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Messages - Sir Percy

Main / Day 3 - Father's Day Protest(s)
Jun 14, 2006, 07:42 PM
What a persistent, consistent model you are. You will be famous across the region for your fine work. One day, many, many people will be so glad that you took the time and made the effort. You are the spring tide.

SAY not the struggle naught availeth,
        The labour and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not, nor faileth,
        And as things have been they remain.

If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars;
        It may be, in yon smoke conceal'd,
Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers,
        And, but for you, possess the field.

For while the tired waves, vainly breaking,
        Seem here no painful inch to gain,
Far back, through creeks and inlets making,
        Comes silent, flooding in, the Main.

And not by eastern windows only,
        When daylight comes, comes in the light;
In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly!
        But westward, look, the land is bright!
Thanks for the link.

My message sent:
"Ref your new SUV ad, where the cosseted women say, "No stress, no husbands'. I guess for the next round of gales of femonazi laughter from the moronic misandrists in your marketing department, they will pull wings off flies.

No more GM vehicles for me".
Main / The Stay at Home thing
Jun 14, 2006, 07:01 PM
Three adages spring immediately to mind.

"The best laid plans of mice and men, oft gang agaly."

"It's a woman's privilege to change her mind".

"Arbeit macht frie"
Main / Off topic, but cute
Jun 14, 2006, 06:50 PM
You cold-hearted old MRA, you. :wink:
Main / Male Vs. Female Pedophiles Debate
Jun 14, 2006, 06:31 PM

I have no pity for boys who claim they were 'raped.' That's pure fictious trash!

.....This was posted out of sheer anger.

Oh well, that's all right then. :roll: Join the Dworkins and the Bidens of the world. Get published. Be infamous. Get biased laws passed. Ruin  a host of lives. Make a weak apology later.

When I thought about what I wrote, I realized how horrible it was and felt somewhat contrite about it, but I was to stubborn to admit it.

Have Fun!

Sounds like a femonazi legislator in the making. Just how do we 'have fun' about this, Sage brush?
Main / What is your daughter reading?
Jun 14, 2006, 08:42 AM
OK. So no comments about what our daughter's are reading; what attitudes they are being peddled. So lets look at men and women's magazines. Women usually have a lot to say about them, especially how they are portrayed. Feminists go beresk.

Men's magazines often feature pictures of naked women, or beautiful girls in stunning lingerie. Sometimes, with their blokes for company.

Women's magazines also feature pictures of naked women and beautiful girls in stunning lingerie. Some, also, with their blokes for company.

His magazines usually contain about 54 pages, 25 of which feature the naked and under-dressed women.

There will be several, incisive, 4-5 page articles from prominent people. And reader's letters and adverts from ladies who tell popular stories on the 'phone.

Her magazines usually contain 278 pages with 137 devoted to naked women and beautiful girls in stunning lingerie.

There will be 754 visually decorative paragraphs, with lots of coloured headings, and paraphrases in bright red or mauve or blue in boxes, about clothes or celebrities or both together, about bodies and bodily functions, and sex, lots of sexually explicit articles, from whomsoever. And reader's letters.  Also, 400  adverts from telephonic psychic healers, tarot card readers, soothsayers, dietitians, magic charm & potion sellers and a huge range of free offers for only $49.99 post and handling.

Women look at the pictures in their magazines and fantasize.    

Men look at the pictures in their magazines and fantasize.

For some unfathomable reason, she make a lot of fuss, sometimes even cries, when he looks at his magazines.  

Femonazis claim men's magazines oppress women and women's magazines liberate and empower them.
Women are vastly more capable than men, we are constantly told by the women, the media, the BBC. Women live longer than men do. Men cannot possibly catch up. The life experience needed to develop the average capacity of the average woman would, for a man, require several life times. Womyn's Studies show how this comes about.

Its 'Previous lives'.

Most women, particularly in the Western World have lived before and most of them in exceedingly senior roles and positions. So many have been famous and even infamous Princesses, Queens, Empresses. Pharinas that it is hardly surprising that the few such prior era women were all so completely powerful and memorable. Each must at times have had several thousand  other women occupying the same body / mind simultaneously.

