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Messages - Somebody else

Main / Elections
Nov 08, 2006, 10:15 AM
Quote from: "TheManOnTheStreet"
Quote from: "Somebody else"
On the other hand, I think Bush and Cheney and their arrogance have done more damage to the Republican party than any other Republicans in memory.

You might want to do a little reading as to how the system REALLY works befire making such a narrow-minded and uninformed statement there pal.

Sure GW aint the greatest, but lets not forget that the Presidency is nothing but a figurehead....a puppet.  He does as he is told (pushed) to do.  If you believe otherwise, you are sorely mistaken.

Furthermore, it took aproval from the House, Congress AND the UN to invade.  GW didn't just wake up one morning and say, "you know cuddley-poo, I think I'invade Iraq."  THere were MANY MANY MANY decision makers in the process.  

And don't go on about misinformation either.  If you believe that that murderous son-of-a-bitch didn't have WOMD's, that's fine but then you must admit that GW was misinformed just as EVERYONE else was.  Of course, that would be an incorrect assumption as well.  You see, when you find a cooks den, you know what they are making, whether or not Meth is present is inconcequencial.  

Anyhow, enough with the GWB bashing.  You want to bash a Prez?  Bash JFK, he was a slut, a whore, and did impeachable things as well.  Bash Billy-bob; banging the interns, playing hid the cigar, lies to the legislature, all good enough reasons.  Bash, Abe freakin Lincoln!  He was messin with his black female slaves!  Bash John "I got a sliver, gimme another purple heart" Kerry.... Bash ..... shit you get the picture...


Thanks PAL!

I'm not talking about IRAQ. I'm talking about arrogance. You're a conservative - TOO BAD boo hoo. I'll bash him if I FEEL LIKE IT. FUCK OFF.
Quote from: "K9"
Quote from: "Somebody else"
Message to all men:

DO NOT "donate" your sperm. It is yours to father children with as YOU choose, when YOU choose and with whom YOU choose and ONLY as YOU choose. It's too valuable and too personal to just give away.

Message to homosexuals:

You choose a lifestyle that by its very nature precludes children. TOO BAD. Live your choice.

Bi-sexuals CHOOSE. The rest of us are stuck with what we're given. Did you choose to be a hetero?

Main / Elections
Nov 08, 2006, 09:40 AM
Well, Pelosi sure won't help the mens' rights situation. She is scary liberal.

"Maybe it takes a woman to clean house," said Pelosi, a mother of five. Asked if her remark was deliberately sexist, she replied, "It is. Because the fact is a woman represents what's new, because it's never happened before."

On the other hand, I think Bush and Cheney and their arrogance have done more damage to the Republican party than any other Republicans in memory.
Well written article!

Thanks guys. Flattery will get you everywhere.... lol

I'd like to go to Hawaii. :D  :oops:  :wink:
Main / Miller Lite "Man Laws" commercials
Nov 07, 2006, 04:21 PM
There's still a big dose of chivalry in that website. I tried to post a man law and used the word "woman" or "female" and it flagged my "error" and wanted me to change it to "lady" because "gentlemen" don't speak in such crude terms.
Quote from: "Dr Evil"
Here's an article about a female teacher who is charged with having had sex with an 11 year old boy.  

Only 4 percent of educators who were investigated for sexual misconduct were females, the report said. But students surveyed said 43 percent of inappropriate behavior came from female teachers.

So they are almost half of the problem but only a tiny fraction of those investigated, charged, and tried.  Do we see a trend here?  Duh.

Yeah, there are a lot of lying little boys, dammit. [/sarcasm]
Main / Life sentence for 12-year-old rapist
Nov 07, 2006, 01:24 PM
Without a life-threatening weapon or being unconscious, I DO doubt it is possible.

Men with a girlfriend or wife, try this little experiment (obviously explain it and clear it with said wife or girlfriend first) - see if you can get her pants and underwear off AND yours AND get even close to getting your penis inside her with her trying to prevent you from doing it.

It's not going to happen.

Now imagine a 12-year-old boy trying that.
Main / Life sentence for 12-year-old rapist
Nov 07, 2006, 01:06 PM
Without a weapon to threaten her life with, or beating her into unconsciousness, which the article didn't even hint at, I just do not see how this is possible.
Message to all men:

DO NOT "donate" your sperm. It is yours to father children with as YOU choose, when YOU choose and with whom YOU choose and ONLY as YOU choose. It's too valuable and too personal to just give away.

Message to homosexuals:

You choose a lifestyle that by its very nature precludes children. TOO BAD. Live your choice.
Main / Life sentence for 12-year-old rapist
Nov 07, 2006, 12:50 PM
So this mentally disabled 12-year-old jumped on an adult woman and managed to get her clothes off, his clothes off and penetrate her vagina with his penis all the while she was fighting him off and trying to prevent him from achieving this goal?

What kind of weapon did he have?
Main / It's raining men in 2026
Nov 07, 2006, 12:31 PM
"Oh, look, a huge shipment of apples is going to come in soon (2026). I hope I can find some nice ones."

The good news for Australian women - and the challenge for the men - is that these tables will flip over the next 20 years, based on new research by The Weekend Australian. By 2026, there will be an excess of 60,000 males in the 30- to 39-year-old band, and an extra 38,000 men aged 40 to 49.

Ms Richmond said it was difficult for women her age to find a suitable partner.

The men she meets are either young, "maybe hoping they can ride on my coat-tails, or older and unmotivated".

Ms Richmond doesn't have that much time for 30- and 40-something men.

Ms Richmond, who has an undergraduate arts degree and two postgraduate diplomas, in hospitality and journalism, said she looked forward to 2026 when the dating game and the economy would be biased in favour of women.

All those degrees and she still can't figure out the obvious.

You can stop jumping up and down now. You'll be 57. The age bracket researched tops out at 49. They will still be too young for you. Don't want those younger men riding your coattails. You don't have time for "forty-something men". And at 57, they won't have any time for you.
Main / Maternity leave equals productivity?
Nov 06, 2006, 12:10 PM
The worst thing about it is this Stephen Bevens is most likely one of the pale, stale, males he's blathering on about.
Main / Yet Another Inconsistency
Nov 06, 2006, 12:00 PM
"In the end, this is about kids. These days, biology is not and should not be the primary factor in determining who the father is," said Curt Child, a senior attorney with the center. "Of equal importance should be the best interests of the child.

Yes and biology should not be the primary factor in determining who the mother will be, either! riiiight.

Hey, they were in love. She understood him better than any adult woman could. He's not a predator, it was a relationship. They're soul mates. She seduced him. She's so mature for her age. He was abused as a child. He was lonely and confused. His wife wasn't giving him the attention he needed. His wife was abusive and drove him to it. "I don't feel like a rapist."

Oops, sorry, got the genders mixed up. My bad.
Thanks! Nice Halloween treat.

Love those body paint costumes :oops:  :D