If you could hurt a misandrist?

Started by LibertyUNH, Oct 17, 2006, 07:40 AM

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Quote from: "Gonzokid"
And - moral of the story - for every man willing to take the heat for a woman out of "chivalry" - there is a woman willing to let him.

Indeed. And many more who go so far as to pre-emptively expect it.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.

Somebody else

Quote from: "Commander_Riker"
I read page 1 and that is all I can handle.


Obsessing over a word and being opposed to that word because someone might get a scraped knee.


Feminists want to hurt men and they aren't even playing by their own politically correct rules but they have managed to alot of you to play by those rules. You wonder why we are gaining so little ground. We are attacking this problem like the pussies the feminists WANT us to be.

This is a war and like all wars people get hurt but the side that plays nice will have a lot more hurt people. Don't break any laws, don't physically assault anyone but don't play with kiddie gloves either. Be aggressive if you want to win...that is masculinity and we all know that it is needed to win any war.

Are we not Men?!  

Just defining the boundaries of the problem as a prelude to the solution.

I refuse to stoop to the level feminists have sunk to. Then I become no better than they. I am better than they!
ust because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they AREN'T out to get you.


Hello Somebody Else

Just defining the boundaries of the problem as a prelude to the solution.

For how many years do you think that MRAs should spend defining the problem as a prelude to the solution?

Another 40 years perhaps?

I refuse to stoop to the level feminists have sunk to.

What, exactly, is in Commader Riker's post that are you refusing to do?
ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address


Quote from: "angryharry"
Absolute nonsense. The WHOLE of our history shows otherwise.

Do not confuse fear with deterrence. Historically speaking, most of the people who were "deterred" were willing to retaliate or even overthrow those who were "deterring" them.

Just for starters, my government hits me for taxes whenever I breathe.

And I am sure that every Saturday you play Mahjong with your government. You have drinks with your government. You make love with your government.

Your government does not take anything from you. The people who run the government take it from you. If you removed those people, what exactly would the government do to you? It is simply a collection of ideas, concepts and various interpretations of politics. It is not a living, breathing entity so it cannot in any way, shape or form actually do anything to you.


Quote from: "LibertyUNH"
Attacking their reputation (legal 100%!)

Actually, no it is not. Depending on what you state, whether it harms their career or reputation and whether it can be proven or verified, you can be held liable for making such comments. That is one reason why you should not just go on the attack.

So if only 1% of MRAs will attack their reputation then it will definitly not be a deterrant.  But if we got off that high horse, we could provide deterrant to worst male-bashers.

I do not think it is a high horse not to engage in kindergarten tactics just because a gaggle of feminists get away with it every day. There are dozens of different ways to crush their arguments without engaging in "You're a doodie-head" shenanigans.

I guess we can work toward the common goal of equality via different ways.  Some of us will be good MRAs, and some of us will be bad MRAs.

That logic is the very reason why feminism is the black abyss of ideological insanity it is today. I do not think we should accept bad members. If a person in the men's movement is behaving in a way that is opposite of our goals, then we should not just accept it. We should deal with it before it gives feminists and misandrists ammunition to use against us.


Hello Jaketk

I have rarely read such wooly nonsense on this forum.

As just one example, ...

If a person in the men's movement is behaving in a way that is opposite of our goals, then we should not just accept it. We should deal with it before it gives feminists and misandrists ammunition to use against us.

Give me one example of a 'person in the men's movement' who needs to be dealt with 'before it gives feminists and misandrists ammunition to use against us'.

Just one example please.

And then tell me how you are 'dealing' with it.
ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address

Somebody else

Quote from: "angryharry"
Hello Somebody Else

Just defining the boundaries of the problem as a prelude to the solution.

For how many years do you think that MRAs should spend defining the problem as a prelude to the solution?

Another 40 years perhaps?

I refuse to stoop to the level feminists have sunk to.

What, exactly, is in Commader Riker's post that are you refusing to do?

