching me Cockney rhyming slang. I now know just enough to accidentally insult people and get into a good bar fight.  :toothy9: :drunken_smilie:
Main / Re: Speaking of "Pussy pass"
Jun 05, 2007, 10:50 AM
This is the part that just infuriates me......... :angryfire:

"Mrs. Luella Moncravie Paroled by Governor Capper.

On January 13, 1919, the Traveler reported that word was received in Arkansas City Sunday to the effect that Mrs. Luella Moncravie had been granted a parole from the Women's Industrial Farm at Lansing, and that she was en route to her home in this city. Her daughter, Mrs. Hazel Winters, went to Topeka to meet her. She stated today that Governor Capper had signed the parole for her mother last Saturday. Numerous letters of appeal from businessmen of Arkansas City were sent to Governor Capper, asking that Mrs. Moncravie be paroled or pardoned."

"Mrs. Moncravie Wins in U. S. Court of Appeals.

Almost a year later, the Traveler reported on March 31, 1920, the final chapter in the case of Luella Moncravie.

"Half of the Oklahoma estate of Henry Moncravie, Osage Indian, will go to his widow, Mrs. Luella Clubb Moncravie, of Arkansas City, according to a decision of the United States Court of Appeals at St. Louis. This information was received by Judge A. M. Jackson, attorney for Mrs. Moncravie, Tuesday afternoon, says the Winfield Courier. The message states that the decision of the U. S. Court at Guthrie in this case has been affirmed.

"Mrs. Moncravie sued in the Oklahoma courts for half of her deceased husband's estate. Other heirs of the estate opposed on the ground that the widow had been convicted in Kansas of manslaughter, she having killed her husband by shooting him at Arkansas City. Mrs. Moncravie won in the Oklahoma courts and the other heirs appealed the case to the federal court.

"Both Kansas and Oklahoma, in common with most of the state, have laws that a person who is convicted of killing another cannot inherit from the person killed. The courts held in Mrs. Moncravie's favor on the ground that in each of the states it is a penal statute enforceable only in the state in which the alleged crime is committed; and that Oklahoma cannot enforce the penal statutes of Kansas nor add to the punishment pronounced by a Kansas court. This was the line of argument pursued by Judge Jackson in fighting the case through the courts. The affirmation by the circuit court ends the case. It only remains to carry out the necessary formalities in the lower courts of Oklahoma.

"Mrs. Moncravie was tried in the district court at Winfield and was convicted of manslaughter. She was sentenced; but was pardoned by Governor Capper after about five weeks in the women's industrial farm at Lansing.

"Before marrying Moncravie she was Mrs. Luella Clubb, one of the leading society women of Arkansas City. After being divorced from her husband, she married Moncravie, an Osage with a considerable matrimonial experience. Their domestic life became some-what stormy, according to her testimony in the trial, and finally resulted in her shooting him.

"Moncravie's estate comprises in part, six hundred and forty acres of land in the Osage, the value of which together with annuities and royalties, is estimated at not less than a hundred thousand dollars. Mrs. Moncravie will, therefore, come into about fifty thousand dollars. She will probably receive a considerable income from the oil rights in the property." "

Main / Speaking of "Pussy pass"
Jun 04, 2007, 11:24 PM
My great grandfathers brother was murdered by his wife in 1917. She got off easy........ "a pussy pass" by denigrating him as a "drunken indian". He was in reality a very rich man, from a good Osage family. I think she killed him for his money. See top link for story on my great uncle. See the link to "Osage Indian Murders" for the background on the money. They are long articles and I felt it would be harder to read here.
Main / Urban dictionary "Pussy pass"
Jun 04, 2007, 11:10 PM
The Urban Dictionary accepted my definition of "pussy pass". Sometimes they get things right. I think you can add examples to the definition..have fun!
Start your own business. Hire no women. I am self employed. I figured out long ago, if I was going to have a psychopathic asshole for a might as well be me. I have work coming out my ears, if they don't like me, I just move on to the next customer. I am a square peg, and I will not be pounded into some feminist HR persons round to speak :toothy9:
Main / Re: Amanda quits
Feb 13, 2007, 09:55 PM
The LA Times had an editorial on Amandagate in the Sunday paper. I don't think that they understand that a choice like this reflects badly, as she was to be his voice in the blogsphere. It was like having Wally George as broadcast media advisor for McCain. I guess she is still blaming everyone else for her troubles, but as Shakespear said "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. " I don't think there is a shovel big enough to move the load she stuck herself in.,0,485489.story?coll=la-news-comment-editorials

"Campaign bloggers caught in web
Bloggers may sometimes regret what they write -- and now presidential candidates who hire them may too.
February 11, 2007

THE 2008 PRESIDENTIAL campaign has its first official political-religious-technological controversy. Last week, Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, issued a broadside against Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan, two relatively obscure bloggers recently hired by former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, calling them "anti-Catholic, vulgar, trash-talking bigots." The candidate's response -- and the blogosphere's -- show how both entities are changing each other.