Of course, with so many jostling for prominence all at once they, the person at the time, must have been completely off the planet - as indeed, some were.  

The daily life, loves, sexual conquests and  deaths of Princesses, Warrior-Priestesses and Empresses etc of alien worlds and fairy realms are quite commonly 'remembered, vividly' by modern women.

If men, other than Buddhists have lived before, they are remarkably reticent about it or simply forgetful.
Woman think about their body every 15 minutes?? Calumny ! Every woman knows that it is men that think about bodies all the time Especially the size of their dicks.

He is 'obsessed' with the size of his penis. He is terrified of it.  So much so that he barely ever lets the issue enter his mind for fear of total life disruption.

Unless in a public toilet where all he does is look, in astonishment and envy, at other men's dicks.

They, apparently, don't mind him looking.

Every woman 'knows' this, 'intuitively', because he never discusses it with her.

Every other man in the world has a bigger dick.

That is, his is the smallest of 3 billion dicks, including those of little boys.

No wonder he refuses to think about it, let alone talk to her about it.
He makes sure his little penis is out of sight as much a possible. It is of such shamefully small proportion that he would be arrested if he showed it in public. The law actually forbids it, as people would be traumatised.

She, charitably, cannot understand his 'obsession'. She cares nothing for size.  "Size does not matter", she says.   Why should she care?

Even despite the fact that HER man has the smallest, weenyist, most miniscule  dick in the world, she doesn't mind.

She loves him.

She could not imagine being so obsessed.  

Besides. She has BREASTS.

And, she has bras, that have padding. And gels. And up-lifting under-wires.

Bras that lift, shape, separate, accentuate, minimize, maximize.

Push-up, plunge, contour, control, shape, flatten.

Increase cleavage, decorate, contrast, attract.

Give illusion of 'cup of choice', overflowing or otherwise.

And .....silicon gel inserts at $500 per breast, along  with $7500 surgical interventions that generate $ 62.8b a year of Gross Domestic Product.

She can even get a special Surgical Loan from her health fund.

Then there's the diet industry.  $145b. p/a !

Why should she be concerned ?  Men and their obsession with size !!  

She, even with 'petite' breasts, will get her kit off at the sound of a camera being cocked, but he won't - 'cause his dick's TOO small.

Men !  Just 'little boys'.
Main / The inheritance tax
Jun 14, 2006, 03:28 AM
Tax is Abuse. Just say NO !
Main / Who killed JFK?
Jun 14, 2006, 03:17 AM
Don't believe Gonz. He was too tall, even at three, to hide behind the grassy knoll. Whereas I have been a shortarse all my life!

I did it.
Main / Who killed JFK?
Jun 13, 2006, 10:46 PM
I did it.

Well, why not. I am a man. I get the blame for godamned everything and I have broad shoulders. :D
CM, I agree, our equipment is vastly superior. We love you guys, but there it is...... Sorry.....

Hahahahaha. Superior in some ways and for some means. But can you do Giraffe impressions with yours? Can you hang a hammer on it while you find the right peice of 4 x 2? Can yours be used as a pro-tem tent pole when the wind is blowing? The story of the Dutch lad who plugged the dyke with his finger glossed over the second hole. Hahaha.
Ah, well, Drifter, if Wikipedia says so it must be true, eh?
a long way from what we know as psychology
Main / Judge shot in courthouse
Jun 13, 2006, 06:14 PM
but still lives after 4 shots

Was it one bullet or four? If the latter it must have been a fast automatic of some sort to break the window and be followed by three more before he hit the floor.
Main / Here We Go Again
Jun 13, 2006, 06:06 PM
There are some modestly happy, contented marriages. In most western countries the divorce rate is approaching 50%, true, but that also means 50% are OK.  I agree that some of these may well be MRM material. The 'traditional arrangement' people. The majority of the population, men and women are brain-dead when it comes to recognising the problems and the causes though and need to be shown what is happening to our laws, social systems, schools, universities, literature, moral probity etc.

A major factor regarding the traditional 'man work, woman keeps home', is that as the feminists make such a fuss about how stultifying it is for women, the men start to realise what a bum deal it is for men. So I agree with Christiane that there is a recruitment pool out there waiting to be tapped. There are up and down sides. When ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise for some people.