The UK Men’s Movement.
122 Holehouse Drive,
www.ukmm.or G13 3TF tel.0141-959-4194.
Media Release
NSPCC Welcome DialogueToday the UK Men’s Movement were in discussions with The NSPCC over their portrayal of men in their advertising campaigns, and on various other issues ( See below).
Present for NSPCC were Chief Executive Mary Marsh, and John Grounds, Director of Corporate Communication . Brian Robertson, who was at NSPCC headquarters for the meeting, present and Chairman George McAulay, who was "present via speaker-phone, put the UKMM case.
Mrs Marsh said that she was looking for continued dialogue with UKMM on various issues discussed. For further details, please contact George McAulay on 0141-959-4194. ( on Point " 6" below, we promised to supply NSPCC with research that indicated that on an individual basis , homosexuals and lesbians already sexually abuse children almost 100 times more that heterosexuals)
Outline Meeting Agenda
(Apologies for its unpolished presentation)
1) Restoration of accurate child abuse data.
The data referenced in Broken Homes and Battered Children used to be a good
source for statistics gathering. It showed conclusively that children were
much safer in homes where the biological fathers were present (33 times
more safe). No surprise then that this data gathering (organised by the
NSPCC) was halted. We would like it restarted.
2) The demonisation of men in NSPCC adverts
When they know that mothers commit the majority of abuse, why do they
consistently target fathers? They were lambasted in the Victoria Climbie
enquiry (where their reluctance to accept that the primary abuser was the
auntie together with her live in boyfriend). But they persist in
concentrating their advertising on demonising fathers--have they learned
nothing? Why do they spend so much money on misleading campaigns like this,
(£ 24 million last year from their £90m income) when their homes are
3) Support the safest family types
Why do they not campaign to restore marriage, which is by far the safest
arrangement for child-safety? The overwhelming majority of children do not
need to be protected from their parents, who know well enough the
difference between moderate physical correction and child abuse. Rather,
they need protection from overzealous social workers intent on imposing an
unproven philosophy on every family by force of law.
4) NSPCC promoting Marxist Feminist agenda
Mary Marsh titles herself as "Ms" does she describe herself as a Feminist?
has she any connections with Feminist orgs ( NSPCC have made joint
submissions with Women's Aid for legislation). The adverts targeting children bring in
echos of the Lenist grain Hoarding campaigns.
5) Family destroyers
Why does the NSPCC asist in the destruction of families by supporting and fueling false allegations? E.G. D .v. NSPCC, 1973. What are the figures for false allegations? What information does the NSPCC have about the harm caused by false allegations? When will the NSPCC
remove the lie that it supports parents? (The NSPCC faciliates making false accusations anonymously.)
6) Support of deviant family types
Why does the NSPCC support gay adoption?
Why do they encourage singles and gays
to adopt, when they know from their own research that kids are safest in a home with the natural mother and father present?
7) The concealment by the NSPCC of high rate of abuse on children in
non-biological/parent households
The Climbe case would be a good example of this. Are they afraid that
challenging the social taboo against acknowledging that mothers are the
majority abusers will damage their income?
Harm done to children by witch-hunting
One of the results of the witch-hunt atmosphere they are helping to
generate is the decline in the number of people prepared to work with
children, from scout leaders to teachers supervising school trips.One
particularly disturbing activity recently taken up by the charity is a
quest to identify possible future abusers from among young people who have
themselves been abused: 'From 2002 onwards we are developing this work to
help young people who have not yet abused others, but show signs of doing
so in the future.' The Society does not say what these signs might be;
nonetheless, the idea that they are spying on young, previously abused
people going about their perfectly innocent business is chilling.However,
it's not just the previously abused the Society wants to keep tabs on.
Their entry in the Data Protection Register reveals that they are
registered to hold intimate data such as details of sex life, political
opinions, ethnic origin and religious beliefs on offenders and alleged
offenders and their relatives.
We will make it clear that we will be reporting any minsandry to their
celebrity supporters, who are a major benefit in revenue raising.
We will state clearly that we want a pre-or postscript to adverts making it
clear to kids watching that the vast majority of mums and dads love and
protect their children.