Proper tyrannies achieve their power by terror and suppressing dissent.
With feminism, suppressing dissent was never an issue as there is virtually none.
Feminism is probably the first voluntarily adopted tyranny.
Maybe that means it isn't even tyranny, if it's done with the love and consent of its "victims"?
Tyranny without dissent is no less tyranny.
Just because the dissent is belated, just because the frog jumps from the pot yelling, ""Who turned up the heat," doesn't invalidate the dissent, or the fact that the Tyranny created it. There is no rule that says, "Tyranny not immediately accompanied by dissent (at the time of the ascension to power) cannot be called tyranny. Gender feminism is tyranny, pure and simple, and there is a growing opposition to it as evidenced by the activism of NCFM and many others.
As I stated, feminism insideously tries to crush dissent and free speech through all means possible, including "jack boot," "brown shirt," law enforcement, and street thug intimidation from those trained in gender feminist women's studies programs. I've seen plenty of both. :?