male (sic) are less likely than women to complain
Men are expected to take lumps and continue marching. I think women naturally complain more. I think this is one of the core elements causing the problems we face today.
While men gut their way through problems, women go to the highest mountain top and proclaim to all that they are unhappy about something.
While men (and women) look with distain upon other men who complain, both women and men have sympathy for a woman complainer.
In politics, the squeaky wheel that can deliver the votes is the one that gets the grease. This has resulted in government and society taking a man's value for granted.
I see no easy solution to this characteristic. If men stop keeping a "stiff upper lip" and working through adversity, then society is doomed. If men continue to be taken for granted, there may be a serious problem when large numbers of men begin to notice there is little to be gained from being civilized and "part of the system".