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Messages - Factory


To Factory
First of all *I* am not AVFM. AVFM is there - it exists and so far I support it aims and goals ONLY because they largely coincide with my own personally held convictions.
Nor am I happy with all that is decided or that goes on there but I don't have to be - it is not my site and if I don't like it enough I can ignore it and move on.
I understand and sympathise perhaps more than you think that indeed some veteran MRA's have had their noses put out of joint in clashes with site policy and\or some of any of the moderators there. I was very saddened by the clash between Angry Harry and Paul Elam for example. Had I been in charge of the site I may well reacted differently than Paul .
I still read Angry Harry's articles and I have enormous respect and love for the man.
It was he prior to the last Gulf war that initially annoyed me with his opposition to the coming campaign - at the time I was still stupid and gullible enough to believe that the offensive was for the good of the poor Iraqi's, the Gulf in general and world peace (due to the elimination of the non-existent weapons of mass destruction etc). Yet Harry's voice troubled me - Harry foresaw the coming carnage and the undue collateral damage as a basic affront to humanity and boy was he right although it took me longer than I am proud to admit to see his perspective and agree with it.
I am not the sycophant you think I am. Like I said before AVFM  is a weapon and in my view it is being honed into an ever more effective one - so please for the sake of your own nervous system chill the fuck out and let it do it's work. :)

Jesus.  How many times do I have to say this before it gets through your thick skull?


For fuck sakes.

What I DO have a problem with, is the asshat way that the masthead there (and YOU are included in this statement) along with many 'commenters', have taken a 'Our way or fuck off' attitude.  I DON'T GIVE A FUCK about the 'gay agenda' shit..  What I DO GIVE A FUCK ABOUT is the way Paul and Dr F and the rest of those assholes simply turned on many MRAs and essentially branded them (us?) as 'extremists'.

And THAT is a fucking cunty asshole move, on ANY FUCKING LEVEL.  They better hope AVfM serves all their 'activism needs', because they just sent a messgae to MRAs everywhere...'tow the line, or we'll turn on you like we did 'The Father of the MRM' and others.  It was an ego-driven fucking power grab, and it shows just how shitty those people really are, how little they understand the concepts of 'loyalty' and 'consensus', and most importantly of all, it shows how Paul and the Gang will toss your dried husk over their shoulder the instant they are done getting what they want from you.

The REAL killer here, though, is that NONE OF YOU WILL ADMIT THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED...and instead choose to paint anyone who disagrees as 'egotistical extremists that hate Gays' know, like you keep fucking insisting on trying to do?

You're all fucking traitors, and users, and you have shown me that the VAST majority of MRAs aren't worth even a little bit of respect.  Now, FUCKING READ THIS AND UNDERSTAND, you traitorous fuck, that I will not take your baseless accusations lying down.  In fact, I'll fucking work my ass off to sink that site, and the WHOLE FUCKING MOVEMENT if I have to, before I will give you, Paul, Dr F, or any of those other assholes so much as the time of day.

Now, FUCK OFF you sycophant.

"As it happens I agree but ironically it is (mostly calling themse4lves MRA's) critics of AVFM that have been precisely guilty of just that. If you don't believe me I challenge anyone to find a single article on AVFM promoting gay rights."

How about thread after thread of the AVfM crowd vilifying and attacking anyone who doesn't expressly support the agenda, even to the point of doing so to those who don't support it 'enough', or 'properly'?  There is no 'Gay Agenda' at AVfM...sure.  But there is a wickedly intolerant politically correct strain that DOMINATES the discourse there now, and the message at AVfM has most definitely deviated from a 'Mens Rights' path, and towards a 'Humanist' path (ie, we're "about equality" now, for instance, instead of standing up for men and boys).

I can think of about 10 LOOONG time MRAs that initially supported the shit out of Paul and his cronies...guys who literally wrote the MRA-book, that are flat out disgusted with the behaviour there....and I am one of them.  Moreover, nearly ALL of this intolerance and PC totalitarianism showed up in the short span between AVfM garnering attention, and the influx of 'inclusive' types in the masthead....nearly NONE of which have more than a year's presence in the MRM, and nearly all of which are completely incapable of listing off the issues men face (save the 'Humanist' concerns)...

