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Messages - johnnyp

BBC: "A woman who stabbed her husband with the knife she was using to make his sandwiches is beginning a three-year community rehabilitation order."

If the man was a mean loud mouth - that is not grounds knife him.  Have the courts gone completely insane?!  There was no claim of violence by the man.

One second feminists are claiming that women are POWERFUL, capable, independent...  the next second they are happy to see a woman get counseling for murder because her husband was a loudmouth.

The implications of this stuff is so incredibly scary...
Main / Absolutely Unbelievable
Oct 08, 2005, 09:49 AM
Quote from: "Roy"

Judge -- "Sir... she was just defending herself against your systematic abuse.... especially that you had habitually ignored her while you were sleeping!"


lol - that may actually come to pass - the absurity is funny
Main / Re: Top [female] cop could be charged
Oct 08, 2005, 06:21 AM
According to the newspaper, it was Dick who personally sanctioned the implementation of a so-called shoot-to-kill policy for police facing those they feared were would-be suicide bombers.

Makes sense to me.

A police woman with a Dick is unfortunate   ;-)
I kinda like this one.  It makes you think and does not advocate violence.  The play on "does this make me look fat" cliché disarms the statement, but still implies that the man feels selfconcious...

Main / Why are there so many single girls?
Oct 08, 2005, 05:26 AM
Quote from: "alien"
Also, nice guys tend to be predictable, and that is not exciting enough for many women.

Predictable as in dependable...

Predictable as in - you can predict that he keeps his dick in his pants went you are not around?

Predicable as in - He doesn't blow his paycheck in two days and then dives into your purse?

Predictable as in - Believes in honesty and fairness?

Predictable as in - Stays away from drugs and does not have run-ins with the law?

Predictable as in - Has a plan for this complex world?
Main / Debating Idiotic Male Feminists
Oct 07, 2005, 01:05 PM
Quote from: "Sir Percy"
I would like to believe that the truth could defeat feminist lies and mendacities. Experience, however, tells me that this is not the case. We have had 40 years of lies from feminists despite the truth being there for all to see. We repeat the truth ad nauseam. The femonazi industry goes on telling more and more lies and gaining more and more power. The Princess of Lies is winning hands down.

Arguing with ignorant girls in school or college isn't going to win the day. The occasional put down of some opinionated bimbo who holds an entitlement view is a waste of breath. We have to be concentrating energy on targeting the leaders and the parasites and going for the jugular. The singers are more important than the song now. Go for the liar, not the lie.

Communism and Nazism were not defeated by convincing chatter.

I agree that debating will not change the mind of an ideologue.  I do think giving the truth to honest people (men and women) will have an impact.

I do not bother debating feminists.  I do however; make it a point to write the editor every time I see a story that leaves out an important fact.  I even got a reply from one of the writers defending himself.  I replied back with the facts, and he apologized.
Main / "I beat up boys for fun"
Oct 07, 2005, 12:53 PM
Quote from: "lkanneg"

It's kind of interesting that the t-shirt was bought for the little girl by her male parent, though.  It'd be enlightening to discuss the philosophical ramifications above with him personally.

It is odd.

I think a lot of guys do not even see the corner they are being pained into.  They are just going though life dumb and happy.  One day they are going to get a rude awakening as all of these laws creep up on us.  Suddenly they are going to notice that they are in a tiny corner with no options.

Maybe it is like the theory:  If you put a frog in a pot of room temperature water and then turn up the heat slowly, you can cook him alive.  If you try to put a frog in a pot of boiling water, he will jump out.
Main / Debating Idiotic Male Feminists
Oct 07, 2005, 08:04 AM
"it hurts women a hell of a lot more. in everyday ways. not every guy is murdered. EVERY woman has to deal with shitstains eyeraping them when they get on the bus."

Okay - wana trade?  I will support the suppression of all impolite male behavior.  You choose the tens of thousands of women who will die each year to pay the price.

I joined the Army, as I felt it was my duty as a man.  I have three feet of scars on my body.  I would trade 10,000 dirty looks to not have these scars and memories of surgery and rehabilitation.
Main / Re: The Equal Rights Amendment
Oct 07, 2005, 07:54 AM
Quote from: "Thomas"
Remember this? It's what we should be working toward. I would, however, add "equal protection" and maybe something along  the lines of "equal responsibility" and "equal social duty" to "Equality of rights."

Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.

We men's rights acitivists would do well to work for the passage of this amendment.

I would modify section 1:

Federal and state goverments shale make no law that considers sex, race, origin, ethnic background, or any other non-merit characteristic.
Main / Why are there so many single girls?
Oct 07, 2005, 07:47 AM
Quote from: "Darth Sidious"
I suppose those women rationalize that his arrogance is merely confidence.  

Men who are less than confident seem to be shunned by women.

I would restate that a little - women think men who are polite and conscientious are weak and lack confidence.
Main / But because he has a penis....
Oct 07, 2005, 07:01 AM
Thanks for the view - that is a touching story.

I recoment that you write a letter to your Senators, Reps, and state reps - it will make you feel better.

Tell that story in church, it will make you feel better.

Everyday wear a t-shirt that says "feminists do not speak for me - men are wonderful" - it will make you feel better.

Cheer up - there are things that you can do to make you feel better.
Quote from: "Darth Sidious"
Quote from: "becksbolero"
You never saw "Monster", did you?

They quite handily turned her into a "Victim" allright.

Pissed me off, no-end;.

That was one of the reasons I did not want to see the movie.

I had no idea that the movie tried to show a murdering prostitute in a good light.  I did net see it because I do not find sicko killers interesting (understatement).
Quote from: "Darth Sidious"
Your letter to him was very good and accurate, johnnyp.

Thanks darth - that means a lot to me coming from the lord of darkness  ;-)  When are you going to teach me how to choke someone from across a room?  ;-)

Feel free to plagiarize the letter and contact your senators and rep - they are on the web at:
Quote from: "typhonblue"
I always wonder... if the "well-intentioned" take sex-worker's livelihood away... how will they survive? If they had other options wouldn't they take them (I mean if prostitution is embarked upon due to a lack of other choices)?

Somehow all this shaming and blaming sounds like an attempt by people who really don't like prostitutes to get rid of them by taking away their ability to support themselves.

Or are these feminist camp councilors also offering to feed, house and clothe these women as well?

Yup - they want to reduce the girls earning power by a factor of 10.  I have been to poor 3rd world countries.  It is incredible to see people farming with their bare hands, houses with no doors or windows, and families taking a bath in a stream.

I bought some fruit from this man who looked like he was 60 years old and had knarled fingers and a hunched back.  This guy had a young child - I bet the old man was actually in his 30s or 40s.

Many of these countries have nearly zero financial capital to invest, and little human capital beyond unskilled labor.

It is not sexual discrimination - it is a complete breakdown in their governmental system, legal system, banking system, and rampant corruption...

I would guess that the young hookers have a relatively high standard of living as compared to other family members.  While the girl is hanging out in an air-conditioned bar and making 10, 20, 30 bucks a day, her brother is in the forest stealing trees with an ax for 2 bucks a day, and her mother is hauling water in buckets and cooking over a smokey wood fire.

These young hookers have cell phones, while other family members have no shoes!
if you want to get nauseous, check out the US Department for International Development website

Many of their programs seem to target third-world women to learn about being a victim. The programs also seem to undermine the natural balance of power between the sexes in those countries.

It sorta gives you a warm feeling to know that your tax dollars are working hard at creating bitter women around the world and ruining men's lives.

Back in the '60s my father worked for USAID. He ended up quiting because he could not stand to see the destruction that the agency so regularly created while trying to do good.