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Messages - davis2ab

I think this case will have a significant impact on public sentiment towards violent women.  People will be more skeptical of the "battered woman" like defenses. This trial on average is a good thing for abused men.
The jury questions are very hostile. I seriously doubt she gets off. I continue to think and agree they won't kill her.

I doubt her feminine "charms" will be enough to get her acquitted or even a very short sentence.

But, she is getting preference based on her sex not only because she won't be killed, but because she is getting an incredible amount of drama and celebrity out of this.  If a guy did this, the trial would last 1 week.  There is no way the Court or his defense counsel would allow him to testify for 17 days. If he did that, it would just hurt him more and more. There would be no interest at all in his explanations. It would be very simple -- you did it, you guilty, you pay, we don't even want to hear your stupid excuses and if you make us listen you will pay even an even greater price.

I live a "zone" of economic prosperity that exists for several reasons as just one example massive oil drilling, pipeline, etc. activity.

Nevertheless, I know that there are very, very serious problems on the horizon for many reasons I won't attempt to list here.

My issue is one of timing and nature of the collapse.

It could be 20 years from now or it could be tomorrow.

It could be a gradual decline or it could be a sudden event.

It will happen though absent very massive changes, and the political will to make those changes just isn't there.

I fear for my future but my future numbered in decades is few.

I truly fear for the future of my children and any grandchildren I might someday have.
Main / Re: Y'all trackin' this VAWA shit?
Mar 05, 2013, 04:20 PM
I heard the victory was short lived.

VAWA has been reauthorized with some modifications.
"Rape" sometimes is defined in a way not requiring lack of consent.

This is true not only with under age girls but other situations.

My guess is that sex by a correctional office with an inmate is defined as rate even if consensual.

This is an abuse of language and the concept of "rape" but nevertheless this is done.

In other words, this probably is not bullshit rather this is just the law at work.

It is good that the same law is being applied to a female correctional officer as would be applied to a male.
First, religious hypocrisy is no justification for murder.

Second, she has just as much hypocrisy.

Third, nearly everybody has religious hypocrisy (or imperfection) extreme at some point in their lives.
Watch the video of her singing. She can sing really well.

If she hadn't recorded the whole thing on her camera, I would say she would walk.

The pictures and her lying though are a little much.

I bet she is convicted.

She won't get the death penalty though.

She is way too attractive and "hot" for that.

Society doesn't kill young hot attractive women no matter how guilty.
I agree with you to an extent.

I would point out though that feminists pull of the stunt of attacking supposed female oppression in connection with  a violent female.  As an example, a woman runs over her husband with her mercedes. The feminists have no trouble arguing that anti female oppression led to this violence.

It seems to me that men are always trying to play honorably while feminists don't.
I guess I stopped reading at some point because I did not see your disclaimer or the Sloppy Joe thing.
Obviously, you successfully fooled me. Yes, I think this kind of "story" is completely plausible as possibly reality.
"A man who isn't getting sex from his wife will look for it somewhere else."

Right, society used to be so much more honest. By this I mean, women were expected to have sex with their husbands. This was part of the marital agreement, and women were expected to keep it.

Now, a woman can totally disregard that part of the bargain yet still bitch when the man goes elsewhere. It is considered offensive if the man even mentions the problem.

I heard one man say he was told on his honeymoon night "we are married, I don't have to do that anymore." Another man told me all sex stops after his wife got pregnant with their first child. He had not had sex since and the child at the time was 15 years old. When he mentioned this during the divorce, the judge was infuriated.

Main / Re: News media image crumbling?
Feb 07, 2013, 05:34 AM
There is a major corruption trial ongoing in my city right now.

A high profile lawyer is accused of bribing a judge and witnesses and the district clerk, etc.

This is obviously legitimate news. There was one story that showed up on the web site around midnight. By 7:00 a.m., it was no longer on the new web site (it was in archives but not on the front page).

Meanwhile, the paper runs gobs of stupid stories like some guy who stole a TV (just routine crime). They even run things that really should be on Jerry Springer.

The paper is just awlful.
Right, there were probably dozens of "good" guys working as guards or whatever in the prison who would have loved the opportunity to be her legitimate and honorable boyfriend (I haven't seen her picture but let's assume this for now) yet she had to choose the prison inmate.

At least economically, she certainly didn't have a hard life. My impression is that all federal employees have it pretty darn good even lower level employees. She was probably doing pretty darn OK.

Besides, it really doesn't matter whether she had a difficult life. That is not much of a defense. It certainly would not be for a man who did the same thing. Actually, it would be used to imply he was dangerous.

Finally, exactly how does a prison inmate pressure a prison guard into an affair that lasted a substantial amount of time. It just ain't possible. A prison inmate is totally controlled.  He might manage a one time "rape" but he certainly couldn't coerce repeated events. That is just nuts.
Oh, come on.  How exactly did that insult women?  Even if you consider the "implications" of the word taco, how is that an insult to women? Actually, the color pink is a female color I think because it is the general color of the vagina. Women clearly are not offended by the color pink. Women talk about their vaginas all the time.

I just don't get it other than the general fact that you can never do the "right" thing when it comes to women. The truth is that they probably never thought about this particular slang for vagina.

I guess they shouldn't sell tacos at all because their very business of selling tacos insults women.

Stupid women. They stopped a campaign that apparently was successfully generating money for women.

Taco Bell would never run a campaign to raise money for penis cancer.