Hillary Allegedly Invites Oprah on as VP on 2008 ticket

Started by Lee R., Jul 24, 2006, 08:21 PM

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Lee R.


I am so stunned, I have to assume this is some joke or publicity stunt.

It just cannot be real.

dr e

Dopie and Opie? :wink:
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


You have got to be kidding me. Those 2 pieces of shit win the Presidency, I am leaving for good.


As odd as it may sound, I am secretly hoping that Hitlery wins and becomes the next President.

I can't think of anything that will highlight the issues of men more than when Hillary begins her oppressive regime and since she is so intensely concerned with women's rights, I can only surmise that it will make up a large portion of her Presidency. This will allow the opposition no other choice but to highlight her "hidden" agenda and attack her for it, thus winning support for men's issues among the populace - which oddly they might find, has quite a few men in it! (Ummm... yeah, polsters!). Couple this with the growing awareness men are having on the web etc, and it could turn into a powder keg, which I think we will need.

If D'Oprah runs with her, all the better. It's about time that more men realize the drivel that their "stay at home wives" are learning. (ie. Applause for special guests Lorena Bobbit and Clara Harris - I don't think too many men are particularly fond of that, they just don't know about it - yet!)

The President is always under scrutiny for secret agendas, dontcha think?

I think Hillary has the opportunity to further women's rights more than any other in history - and in doing so might very well inadvertantly send it back to the stone age for Hillary is in a perfect position to prove Freud's theories of female hysteria.


Quote from: "Rob"
As odd as it may sound, I am secretly hoping that Hitlery wins and becomes the next President.

I know where you're coming from in a way.  I too, think it needs to get worse before it gets better.  Even with all of the examples of society slanted against men, people are still living in their mental patriarchies.   I think it's going to take something big to tip things in our favor.  

HRC may be that thing.

Women's groups would be feverishly typing out new proposals to gain more favor & more privilege & ol' HRC would stamp them all with approval.  ...More ammunition for us each time.

The problem is that it may do the opposite... It may legitimize all of the programs & policies currently in place due to the fact that a female rose to the top under their influence.

...That's where it gets scary.

I may be hoping too hard, too soon that  a female supremacist like Hillary & her slanted new policies would make people realize what's really happening with regard to gender in this country.

I think I might be giving the general populace too much credit.
HER body, HER choice...  HIS responsibility?


Quote from: "bluedye"

I know where you're coming from in a way.  I too, think it needs to get worse before it gets better.  Even with all of the examples of society slanted against men, people are still living in their mental patriarchies.   I think it's going to take something big to tip things in our favor.

The problem is... even those people who are starting to recognize that we *don't* live in a patriarchy still think we did 40 years ago so they justify the current BS by saying "women are *owed*."


Quote from: "bluedye"
I may be hoping too hard, too soon that  a female supremacist like Hillary & her slanted new policies would make people realize what's really happening with regard to gender in this country.

I think I might be giving the general populace too much credit.

Took the words right out of my mouth. If you think that making men worse off is going to change anything, think again.

The general population doesn't think of laws, regulations etc as unfavorable towards all men, just towards some men. And who wants to support a rapist, who wants to support a deadbeat dad, a wife abuser, you get my drift...

Men think it'll never happen to them and are too chivalrous for their own good, and women certainly don't mind being treated with kid gloves.


Quote from: "shard43"

The general population doesn't think of laws, regulations etc as unfavorable towards all men, just towards some men. And who wants to support a rapist, who wants to support a deadbeat dad, a wife abuser, you get my drift...

I get your drift, but lets not forget that MOST of the Western World was anti-semetic before WWII. In fact, many Jews apologized for being Jews. After it became glaringly obvious of the ills society had foisted upon the Jews, no-one dared to criticize them again - indeed, this mentally holds true through to today.

What happened to the Jews was bad, but up until Hitler really went stupid, most of society was complicit in Jew Bashing. And you know what, call me anti-semetic if you want... but I'll bet you there truly were a few Jews who exploited usury laws for their own gain! HUH??? SHHHH!!! You can't say that today!?!?! But that was the blame of the day! It had been going on for quite a long time, and since many were involved in banking due to their religion... well... SOME must have been guilty of exploiting the banking laws! Thats only human nature!

Hitler's extreme hatred changed all that, didn't it? I'll wager a guess that the term "anti-semetic" didn't exsist until after WWII. And now 60 years later, any criticizm of the Jews is a major faux pas! In effect Hitler persecuted them into being sinless and in a way, he helped ensure their independence and nationalization. Hitler accomplished more for the Jews (though in a disgusting way) in a VERY short time more than the Zionist Movement had accomplished over decades of protest and activism.

The Gonzman

Quote from: "Dr Evil"
Dopie and Opie? :wink:

Tweedledum and Tweedledumber
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.


Gonzokid has the same number of posts as Jesus's age!


I can't think right now in broad historical terms. Frankly, I care about my life right now. If things get worse for 8 years so they can get better afterwards (or 20 years or 50 years later)? I hate to sound selfish but my life is over by then. I am concerned about the future but I am more concerned about my present. I guess I am just in a selfish mood.


Quote from: "Rob"
As odd as it may sound, I am secretly hoping that Hitlery wins and becomes the next President.

Watch it Cannuck thems fight'n werdz.  :lol:
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.


Just curious,
What has Ms. Clinton ever done to qualify as a reasonable choice
by the Democratic party (or anyone) as suitable for Presidential office?

Granted there's the icon, figurehead, puppet, logo thing. I've certainly seen
THAT cv for office holders before, and a Senate seat for a "previously non-resident" is impressive. (um...what did she actually DO to merit THAT office?)  But what has she actually DONE.

I'm just not seeing a need for consideration, or to waste breath on it. I can
only see a Clinton run as a spoiler and resource burner.

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