Hi Harry,
Wasn't referring to the totality of the feminist problem. Just the "problem" of defining "hurt". Doesn't mean I'm just sitting and waiting for a perfect solution before acting. The battle is on, but plans and details still need to be discussed as the dynamics of the battle change.

What's that quote about no battle plan, however thorough, survives first contact with the enemy?

We need to be learning from feminist tactics, look how those tactics have helped them.

Just responding to this statement. (I know, it's in a different post. Didn't think it was necessary to quote both posts. Please excuse my lack of proper etiquette.)

We can learn from their tactics, yes, but one of their favorite tactics is to lie and spew false information. I really don't want to use lying and spewing of false information. That, in a roundabout way, is what I don't want to stoop to.
ust because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they AREN'T out to get you.


Hello Somebody Else

My apologies to you.

I can now see that I failed to follow the thread properly.

I agree completely with your view that lies and misinformation are not something that we should ever engage in.

ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address

Somebody else

Hey Harry, no appologies necessary.

Are we not Men!? :D

Just to go off on a tangent. Women often complain that men don't communicate, when really we just aren't doing it verbally. Sometimes men can just understand each other without the cumbersome task of verbalizing it. A little more difficult to do on the internet, granted.


Are we not Men!?
ust because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they AREN'T out to get you.


Hello Somebody Else

Yes, I agree.

And it often peeves me that when men do try to communicate they are often ridiculed for it; especially if, for example, they are trying to communicate their hurt.

However, I think that the internet is going to change forever this state of affiars. Indeed, I reckon that a mega-tsuanami of male thinking is going to wash over the general consciousness out there; the views of 'men' having been suppressed for so long.
ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address


Hold your breath everybody. Jakety has a revelation for you.

Your government does not take anything from you. The people who run the government take it from you.

So, please do not, henceforth, use the term 'government', as we shall all be horribly misled by it.

Also, please take note that government ...

... is not a living, breathing entity so it cannot in any way, shape or form actually do anything to you.
ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address


Quote from: "Somebody else"
I refuse to stoop to the level feminists have sunk to. Then I become no better than they. I am better than they!

And of course  this is why they have control and we are not gaining any ground  .. it might feel nice to sit back  and have a sense of being "better" however , when they have control it doesnt matter
quot;Women can help us, but they can't join us. There can be no male/female unity, until there is first some male unity."  Edited from Malcolm X

"Concerning non-violence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks." Malcolm X

"We want freedom by any means necessary. We want justice by any means necessary. We want equality by any means necessary." Malcom X

Somebody else

Quote from: "VicVanity"
Quote from: "Somebody else"
I refuse to stoop to the level feminists have sunk to. Then I become no better than they. I am better than they!

And of course  this is why they have control and we are not gaining any ground  .. it might feel nice to sit back  and have a sense of being "better" however , when they have control it doesnt matter

I never said anything about sitting back. No time to sit back when a war's going on. I just won't stoop to lying and spewing false information to influence and persuade people.
ust because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they AREN'T out to get you.


Quote from: "Somebody else"
Quote from: "VicVanity"
Quote from: "Somebody else"
I refuse to stoop to the level feminists have sunk to. Then I become no better than they. I am better than they!

And of course  this is why they have control and we are not gaining any ground  .. it might feel nice to sit back  and have a sense of being "better" however , when they have control it doesnt matter

I never said anything about sitting back. No time to sit back when a war's going on. I just won't stoop to lying and spewing false information to influence and persuade people.

No one has suggested lying and or spewing propoganda, we don't have to...the facts are on our side. What was said was be aggressive with those who do spew propoganda. Don't let anything they say go unchallenged if it is false and don't be polite. This is a war, not a talk show.

Sir Jessy of Anti

Oct 19, 2006, 04:36 PM Last Edit: Feb 22, 2010, 09:09 PM by Sir Jessy of Anti
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />

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