Donohue's first attack landed on Tuesday. He dug up about 10 instances from the last year in which Marcotte and McEwan bluntly (and occasionally in hyperbolically profane style) criticized the Catholic Church, rebuked conservative Christians or simply used some of the seven words that one isn't allowed to say on TV. For Edwards, Donohue's call for Marcotte and McEwan to be ousted was a double-edged sword. If he refused, he'd invite the wrath of conservative Christians; if he complied, he'd alienate the liberal activists who are key to his campaign. The latter responded by highlighting the words and deeds of some of the people hired by Republican candidates, such as Patrick Hynes, a sharp-tongued conservative blogger who has been a consultant with Arizona Sen. John McCain's campaign.

Edwards -- possibly distracted by the universal healthcare proposal he unveiled Monday -- let the issue percolate for a couple of days before letting the two women off with a warning: "That kind of intolerant language will not be permitted from anyone on my campaign." The move mollified left-leaning bloggers but not Donohue, who pledged to escalate his publicity blitz against Edwards. At week's end, the battle for control of Edwards' agenda continued, healthcare policy battling blogger controversy for media attention.

The conflict over the bloggers is likely to be just the opening salvo in a wave of guilt-by-association attacks. By trying to gin up support from the blogosphere, candidates are bringing lots of folks into the campaign who've left long trails of (often intemperate) commentary online. So not only do candidates have to worry about having their own gaffes preserved and promoted on YouTube, they may have to distance themselves from what their employees said before coming onboard. Expect this kind of nuttiness to continue until voters show that they care more about a candidate's thoughts than those of the hired hands. "
Main / Amanda quits
Feb 12, 2007, 08:53 PM
Its official. Amanda has tendered her resignation, but not without taking shots as she goes. I thought that she could be interesting to read at times. Her penchant for cussing out and banning anyone with a brain enough to challenger her to a real debate was just plain cowardly.

"RALEIGH, N.C. - One of the chief campaign bloggers for Democratic presidential candidate        John Edwards quit Monday after conservative critics raised questions about her history of provocative online messages. Amanda Marcotte posted on her personal blog, Pandagon, that the criticism "was creating a situation where I felt that every time I coughed, I was risking the Edwards campaign." Marcotte said she resigned from her position Monday, and that her resignation was accepted by the campaign.

Kate Bedingfield, a spokeswoman for the Edwards campaign, confirmed that Marcotte was "no longer working for the campaign." She declined additional comment.

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, demanded last week that Edwards fire Marcotte and a second blogger, Melissa McEwan, for remarks he deemed anti-Catholic. Edwards, a former North Carolina senator, called the messages personally offensive, but decided to keep Marcotte and McEwan on staff.

"No matter what you think about the campaign, I signed on to be a supporter and a tireless employee for them, and if I can't do the job I was hired to do because Bill Donohue doesn't have anything better to do with his time than harass me, then I won't do it," Marcotte wrote Monday night.

Earlier Monday, Marcotte wrote on her personal Web site, "The Christian version of the virgin birth is generally interpreted as super-patriarchal, where ... women are nothing but vessels."

Donohue called both Marcotte and McEwan "foul-mouthed bigots." He did not return a phone call seeking comment Monday night.

McEwan remains on the Edwards campaign staff. She did not return messages left Monday."

To quote The Simpsons"HA HA"

Simple solution. legalize drugs for adults. They will be dirt cheap, no need to steal to pay for them. They can get help or die. If they break other laws (DUI etc.), then they go to jail. Dealers go broke. My tools do not get stolen. The constitution is not poked full of holes. BTW, I am clean and sober for 20 years, so I am very familiar with this problem.
Main / Abstinance.
Nov 09, 2006, 08:31 PM
Screw abstinence....... I had enough of that when I was married!
Doh! Double post!
Sad truth, I thought this was an old thread that someone had refreshed. She does not get it. She needs some real jail time wake her up. I'd say with her record as a repeat offender, two months on a county work farm would do her a world of good.