AVfM has most definitely tried to pervert the MRM (and no, that's not a 'gaybashing' reference), and now not only claims itself the 'Second Wave of the MRM', but feels justified in policing the speech of all who visit.

Sorry Tigerman, but just because YOU agree with them, it doesn't mean they are right.

So like I said there hasn't been a single article on AVFM promoting a gay rights agenda.
What is the problem with being "inclusive" anyway ?? As long as people (PEOPLE) support our aims and goals what business have we questioning their sex, sexual orientation, religion or not, nationality, politics or anything else as long as they are on board with our goals?
I agree it does police the speech of those who comment there - AVFM with it's increasing popularity it is a target of much hatred (and now from it's own side it seems) usually from feminists who are continually trying to depict the MRM (and MRA'S) as violent, right wing, homophobic misogynists and so because it was thought not a good idea to have the whole movement characterised by a disgruntled minority a policy was developed.
This last comment of yours is interesting:-
"Sorry Tigerman, but just because YOU agree with them, it doesn't mean they are right."
Do you know something I really don't care if I am right or wrong about this or that aspect of activism or how to go about it - the important thing to me is what works and for the sake of that my petty ago can go and fuck itself.

What is this with trying to paint everyone against this change as being some kind of reactionary against 'articles promoting the Gay Rights agenda'?  I'm starting to think you are employing the typical feminist tactic of Strawmanning, in order to paint me as some intolerant asshole you can dismiss...

Tha't not actually what you're trying to do now, is it Tigerman?

Let's get one thing straight right fucking now.  I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH GAY MEN IN THE MRM.  Is that fucking getting through to you?

Ok, good, now we can move on.

The issue is the hardline PC attitude to anyone not 'fully supporting' the agenda now unofficially pursued at AVfM...this newfound political correctness explicitly caused not one or two, but SEVERAL longtime MRAs (and supporters of, and initial BULDERS of, AVFM) to be summarily dismissed, and attempts at 'ostracism' are fucking RAMPANT among that crowd now.  Identical in every way to the way SRS behaves, in fact, and for that matter even over many of the same issues.

So, yes, I think the 'contributors' to AVfM that want the 'Gay agenda' to have more prominence are indeed fucking up the movement to suit their own selfish, narrow needs, rather than helping men in general.  And if that isn't the intention, then either THEY fucked up royally somewhere in communicating that, or the 'staff' at AVfM royally fucked up and went overboard in their enthusiastic support (ie, went fucking nutso PC), and no one is man enough to rein it the fuck in.

Another thing, as I have incessantly tried to get through your 'Progressive' noggins, acting out of FEAR will ALWAYS end up fucking things up.  Fear of 'looking bad' is the stupidest fucking reason I have ever heard to change tactics, or modify one's beliefs for that matter.  Fear is the means used to control us already, and the MRM fights against fear-based coercion all the damned time.  How the group at that site could be appallingly stupid enough to forget this lesson is utterly beyond my comprehension.  But acting out of 'fear of looking bad' just tells your opponents how to control you.

It's stupid, really REALLY FUCKING STUPID.  On EVERY DAMNED LEVEL.  And I am FURIOUS you assholes think you are morally superior while selling men out like this.

And this I can't let go...:

"Do you know something I really don't care if I am right or wrong about this or that aspect of activism or how to go about it - the important thing to me is what works and for the sake of that my petty ago can go and fuck itself."

This whole argument, this whole schism, is nothing but the EGO of the masthead at AVfM thinking they ARE the MRM.  It's the unmitigated gall of casually dismissing those who BUILT THE FUCKING MOVEMENT YOU LAY CLAIM TO...guys like angry harry, for instance.  What AVfM is doing is moronic on nearly every level I can think of, and the smug protestations of guys like you that this isn't some kind of ego-driven power grab only serve to harden my resolve.
I am inclined to bet he will be along shortly....
Yeah, it's been a while...  Now that I remember my password, things can change....  :)
4chan also gave rise to 'Anonymous' did it not?
"As it happens I agree but ironically it is (mostly calling themse4lves MRA's) critics of AVFM that have been precisely guilty of just that. If you don't believe me I challenge anyone to find a single article on AVFM promoting gay rights."

How about thread after thread of the AVfM crowd vilifying and attacking anyone who doesn't expressly support the agenda, even to the point of doing so to those who don't support it 'enough', or 'properly'?  There is no 'Gay Agenda' at AVfM...sure.  But there is a wickedly intolerant politically correct strain that DOMINATES the discourse there now, and the message at AVfM has most definitely deviated from a 'Mens Rights' path, and towards a 'Humanist' path (ie, we're "about equality" now, for instance, instead of standing up for men and boys).

I can think of about 10 LOOONG time MRAs that initially supported the shit out of Paul and his cronies...guys who literally wrote the MRA-book, that are flat out disgusted with the behaviour there....and I am one of them.  Moreover, nearly ALL of this intolerance and PC totalitarianism showed up in the short span between AVfM garnering attention, and the influx of 'inclusive' types in the masthead....nearly NONE of which have more than a year's presence in the MRM, and nearly all of which are completely incapable of listing off the issues men face (save the 'Humanist' concerns)...

AVfM has most definitely tried to pervert the MRM (and no, that's not a 'gaybashing' reference), and now not only claims itself the 'Second Wave of the MRM', but feels justified in policing the speech of all who visit.

Sorry Tigerman, but just because YOU agree with them, it doesn't mean they are right.
My initial response:

"You made stupid choices when you were younger, and had impossibly high standards.  You brought this on yourself, now suck it up, ya crybaby."
If you're referring to the cover image, it's just because your screen is too low res.  Unless it's 300 dpi, in which case holy fuck that must have cost a lot!
I don't have a problem at all with putting out PDF copies of the mag.  The issue for me was finding out if enough people were reading it to make it worth doing.  Even today, with 635,000 views on issue 6, i'm not sure how many of those are beyond the cover (ie, page refreshes on sites hosting the link).

If I knew what my actual readerbase is, I could go after advertisers and print out free copies.

As it is, I think I will release an 'anthology' in PDFs for the many people who want to print them out and leave in various places...


Main / Re: But it was done with a pure heart
Apr 13, 2011, 06:59 AM
"Jeremy was placed in the custody of his father, who was killed in a motorcycle accident several months after the boy's death.

Another 'hidden' suicide???
Main / Re: ASU MRMg Recital
Mar 11, 2011, 10:50 AM
Have at it.  That lil guy was created for a be used as often as possible...
It's running all week.  There's still a whack of articles to come...mine included.
People are more than able to come up with their own approaches.  Frankly, I'm tired of the whole 'what will the neighbors think' approach to activism, and I wholeheartedly support Paul in his unapologetic, and even offensive approach.  Mealy-mouthed approval seeking is not going to get anywhere.  Neither is 'reasoned academic debate'.  This is a PR war, and guys like Paul fascinate the Feminist Left and general public alike.

In fact, the recent explosive growth in awareness on mens issues and the MRM in general is directly a result of 'angry, offensive MRAs' like Paul.  Our movement is watched, very closely.  People wait for us to do interesting things, then talk about them.  Don;t believe me?  Watch the cadence of articles between the MSM and the manosphere.  There's a lazy, languid indirect conversation going on.

If you're not into that sort of thing, then fine.  But please, for the love of God could you stop complaining about it?
I assume you're referencing the "" commercial?

If so, I think your concerns may be unfounded...
Main / AVFM Radio Promo poster
Feb 24, 2011, 12:52 AM

There's two sizes, hover over the top of the image to get the menu.  1200X1500 max res.  Download 'em and put 'em up everywhere.
