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Messages - scarbo

Quote from: "Buddy-Rey"
If you're really repulsed by the idea of marriage, you can pick a really close friend to get married with, so that you can have the same feeling of accomplishment that marriage brings, but you're still mutually free to meet women, party, get drunk, etc.  Basically, you can have the lifestyle that a single man enjoys...

Yeah, but as soon as one of the fellows beds his girlfriend, he will have committed adultery against his wife, er..., husband.
Main / Trolling Hugos pad
Aug 08, 2005, 01:05 PM
From Gonz's blog:

Quote from: "NYMOM"
What they don't realize is that Hugo has already semi-banned me for a while now (due to you really Scarbo) and I RARELY post over there ANYWAY.

That was left Sunday morning, at 10:30 AM. I then counted EIGHT posts from Maggie on Hugo's blog AFTER this time.

Man, if that's "rarely", I wonder what it will look like when she really takes some interest in it.

And what does "semi-banned" mean? Does that mean you are still allowed to post, just not anything that makes any sense?
Main / Trolling Hugos pad
Aug 08, 2005, 10:12 AM
I notice this AM that Hugo has locked the banning thread from additional comments being added.

That he allows NYMOM to continue to post her crap while banning others is the most telling of all.

He has lost any respect, any benefit of the doubt, that I held back for him. Sorry, Hugo. You're no better than Amp or Trish, who do the exact same thing. There's a poster on Amp and Trish who flies into a rage of obscene insults if you dare post an opposing view. And she gets to stay, the pit bull.
Quote from: "TestSubject"
What is masculinity anymore?  Does anybody even know?

Remember the book "Real Men Don't Each Quiche?"

I didn't read the book, but I think I can tell you better what a "real man" is: a "real man" is someone who doesn't need a goddam book to tell him what he should be doing. Unless it's the Bible.

And by the way, I love quiche!
For anyone who cares, I'm having fun teasing the girls over at Amp's blog on this subject.
Main / Glenn Sacks
Aug 04, 2005, 10:50 AM
Oh, Bad, you don't need to pretend about your hot love for Margaret. We know all about it.
Oh, and I left out the rest of the story: the 11-year-old girl and I would probably be married now and we'd have about three kids, because I wouldn't have been throwing water balloons at her if I didn't have a crush on her.
Main / NYMOM Meltdown at Hugo's Place
Aug 04, 2005, 08:28 AM
She's a psycho. Can't understand why anyone wastes time trying to debate her.
I was thinking about this today on the way to work.

If this had been me throwing the water balloons when I was 11, in 1970, there would have been no police called. My mom would have yelled at me for tormenting the girl, the girl probably would have gotten in trouble with her parents for nailing me with a rock, I would have gotten stitches and bandages, and that would have been about it.

We are overreacting about everything these days. The terrorists have clearly won.
Main / Glenn Sacks
Aug 04, 2005, 07:20 AM
Quote from: "Men's Rights Activist"
Write to him and he will probably answer your question.

By the time I thought of it, I assumed that others had probably already done so.

With regards to the "shuffling of things", this reminds me of the time in 2003 or 2004 when all of a sudden he stopped doing the show for several weeks, with no explanation, then he came back on the air on a different radio station. I don't recall Glenn saying anything during his last show on July 24 regarding the next show, nor anything about changes to the show. Maybe he's switching radio stations/contracts/whatever again.

Or maybe he's left his wife and kids and run off with Amanda Marcotte.
Main / Glenn Sacks
Aug 03, 2005, 02:59 PM
I just realized Glenn didn't have a show Sunday night. Anyone know the reason? Also, does anyone know if he's going to have a show this coming Sunday night?
Quote from: "Shades of Pale"
But Ampersand already PROVED (with his post, linked in this very article) that decades of assistance for WOMEN ONLY has only decreased the number of male victims.

Don't you mean "female victims"?
"Mr. Right" = a guy who she can walk all over, who will always let her have her way.

"Husband to manage" = person who she'd have to compromise with from time to time, like in any good marriage. Can't have that, now, can we?

Conclusion: society now fully enables and encourages women's selfishness.

Scarbo says: Fine. Who cares? Let 'em find out the hard way that that isn't how life is meant to be lived. IF they can admit to themselves that they're mistaken, which, if they're anything like my ex-wife, hell will freeze over and my Cubs will win the World Series first.
I hate all that "WHEREAS" crap. Time to get into the 21st century.
One girl in a locker room full of guys? WTF?

Is she a voyeur or something?

How long until a charge of rape or other sexual assault comes out?

If my son played hockey on that team I'd warn him: NEVER be in the locker room at the same time with the girl. Wait until she's done and comes out. Even if you have other guys in there, they wouldn't be seen as credible witnesses anyway.

This sounds like a time bomb. It will someday go off, mark my words.