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Messages - davis2ab
So, I walk into a barber shop at the same time as a woman. The barber shop is run entirely by women.
There is a barber sitting there doing nothing. She ignores me.
She several times talks to the woman who entered the shop at the same time as me (in Spanish which I did not understand).
Finally, the woman who entered the shop at the same time as me said in English: "I am not with him"
It seems to me that the barber had some kind of understanding that I belonged to the woman who entered at the same time as me so she should talk to the woman not me.
I think men are almost property of women now (just like women supposedly used to be property of men).
The local paper was less direct in its attack on fathers this father's day than usual.
But, it did attack fathers just less directly.
It ran a story about various classes that teach men how to be better fathers.
So, this is a day to honor fathers yet the message is on fathers needing education on being fathers.
Again, this is better than previous years where the paper has run stories about fathers killing their children, etc.
The jury foreman mentioned verbal and emotional abuse as a reason for their difficulty resolving the death penalty issue.
I have been verbally and emotionally abused to one extent or another by every person that I have ever had a substantial relationship with.
It kinds of goes with the territory.
People say and do ugly things even nice people. They just do.
That is absolutely no justification for killing them.
Pussy Pass still alive?
It didn't save her from conviction but it may save her from death?
Obviously, it is highly unlikely that a jury would have difficulty putting a man to death in this context.
I say this while realizing I suffer from the same "pussy pass."
I find it hard to consider killing a young, reasonably attractive woman.
It just goes against socialization and nature.
I had to shut down you tube after a few seconds.
I am not sure I understand my feelings, but I just couldn't watch it.
This guy provides for her everything including her private 747, million dollar vacations, etc. yet she gets up and talks about his many failings.
I don't like him but it rankles me that his wife talks about him this way openly.
The main reason to marry other than sex and children possibly more important than sex and children is to have a loyal confidant.
Women by and large are not that now.
If her husband has many failings, think about how the average husband will be judged by his wife?
I remember talking to this woman several years ago. I very honestly told her that her husband was a really nice guy. I had dealt with him 3 or 4 times and I honestly thought he was a really nice guy. Her response was "he isn't a very good man." I later learned more that he violated certain tenants of religious doctrine of their church (e.g. he had looked at some porn on the computer -- the bitch actually called the police so they could make sure it wasn't illegal porn -- it was of course grown up legal porn no child porn).
So, she openly tells a stranger that her husband is not a very good man b/c he looked at porn which a very high percentage of men do and calls the police on him. I would have walked out the door that moment never to return. By the way, she had some very serious medical issues among others she had to sleep with some kind of mask to help her breath. She was significantly over weight and attractive at all. It is not surprising that he would enjoy some more attractive female forms. If all he did was look and didn't actually cheat, I would say that he was a very good man. These women just can't be satisfied and they are rarely loyal.
Even if the spouse is defective in significant ways, spouses should support each other in public.
The area where I am would never pay a defense lawyer what that defense lawyer reportedly got paid.
Further, it would never allow a case like this to go on for 4 months.
A typical death penalty case might last 2 or 3 weeks.
I was not impressed by the defense, and I found his statement about not liking his client 9 out of 10 days atrocious. I wonder whether he was trying to build error into the record to save his clients life (sometimes defense lawyers willingness admit to inadequate representation to help their clients on appeal).
It is very important that at least the lawyer like the client if no one else does. A lawyer should always present himself as his client's friend and show respect for his client. This is true even if the client has done something horrible. Even people who have done horrible things need to have supporters to present the best image. Even people who have done horrible things arguably and usually actually do have a good side that can be respected by the lawyer.
As for the prosecutor, he is a blasted hero. I didn't watch but a small portion of his performance but I was impressed. A lot of prosecutors would have just let her go. In my area, two women within just a few months shot their ex husbands or boyfriends when they went to pick up their children. Neither were prosecuted. One of the men in particular was a very well respected member of the community (a fire chief or deputy chief) with no history of wrongdoing whatsoever.
She is claiming that she prefers death.
I wonder if she is playing some kind of "reverse psychology" with the jury or if she really means that.
Actually, I think the reverse psychology thing might work.
Let's not give her what she wants, and her life is spared.
I am sorry if someone has already said this.
But, I have no known Asian women to be submissive at all.
The Asian women I have known generally have been very smart, assertive, etc.
They often run businesses and they are sharp and assertive.
I actually feel sorry for her.
The look on her face when the verdict was read.
It had to be. It is a shame.
She was so confident that she would get off by complaining about the type of sex, spider man pants, etc. -- total BS.
She was so confident that she was "too pretty" to be convicted.
This verdict will save a lot of lives as future potential killers think twice.
I do not feel strongly about her getting death although she clearly deserves both in absolute terms and relative to others sentenced to death.
For me, it is good enough that she is serious punished at a minimum she'll spend decades in prison.
I am a little worried that there will be a surprise verdict.
It would be really bad if she gets off too light. This woman was completely convinced she would get off even after she was caught. She obviously tried to play the same cards as some other high profile husband and boyfriend killers who got off. The cards didn't seem to play well here.
I doubt she gets off too easy though. I am not believing death is necessary. But, she definitely needs life in prison.
I am not sure if anybody has already said this, but
Martinez is a blasted hero.
I couldn't believe it when he asked: "that is because he is a man and she is a woman, right?"
Those are words right out of an MRA mouth.
He should get a blasted medal.
He has done more to move forward the truth of female privilege, violence, etc. than anyone else probably ever.
An advocate who cannot speak? What kind of advocate is that?
I try not to think about the "abuse" defense because it makes me mad.
I do think it is positive though that the abuse defense doesn't seem to be working here.
She has so much going against her (photos, lies, etc.).
In the typical, woman kills man case, the defense is very much still a potential get out of jail free card.
Meanwhile, of course, a woman can abuse a man without a limit, and there is never an excuse for whatever he does even things far, far short of murder (e.g. a raised voice, etc.).
"Jodi Arias' attorney on Monday worked to portray Travis Alexander as a sexual deviant who coerced her to fulfill his fantasies only to please him ...."
Well, she kept coming back for more. There are lots of happy looking "couple" pictures of both them. This is the nightmare. The woman can always claim the guy was a demon, selfish, etc. no matter her participation and apparently pleasure from the relationship and sex. I don't think it is working for her this time though.
I have seen youtube clips of even feminist type women who will not openly support her.