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Judge -- "Sir... she was just defending herself against your systematic abuse.... especially that you had habitually ignored her while you were sleeping!"
According to the newspaper, it was Dick who personally sanctioned the implementation of a so-called shoot-to-kill policy for police facing those they feared were would-be suicide bombers.
QuoteAlso, nice guys tend to be predictable, and that is not exciting enough for many women.
Predictable as in dependable...
I would like to believe that the truth could defeat feminist lies and mendacities. Experience, however, tells me that this is not the case. We have had 40 years of lies from feminists despite the truth being there for all to see. We repeat the truth ad nauseam. The femonazi industry goes on telling more and more lies and gaining more and more power. The Princess of Lies is winning hands down.
Arguing with ignorant girls in school or college isn't going to win the day. The occasional put down of some opinionated bimbo who holds an entitlement view is a waste of breath. We have to be concentrating energy on targeting the leaders and the parasites and going for the jugular. The singers are more important than the song now. Go for the liar, not the lie.
Communism and Nazism were not defeated by convincing chatter.
It's kind of interesting that the t-shirt was bought for the little girl by her male parent, though. It'd be enlightening to discuss the philosophical ramifications above with him personally.
"it hurts women a hell of a lot more. in everyday ways. not every guy is murdered. EVERY woman has to deal with shitstains eyeraping them when they get on the bus."
Remember this? It's what we should be working toward. I would, however, add "equal protection" and maybe something along the lines of "equal responsibility" and "equal social duty" to "Equality of rights."
Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.
We men's rights acitivists would do well to work for the passage of this amendment.
I suppose those women rationalize that his arrogance is merely confidence.
Men who are less than confident seem to be shunned by women.
Quote from: "becksbolero"You never saw "Monster", did you?
They quite handily turned her into a "Victim" allright.
Pissed me off, no-end;.
That was one of the reasons I did not want to see the movie.
Your letter to him was very good and accurate, johnnyp.
I always wonder... if the "well-intentioned" take sex-worker's livelihood away... how will they survive? If they had other options wouldn't they take them (I mean if prostitution is embarked upon due to a lack of other choices)?
Somehow all this shaming and blaming sounds like an attempt by people who really don't like prostitutes to get rid of them by taking away their ability to support themselves.
Or are these feminist camp councilors also offering to feed, house and clothe these women as well?