And, by the way, the formula is pretty simple.
Men respond to women crying, women being victimized and women being treated unfairly. Chivalry is rooted deeply in men, it just is.
Feminists use this in a very cold and calculating way. Everything is for "the child" (... and the mother), women were and are oppressed, men are evil and nasty to women, men exploit women.
And men respond. Male legislators, male university presidents and male principals in schools (what remains of men in that occupation - they seem to mostly be women), male judges, male police officers and men in any other official position to help women are going to do just that - help women. Even a slight increase in the comfort of a woman is good, even if it leads to a drastic smack in the life of a man or men.
Plus, these chivalrous guys might have a slightly better chance of getting a piece of butt from the damsels in distress that they are constantly saving.
It all works out I guess.