Stating that our troops are slaughtering civilians sure seams like bashing to me.
Then you either have a strange use of language born perhaps of idleness or a weak mind, in which case, should that be the case, I have sympathy for your plight, or you have no real idea of how badly honourable men, soldiers, feel when they get things wrong or make an error. Killing is slaughter. War is mainly about slaughter despite some people's (yours, maybe) squeamish need for euphemisms. Some people are so used to untruth that they will find every way to avoid straight words. 'Collateral damage' better for you, instead of blowing up innocents by accident? I wonder if you might have this affliction. See someone. Get help. I am worried for your mental health.
Killing accidentally or because of poor intel is
incompetent. It happens. In every war, in every army. It certainly can't be called competent, now can it? To hold this as simply unfortunate and pass over it is not the mark of hounourable men. One cannot expect total competence of course, but one can guard against it. To recognise it and try damned hard to make correction is the mark of good soldiering. To simply react accusingly,
falsly accusingly, against the recognition is to compound it. Enunciating it leads to correcting. It is not 'bashing'. To accuse honest men who spell it out as it is, is the mark of conceit at the very least and a mendacity. Typical of femonazis. Maybe you suffer from these, poor dear. A Family Court Judge would probably smile on you. I don't. It is dishonourable. Not that I would incur Dr E's wrath by saying you are dishonourable of course.
have said words to the effect
There is no weaseling out. My words were precise. Not 'to the effect'. You seem to be the only one who needs this spelling out in words of one syllable. A person has to really try hard to misunderstand me. It takes real talent to not know what I am saying when I give a view. Your 'seems to me's' are a good example of that talent. To represent my attitude incorrectly
when it has been clearly stated may indicate dislexia, Brian. Visual or mental types occur. See someone, Brian. Something is amiss up there in the top paddock.
The force that took Iraq, did so with the greatest efficiency possible and a remarkable limitation on loss of life.
This is recognition of high skill, extremely high level military art and execution, and unprecedented humanity, and given its due. Is this 'bashing' too? Did I inadvertently miss an opportunity to 'bash', Brian? How remiss of me. Did you not say I don't miss such an opportunity.? Please, tell us all if you were wrong. Did you tell a porky, Brian? Is an apology so hard or are you still waiting on the Princess of Lies to ski? Do you simply not recognise when you are wrong? Do you have some delusions of adequacy?
That's not an insult Dr E. An expression of concern for your little friend. I am using a wooden sword. Just practice.
The American administration ( and its allies) is presiding over a morbid farce internationally
The American Administration is presiding over this war. It is a morbid (people are dying, being killed, slaughtered, unecessarily) farce. My word, farce. Maybe another might be more apt, but again it is a criticism, born from frustration, a frustration felt and enunciated every day by the troops, the Generals, all those who seek to find the better way to bring about the peace. Not 'bashing'. How femonazi to call it 'bashing'. One of their favourite words.
Yes, the insurgents create mayhem and murder. But we look at our own actions. Critically. Well, some of us do. Not blindly and blythly congratulating ourselves for getting it just about right when clearly we can do better, lose fewer lives, have fewer wounded, do the job with fewer dead on both sides, as Field Marshal Montgomery ordered. These are our men dying and I, along with meny others, are scandalised by it. Perhaps you wish to gloss over it. After all, as you said at the end of your diatribe of drivel, men's deaths are not newsworthy. Not like women's.
Then you call the command authority and the U.S. administration incompetant
It is. Filing clerks have been sacked for less. Male ones, of course. I do not wish to hide behind the Authority of the Many, but join even internal administration concerns that things can and
must be done better. Just because it is American does not confer infallibility. There was not and still isn't an adequate plan for peace. To act without one in such a fast moving action with an expectation, born out, of early victory,
is incompetent. The Military Command expected, quite reasonably, that the Defence Department would have a plan. They did not. The troops have been left with a bloody mess.
That is incompetence. Political. There were and are too many unexpected reisitances. These could have been forcast and planned for. They were not.
More incompetence. It doesn't take genius to figure that most countries' populations are more nationalistic than Internationalists. The hand that feeds is more often than not, bit. Do not criticise now and the same errors will be made again the next time. This is not 'bashing' It is realistic.
But I guess some prefer the feminazi way of calling criticism, 'violence'. "Bashing". No difference seen. Have you adopted this femonazi language, mendacious tactic recently or is it second nature to you. Just a question.
As Dr E has specifically forbidden me to give name to you, I have deliberately given name
only to what you
say. It is against your words.
You say:
You launch into more personal attacks calling me a liar.
I say:
What you say is a damned lie.
So you hark back, and while I try to meet Dr E's requirements to treat your person to no insults - even to try to fathom your deficiencies - far too many - out of concern for you - yet you go right ahead and say more:
In classic Keyboard Hardass style.
I wil let that attempt at rudeness pass. To weak. But perhaps Dr E might be prevailed upon to take off his family court judicial robe and actually dispense some justice. With mercy of course. Mitigating circumstances might apply in your case.
My thoughts are that you should not dish it out if you can't take it.
Well, you have demonstrated just how deep your thoughts go, Brian, the limitations of your understanding of grown-up matters, so this is dismissable as mere cant. Playground stuff. Call me some more funny names, Brian. I rather liked the teabag one. We can have a laugh together.
Brian, I have asked you to show where I 'have taken every opportunity to bash', 'bashed troops', bashed' the war on terror. You haven't even attempted to. Why is this? Your empty words are
lies and false accusations. Not that you are a liar or a false accuser of course. Forbidden to say that. You would be in good company with any number of femonazis though. Not that I would even think you were one. Heaven and Dr E forbid. What gender are you, by the way? In between maybe?
You still haven't told us if you are the Brian who buggered up the iFem board. Evading answering? Not even a denial?
My goodness, how hard it is to be nice. :roll:
In this war, as in others:
The children gabble and cry.
No words
their pain.
They were forbidden.