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Messages - scarbo

Main / CBS reinforces the "wage gap"
Jan 21, 2005, 12:38 PM
Quote from: "Marty Nemko"
"men are the disposable sex."

Amen, brother.

Quote from: "Marty Nemko"
What do the following people have in common: Aristotle, Plato, Jesus, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Monet, the Wright Brothers, Jonas Salk, Steven Spielberg, 98% of the Nobel Prize Winners for science, the key scientists behind the development of every drug from aspirin to breast cancer breakthrough Herceptin, from anesthetic to heart bypass surgery, from refrigeration to heating, from the electric light bulb to the radio, the television, the computer, and the mapping of human genome? They're all men.

However, being the one in my house who cleans up after meals (wife cooks, I clean -- it's a great set up), I owe tremendous gratitude to the inventor of the dishwasher: Josephine Cochran, in 1886!
Main / Rules of the House
Jan 19, 2005, 01:57 PM
Post deleted after being advised of its inappropriate-ness.

Please accept my apologies.
Main / iFeminism is a scam
Jan 15, 2005, 09:05 AM
Quote from: "Quasimodo"
Mr. X, for instance, is shocked to learn that rigid gender roles are deemed OK for men, but not for women. This after over 1500 posts.

I lurk over there, too, but I missed this one. Can you link it?
The news that Portia de Rossi is a lesbian is definitely going to ruin the rest of my week.

Been watching her on "Arrested Development"... ggggrrrrrrrowl! What a fox!
I, for one, am definitely NOT complaining. ;-)
Main / BBC: The Glass Ceiling is bad etc.
Dec 30, 2004, 07:57 AM

I'll join the parade demanding more women in top posts as soon as there's 50/50 male/female representation:

1. On the crew that collects my garbage every Friday.

2. On the crew that repairs that broken 36" water main. In the middle of that busy 4-lane street. On Christmas Eve. At 11:00 PM. In the freezing rain.

3. On the crew that has to get that downed 12,400-volt power line off the street. You know, that same 4-lane street. On Christmas Eve. At 11:00 PM. In the freezing rain.

4. On the maintenance staff at your city's municipal wastewater treatment plant.

Main / Re: Salma Hayek says men are weak
Nov 20, 2004, 03:19 PM
Quote from: "Salma"
And she added: "What am I supposed to talk about with a man who doesn't know what it's like to be a woman?"

Yeah, honey, it's all about YOU, isn't it? And you're wondering why you can't get a man. Well, hon, as a woman might say to me about something:

Seems to me that if she's already got herself convinced about the female superiority thing, and she's got all these "great" female friends who are also oh-so-superior, she's pretty much cutting off any chance of meeting a nice decent interesting fellow from the get-go.

Boo hoo. Her loss.
Quote from: "Thomas"
Yup.  I have a sneaking suspicion that, if I went to one of these parties, I'd find the men to be somewhat interesting to converse with and the women to be self-righteous, feminist, hateful liars.

Well, of course you would! Because you'd be talking sports and politics with the guys, not the women!

Let the men tackle the big problems: the war, the deficit, etc. Let the women concentrate on "painting old furniture on a Sunday evening" or whatever she said. (Guess she's never heard of ESPN Sunday Night Football)
What a smug snob! Who the hell is this arrogant snot to stereotype all men as "dregs"?!

My personal opinion is that the more women go on and on about how superior they are to men, the more it's THEMSELVES they are trying to convince, not others.

"Girls rule, boys drool" is just a way for a girl to try to gain something she knows she doesn't have.

The women that write these articles are jealous at how simply men can be happy with themselves, their own lives.
Main / Again With the Wage Gap?
Nov 10, 2004, 09:44 AM
And the thing which is MISSED, time and time again, is that the 76% "statistic" is arrived at only by ratioing the women's mean salary to the men's mean salary.

And that really doesn't mean squat. You need to know SO much more about the data collected before you can conclude anything.

For instance, it is ENTIRELY possible that there could be MORE female billionaires than male billionaires, and the female mean salary STILL be 76% of the male mean salary.

Man, this story just made me sick to my stomach. How could anyone do such a horrible thing to a baby...  :cry:
Quote from: "Renegade"
However, I notices that the examples did not portray women as the "agressors". Examples were like a male boss to a female employee, male coworker to female coworker, male coworker to male coworker. I dont recall any examples using a female as the antagonist and a male as the possible victim.


Some of our training was via an on-line course, and again, even though the language was mostly if not all gender-neutral, ALL the hypothetical staged examples were of a man harassing a female. After the course we all were invited to give comments on the training, and I submitted a comment asking why there were no female-as-harasser situations portrayed. I received no response to this query.
How about campaigns to increase the number of men entering typically female fields:

Social Work

Nope, didn't think so.

Or, how about more campaigns to help women join the ranks of garbage collectors, water department employees (so that men don't get ALL the fun of fixing a water main break in the street at 11 PM on Christmas Eve while it's sleeting), or all the other ugly jobs dominated by us suckers, I mean, us guys.
Main / give these jerks hell
Oct 01, 2004, 09:30 AM
Not to mention the fact that THE AVATAR SHOWS WOMEN BEATING UP A GUY.

Yeah, "Women are never violent, and we reflect that position in our board logo!"  :lol: