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Messages - Sorry Isnt Good Enough

Main / Re: Bear Spray
Aug 28, 2008, 09:31 PM
CS is pretty weak, IIRC.  I"m pretty sure I took off my mask and knocked out 20 inside a chamber once.  Though I do recall another time I barely made it out and felt like I was going to die and could barely walk down the steps outside.  I guess they adjust the concentration of it.  If I get this job I put in for part of the training is being pepper sprayed in the face. 

I didn't even know there was such a thing as bear spray.  Kind of makes me long for that wild Canadian wilderness!
Main / Re: Condi Rice for VP !
Aug 26, 2008, 11:51 PM

All those accolades are great, but it doesn't change the fact that she hopped on board the neocon express to advance her career.  Even all of that aside, diplomats and security advisors don't get elected president.
Russian is not really considered a hard language to learn, once you have mastered the cyrillic alphabet. 

She is a neo-con, and I'm a classic liberal (her policies regarding war are the deciding factor against my vote for her)  but I certainly wouldn't dismiss her accomplishments. Not many people start university at 15, obviously she is much more intelligent then the vast majority. I have every respect for her. I also have every respect for Mcain though I would not vote for him given the chance.

What do you mean by "she hopped on board the neo-con express to advance her career"?
Do you mean that she's not really a conservative? (perhaps a lurking feminist in sheep's clothing).  While I don't demand answers to questions I really would like Sorry Isn't Good Enough to explain why he thinks Rice expresses neo-con viewpoints for alternative gains.

One more time for the cheap seats, her academic credentials have absolutely nothing to do with her suitability as a government official.  She has proven to be a disaster in that area-that is not debatable, its a historical fact. 

Devia, none of these people are conservatives.  The people we are all watching on TV right now are not liberals either, they are all socialists, globalists, militarists, and industrialists.  In 2003, rather than being given useful information about Iraq and 9/11, the American public was told ad nauseum how great people like Rice were.  If she is so brilliant, why did she embrace the same warmongering authoritarianism that people like Rush Limbaugh did?  So there is your explanation Devia-she was out of her depth as a security advisor, going along with the neocons was her life raft. 
Main / Re: Condi Rice for VP !
Aug 25, 2008, 09:31 AM
All those accolades are great, but it doesn't change the fact that she hopped on board the neocon express to advance her career.  Even all of that aside, diplomats and security advisors don't get elected president.


Russian is not really considered a hard language to learn, once you have mastered the cyrillic alphabet. 
Main / Re: Condi Rice for VP !
Aug 24, 2008, 08:02 PM

Many have been suggesting this for a long time and pushed for it. I was hoping she would even run for preseident but she has stated she will not run for any office or accept a position like that. It would have been nice since I think she really is a smart one and would have done a good job.

Ok, how is she "smart"?  The security advisor of record for the 9/11 attacks and the Iraq war, and the "Russian expert" while we have reverted back to literal 1960's style NATO vs. Warsaw Pact nuclear brinkmanship with Russia.   She will go down in history as one of the most overrated public figures ever.   

So can anyone provide an actual example of how she is "smart", please?  I guess all you have to do is throw your hat in the political arena, do anything you want, then you too can be "smart".  Sorry for the rant, I'm just growing weary of the worship of some of these people. 
Main / Duke Accuser to release memoir....
Aug 22, 2008, 07:15 PM
....and is donating the proceeds to battered women!

Obama is an ultra liberal idiot.  Im black, and I for sure an not going to vote for him. Anyone who does, is looking to see more IMBRA, even laxer abortion laws, more VAWA, especially if he chooses Biden as VP....Imigration out of control..... Islam gaining ground... and more gay marrige. Oh, not to mention fucked up judges for the next umteen years....
Read the book out on him...the mans a crook.

But, is Mc Amnesty any better?

Wow, thanks for reminding me about IMBRA, totally forgot about that.  Right now I am reading "The Obama Nation" by Jerome Corsi, which goes into his deep background.  I also have in my queue "Obama: The Postmodern Coup" by Webster G. Tarpley, which explores the larger forces at work behind him (Chicago Econ School, Trilateralists, Ford Foundation, etc.)

Is McCain better?  No, but if you vote in McCain, you get a lame duck republican Pres in gridlock with a Dem Congress.  Would you prefer a unified Democratic Congress behind President Obama? 

Obama is the new opiate for the masses.  After years of Bush, the puppetmasters need someone "different" to keep everyone thinking they actually make a choice.  McCain I am sure is just there to make the choice look more stark than it is.   People will actually believe things are improving because they have a younger guy in power who makes feel-good speeches with little substance.  I don't think it matters who is in power - you still have the same old policies in place.

That is one way of looking at it.  With McCain, you get to have the neocons ruling over you, with Obama, the Trilateralists.  If we truly lived in a free republic, we'd be discussing the campaign of Ron Paul (a real conservative) vs. Dennis Kucinich ( a real liberal).  I'm taking this Obama vs. McCain matchup about as seriously as the WWE women's intercontinental championship and the North American Madden/XBox tournament.  You are correct in that all of the police state measures put in place over the last eight years WILL STILL BE THERE when we have a Democratic congress unified behind a Democrat, globalist president.  Scary. 
Man I gotta see that, I love that show.  Did Goren unravel the case?  Or one of the lesser detectives?  Too bad only seasons 1-3 are on DVD.

I haven't seen this yet, my laptop is acting weird.  Synopsis anyone? 
Main / Re: Michelle Malkin and Laura Ingraham
Jul 11, 2008, 11:03 PM
Couldn't disagree with you more.  Malkin is a low rent, much less impressive version of Ann Coulter.  When it was fashionable to question the official account of 9/11, she did so, when she got hired with FOX, "9/11 truthers" were subversive maniacs all of a sudden.  I think she is a patriotic American the same way Jake "The Snake" Roberts really hates Greg "The Hammer" Valentine.  Its all staged.  I agree with her on immigration, but she is really a broken record with her pro-war rhetoric. 

Laura Ingraham had Ron Paul on her show and tried to make an issue of the fact that he had not travelled personally to Iraq to visit the troops.  Hope I don't have to explain why that is totally ridiculous.  Just my opinion, though...
Main / Re: Is this Obama Crazy
Jun 16, 2008, 07:54 PM
"Any fool can have a child"....?  Things that he might take for granted (having a wife and children) don't come automatically for everyone.  Some people just can't get it to work.  Sorry, Senator Obama, going to have to withdraw my support.  Good luck with that national health care system. 
Main / Re: Middle class women vs underclass
Jun 15, 2008, 11:19 PM

Oooooookay........pick any article, and then read the comments and imagine anything like them not being deleted immediately on any other website.  Even the now-extinct Yahoo boards, the bathroom wall of the Internet, was moderated to a point.

Leaving comments up does not neccesarily imply endorsement of any viewpoint expressed in the comments by the website.  That is at the webmaster's discretion.  Just depends on how worried you are about getting sued or something.  I've never known AmRen to be a "supremacist" site. 
Don't forget that Ron Paul was drawing bigger crowds than Barack Obama a few months ago.  Also don't forget that Obama isn't the anti-war candidate, he's the "sensible foreign policy" candidate.  If Ron Paul came back into the fray McCain and Obama would look like tag team partners all of a sudden.  Not to slight Obama's acheivements thus far, we'll see. 
Now that voters know who they are getting, Obama's novelty is sure to wear off, bringing the Repub/Dem Cheech and Chong machine back into glaring relief.

Facist socialism is a bunch of bullshit.  While you are running around here whining about how blacks are getting a food stamp and how government social security is a sin there are 130,000 MEN getting their asses blown off in iraq because John McWarFuck wishes to do so. Any male that further wishes to send a fellow brother into a desert war zone so that their fat, entitled (As if they serve as well) military wives can fuck the pool boy and swallow up hubby's CC then the voter is no man-your just a drone for the feminist proponent system.

Ron Paul may be the only person with no bullshit in his mouth, but you know as well as i do that a vote for ron paul in a write in means a vote for grandpa and his whore of a wife druggy in november-which ultimately means every human with a penis ages 18-25 are supposed to "protect the women folk" by being perpetually tormented in 130 degree baghdad is eligible for it-while women who get down on their knees and pray to god while sucking iraqi dick get proclaimed as heros.

Steel Rain....MLRS?