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Messages - Matt99
i dunno richard
i would personally say that the main reason everyone dosent own a million is because of trans-national corporations. and even if everone owned a million and bought mansions then that would suddenly become the norm anyway, and the the people who owned the mansion building companies would build palaces. the the people who saved and bought mansions would suddenly find out that wealth is not a measure of cash, but a measure of how your cash level compares with the level of others.
we cant blame women for the existance of inequality, or poverty in peoples lives (money cant ever be created or destroyed remember, its not like these women are burning notes).
similarly, you cant run the argument that all men are gallant, and strong and that rescuing spoiled maidens in distress form towers is damaging their calling in life to change the world. men and women need each other, and many men benefit from relationships with women, like women benefit from relationships with men.
Becoming emotionally independent of women is therefore not only a way to achieve happiness - it is also very profitable. We see therefore that being a millionaire is not a difficult thing to be at all. In fact it is the natural state of being for a man who is not under the emotional domination of feminism.
what are you implying when you say this? all women arnt feminists you know.
ill second that typhonblue
humans are genetically designed to be partially promiscuous. and without going too deep into facts ill try to explain why
1. male testicle size is medium. if they were small it would indicate that the male is designed to be faithful and wife vice versa. large testicles belong to very promiscuous animals
2. the male is larger and more muscular than the female. smaller males are found in animals that engage in completely faithful relationships, one male to one female as it were. and in species were one male is designed to have multiple partners, the males are a whole lot larger than the females. given that adult males are larger, but not enormous compared to females it would again be reasonable to assume that we are a happy medium between the two
human characteritics all point to partial promiscuity. after all, why would males even have testosterone in them if their genetic purpose wasent to become alpha male and breed with several partners, eradicating weaker human genes of his rivals in the process. relationships within the animal kingdom that run on a one male to one female for life basis do not have males that are fueled by testosterone to such a high degree.
unfortunally, our culture frowns on promiscuity, and sees sex outside of marriage as morally wrong. but whatya gonna do?
oh, and the idea of scapegoating making the world go around is entirely true.
infact, the human races entire concept of morality stems form simple "in group" and "out group bias" found in varying traces in all humans.
nice one bukowski
someone should e-mail that one to the BBC
well, i dunno about you guys but women who "bag" high status or high earning men i feel sympathy with. i ever marry itll be through love, mixed in with a healthy ammount of lust :wink: . women who marry soley for money are doing themselves a great disservice, by essentially goldigging. these women are essentially admitting that they value designer clothes and jewelry over the most basic of human rights- to engage in a loving relationship. If theyre too good for it, then fine, i dont care
i think you are taking this to a depressing extreme Galt. the idea that all older men are wallets for their wives seems to mirror the feminist argument that all women do is act as birth mobiles, and housekeep.
In a married relationship you have definite roles that need to be fullfilled in order for the family unit to be maintained. one is earner, one is homekeeper, one is child rearer. these can be split however couples decide. it is very easy to define these roles as "wallet" "maid" and "slave". We shouldnt blame society, women, or any other group for this, it is just the things have to be.
you can debase any section of life down to a single phrase if you want to. if it helps your cause. after all, women are just "wombs on legs", men are just "wallets", everyone in the military is "a tool". infact your only role on this planet is as a "reproductive machine" (taking an atheist view).
its wrong to ever use the idea that men are viewed as "wallets" to form some sort of societal oppressive force on all men, caused by women and their leeching. its been done before remember, we dont want to go there too.
this article demonstrates exactly why i hate the BBC. I also find it interesting how apparently a double x makes females more interesting and diverse. whilst later in the article it claims that males are more interesting and diverse since they only have one x, and as a result is not "muffled" and balanced out by another x. yet again we see the dangers of pop science in the hands of socially unaware broadcasters. *sigh*
I think by 'verbal abuse' Oprah means the 'no' word.
haha, genius
poor dears, its not their fault they're carrying drugs. its the mens fault for catching them with it and putting them in a big-bad jail. they dont deserve this, not like the nasty men who, after all deserve to be in jail because they are all rapists anyway.
Im new here, and ive been reading through the forums all day, fascinated by the range of views, and the wealth of knowledge we have on these boards. It seems to me that this is such an excellent resource from those aware enough to find this place.
Sadly, the key word here is "aware". Fact is, most of the population are ignorant to everything that isnt implicitly fed to them by tabloids, news shows, or radio. Scary numbers of people are just plain stupid, and sadly the main media outlets of the country have to move in time with these idiots to remain economically buoyant. we need to take action, and educate others.
We should be spraying what we have individually done to help things. if we all do somthing within our small communities our combined weight will really make a difference. C'mon guys, anything youve done to help the cause?- spray it here for everyone else to hear. we can make this a place that inspires others to take action.
ill start-
today, i told a friend exactly why a certain radio add was unfair towards the male gender- he agreed.
(its not much, but its somthing)
my name is matthew, im 17, just thought id say hi.
ive been treating feminism as my "F word" since i was about 14. im from the UK, and im worried that things will get worse before they become better. at the moment my pet hates with reagrds to misandry are
- Domestic violence
- Advertising
- Divorce courts
- The BBC and the Guardian
ive tried to raise awarness at my school by putting newspaper stories onto walls that deal with blatant misandry. so far the reception has been fairly good.
ive also observed intelligent questionings from a minority of male pupils such as "why is there a word for woman hating and not man hating?"
it seems that this next generation is more aware as to what counts as real equality. but, i do come from an all boys school.
(if you read my other post, im collecting data to e-mail to a guy collecting data on DV, any help would be appreciated)
i recently e-mailed a guy who has a self defense site, there was a section on DV against women but none with regards to men. i e-mailed him and told him that DV against men is a very real issue, and gave him the rough statistics.
the good news is that he agreed with me. he said if i supplied proper figures about domestic violence without the feminist bias he would put them online and write a section on it. this guy is on our side
im chuffed. but the only problem is that now of all times im having trouble finding good solid data about it. i know some was published a while back but i cant find where from...
he asked for "Bureau of Justice Statistics, and Uniform Crime Report cites for those number" specifically
please please please can someone help. im having no luck :s