my first thought on the whole thing is that THE MOVIE IS GONNA BE FUCKIN AWESOME
----I hope they bring in mel gibson and danny glover as murtaw and riggs, LL cool J can play dorner. title should be "Rambro, the revenge".
seriously though, one thing that has gotten a lot of attention is allegedly in the unredacted manifesto, dorner rants about the need for more gun control, particularly a new clinton rifle ban. Ironically, his actions and this whole fiasco provide the best advertisement of why such a ban is stupidly futile. he is ONE DUDE, and he has the biggest and most well armed police department in the US shitting their pants, shooting at white surfer dudes and old mexican ladies thinking they are him, offering up a million dollar reward, and generally acting like a bunch of scared pre teen girls during a friday the 13th movie. If ONE DUDE is making them shit themselves, what are a few thousand pissed off people gonna be able to do, especially since we been in two wars for ten years and a good number of them are gonna be combat hardened and even the ones who arent are probably gonna have experience with hunting and other shooting pursuits. lastly, the police conduct drove him to this, so I think fienstien and company need to think that the heavy handed tactics that are gonna be neccessary to enforce the law she is trying to pass are probably gonna turn the enforcers on THEM