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Messages - Pernicious

Hope she is charged with attempted murder, and domestic violence, as she lived with the victim.
Do not watch the video, comments and ratings are disabled so we do not want to give it many views.

Here is pretty much a transcript of it and I want to break it down later.

I would be nine times more likely to be CEO here
I would be paid 25% more than I do
I would be half as likely to be sexually harassed, abused,
I would have total say over my reproductive health
I would be far less likely to be a single-parent in poverty
and to die that way
if I were, i were, i were, a man, a man, a man

I would be 19 times more likely not to die at my job,
I would work five to ten less hours per week,,
I would have my harassment claims taken seriously,
I would have total say over my reproductive options,
I would choose to be a single-parent in poverty
and choose to die that way
if I were, i were, I were, a woman, a woman, a woman.

I was going to break down the stupid video and come up with changes, but I thought I would write a small men's rebuttal to it.
Sometimes I wonder why people did not pull out air-horns and blow it in the hallways with the protestors. They should not have been allowed inside the building with weapons.
A group of friends and I occasionally buy lottery tickets, and pool our money together for a possible win.

We take scans of the pooled tickets and ride the winnings till it is gone.

We know before the draw what the numbers are going to be so there is no way to really screw the others.
Think they should have setup the decoy packages with exploding dye like they use in Bank Robberies. Open the package, boom, dye that stays on for weeks...
Main / Re: Once Again It's "Movember"
Dec 01, 2012, 09:25 PM
I tried to grow something but it did not turn out that good. I can not grow a mustache to save my life. This year I raised $115, not as good as last year which was $300. Next year will be better!

Remember to get your prostate checked yearly. Prostate cancer is a very treatable cancer if caught early.
Main / Re: Once Again It's "Movember"
Nov 04, 2012, 10:12 PM
Well I raised $300.00 Last year, and am hoping to raise at least $100 this year.

It is a great cause as it actually benefits males, it helps promote prostate health awareness, and getting your prostate checked yearly.
Main / Re: And then they fight you...
Nov 04, 2012, 10:10 PM
If they persist in ripping your posters down, you can use a better adhesive which only costs a few cents to make, (let you save your money to create your posters).
I can imagine in twenty to thirty years that men will be feeling the same thing when seeing a woman enter a location where they are at.

With the rape laws changing if he looks at her he will be probably charged with eye-rape.
Main / Female native inmates on rise
Oct 12, 2012, 07:36 PM
Female native inmates on rise
Federal report sheds light on soaring rate

By: Alexandra Paul

The rising number of aboriginal women behind bars in Canada is "nothing short of a crisis," yet Ottawa pays little more than lip service to public calls for change, concludes a new study prepared for Public Safety Canada.

The highly critical finding surfaced Thursday in news reports about the study titled Marginalized, the Aboriginal Women's Experience in Federal Prisons.

John Hutton, executive director of the John Howard Society in Winnipeg warned prison rates will rise, not fall, as a result of Ottawa's tough-on-crime legislation. And that's a shame, he said.

In Manitoba, aboriginal female prisoners find themselves behind bars in provincial institutions mostly for breaking conditions of release or breaching probation, Hutton said.

And since most of them are mothers, that has far-reaching social consequences for families, he said.

The same is true in federal institutions, he added.

"We're too quick to lock up parents and when we do, we put something into motion that will have impacts for years to come. If we had community-based options, we'd have healthier women and fewer problems down the road," Hutton said.

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews had yet to respond to the study Thursday.

Aboriginal women account for nearly 33 per cent of the total federal female prisoner population, even though aboriginal people only make up about four per cent of the Canadian population, the report said.

That means aboriginal women are jailed at twice the rate of the overall aboriginal prison population, which currently sits at 17 per cent of the total prison population.

"That's absolutely appalling," Hutton said.

When it comes to aboriginal female prisoners, the study also noted the numbers leapfrogged 90 per cent in the last decade, suggesting social factors, beyond criminal ones, are behind the soaring incarceration rates.

"Aboriginal women... represent the fastest-growing offender population," the report declared.

Over the same period of time, Ottawa has been under pressure to respond with culturally sensitive programs to rehabilitate prisoners and reduce the conviction rates.

Yet, Correctional Services Canada (CSC) has failed on both counts, the report concluded.

Federal Correctional Services officials have talked a lot about what to do but they've done little, the report found.

"CSC has the challenge of addressing the multitude of needs in a culturally and gender-appropriate manner.

"However, to date, the experience of aboriginal women has been a continuation of marginalization experienced by generations of aboriginal women," the report concluded.

Not even the famous Gladue decision has made much of a dent.

In 1999, the Supreme Court of Canada ordered judges to take into account social and cultural hurdles unique to aboriginal people when they decide on sentences.

The absence of alternatives to imprisonment don't relieve judges from their duty, but it makes it tougher to do justice by the women, the report found.

Healing lodges, one planned in Quebec and another in Alberta, not to mention culturally appropriate programs, have been the subject of endless debate, the report found.

The latest study follows another bleak finding closer to home this summer.

Manitoba aboriginals were the hardest hit due to the overcrowding at federal prisons on the Prairies, Canada's correctional investigator said this summer.

From 2010 to 2011, the number of federal inmates jumped by 1,000 -- with 51 per cent of that increase in the Prairie region -- and 43 per cent of those were aboriginal offenders, including men and women.

[email protected] Twitter: @eascpaul

The typical profiles

A new report says the number of aboriginal women in federal prisons is soaring. The report also released a typical profile of a prisoner.

The average aboriginal female prisoner is younger than non-aboriginal female prisoners and she's serving from two to five years behind bars.

"She is serving time for a serious offence, typically a violent offence. She has an extensive criminal history a low level of employment experience and low education."

-- source: Marginalized, the Aboriginal Women's Experience in Federal Corrections. Public Safety Canada in co-operation with the Wesley Group. .

Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition October 12, 2012 A7

This article actually angers me as it is written to say oh the poor womens.. They commit violent crimes, put on probation, break the conditions of their probation, and then have to go to jail.

As a white male my options are go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.
Main / Re: "Because I am a Girl"
Oct 05, 2012, 02:27 PM
This website / charity I would never donate a cent to.

They promote improving lives of women and girls, at the expense of men and boys. They say how girls and women in developing countries have hard lives as 50% of the girls do not make it to secondary school. In these developing countries many boys also have hard lives as they are conscripted into military service. Women and girls may have a hard life because they have to spend quite a bit of time doing cleaning / homecaring tasks but men have the "luxury" of being dead.

Makes me think of Hillary clinton when she said "Women are the primary victims of war" what total bs.
Good Luck!
LOL, notice how they only looked at quebec stats for the past 10 years

For some reason I cannot attach a URL
h t t p : / / w w w . r c m p - g r c . g c . c a / p u b s / o m c -  n e d / k i l l - t u e r - e n g . h t m # 6

Mothers commit 52% of the murders of children.
Fathers commit 40% of the murders of children.

The other 8% are step-parents.

Wow, not hard to find statistics from the RCMP.

Main / Re: M.R.A. - N.P.O.'s
Jul 22, 2012, 09:13 PM
Non-Profit Organization
Notice how they gloss over the most important part of the whole article

Basketball Australia stated each national team was allocated a budget, and each leadership group of the team was given the responsibility of how their budgets were to be spent, including travel arrangement expenses

This is your answer. If you chose to spend budgeted money on higher levels of transportation, why is it the fault of the other team, you should be complaining about the people running YOUR team.