How to help Africa.

Started by richard ford, Jun 15, 2005, 11:03 AM

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richard ford

How to help Africa. Copyright Richard Ford.

Africa is in fashion again. A potent mix of first world guilt, relative prosperity and the lack of any alternative ideological or religious outlets is brewing. Good people everywhere have decided to 'save' Africa and Africa should be very worried.

There is no greater waste in the entire world than a good person who does harm accidentally. Human goodness is to precious to waste in this way.

When we read someone working eighty hours a day in a sweatshop for a pittance our first instinct is to boycott whatever product is being produced. Yet why should anyone seek work in such a sweatshop anyway? They must be escaping something even worse (hard as this is to imagine). If we throw them out of work they will have to find other work for even lower rates elsewhere. The poor need more sweatshops, not less.

Furthermore the great advantage of sweatshops is that it transfers wealth to those who work- which is fundamentally democratic. Aid programmes increase the power of 'experts' over the lives of working people. It places money in the hands of politicians and makes them more powerful. Even if the money is not stolen it will certainly be used for political advantage. If we want to increase the power of ordinary people we must find ways to put money in their hands directly rather than allowing this to be controlled by those who would be their masters.

I believe we should help the poor and not the rulers. This means giving the poor power by allowing them to trade directly with people all over the world. No matter how much money we may give them in aid we cannot give them independence because the money will always be handled by someone else. Only trade can liberate the individual. Yet the greatest friends of the poor have set themselves up as the enemies of trade.

We should open our markets to poor nations but cut our aid budget. This will feed the poor directly while denying governments the cash they need for social engineering. Unfortunately fashionable opinion says that we should do the opposite- but when did progress ever depend on fashionable opinion?


What they need to have put in their hands is the same sorts of property rights that we have.  In most third world countries, the massess live outside the legal property law systems since they're so burdensome it can take upwards of years and hundreds of bureacratic steps to purchase land legally.

Most homes and businesses there are squats.  They work hard and they're smart, but they don't have the legal resources to take a business, break it up into shares, sell it to obtain capital and expand.

They're burning rainforests because they can't purchase property.

Give them the means to own and maintain their own businesses and the middle class will expand and take the country back just like happened here.

Here, check this out:
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers


How to help Africa- LEAVE IT ALONE!
How gracious to forgive the debt that the countries amassed. OOps, how much of that enriched war lords, corrupt officials, politicos.

Of the  folk I've ever met actually from Africa, most were the English accent variety.  Senegalese brass merchants in NYC, and Tutsis that did not have many encouraging things about their homeland.

Soooo much recent history of civil war and crimanal thuggery. "Take back the farmland" confiscations that the new "assigned" owners drove into the ground . An astounding number of Islamic Muslims that apparently have nothing better to do than destroy anyone not like themselves.(whatever THAT is.)

bluegrass wrote
Give them the means to own and maintain their own businesses and the middle class will expand and take the country back just like happened here.

How, exactly, do you suppose that might be facilitated among cultures based on Might makes Right?

In My Humble Opinion-
There's far too much going on in the sphere of life that I find myself in than to even think too much about the concerns of folk I can serve best by  keeping out of the way.

I know of the catistrophic sociological pitfallls of the well intentioned volunteers providing a pump in the village well, and providing plumbing to every home. Sounds fairly noble on its face, and yet
the concequences can be devistating to the "village" .
Think in terms of all those sci-fi movies where a sliver  of alien technology  falls into human hands. All you get is an inevitable series of bad sequals as   remakes of lessons illustrated throughout the ages.


youre right, but their is an issue you're missing.

Many people are oppose to the sweatshops, not because of the labour and low rates of pay (this is better than nothing after all). But for the child labour used in them. Child labour is harmful and crippling for countries. It prevents education of a new generation and repetition of the high birth rate, low death rate trend that causes famine, drought, undemployment, homelessness, and a low-skilled workforce. Children must be in school and kept out of work for Africa to succeed.

This is my major issue with Nike and Gap.

dr e

Perhaps we could send Hillary to help Africa.  I think she is big on villages.   :mrgreen:
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Mater Domina

I agree that in Africa, the people should have control over their own resourses so they can rebuild themselves but I don't agree that there should be more sweatshops.  Those companies exploit them people terribly and if they want the labor, pay the people what their due, don't take advantage of people that are already disadvantage.  I feel you that they need more jobs and opportunities but not more companies cashing in on poor people.  Companys making millions and they pay their workers 7 cents a day.  Thats wrong.  I seen in south Africa, the blacks slave in diamond mines digging out millions of dollars worth of diamonds per day but get 8-10 cent a day.  And if they tried to find diamonds on their own and trade them directly, it would be illegal.  They have some africans they call diamond smugglers that they call terriorists that trade their own diamonds on the black market and get rich.  The white govenment is not having that and they want them to slave for the 8 cents day or be locked up for life.  Stuff like this has got to stop.  Plus the tribal war stuff also needs to really stop and they should consolidate their resourses instead of warring.
f you loved yourself truely, you would love your brothers and sisters just as earnestly.


The world canīt and shouldnīt do for Africa what only it can do for itself. If laborers are being exploited then they must fight for their rights individually and colectively hopefully without going to the extreme of  populist(i.e. comunist) politics. But one way or the other itīs their fight.

If the reality is that there are such and such jobs that we might not find appealing in the west. Well, that is the situation in Africa. And to take measures that would artificially impose our standards on their reality would be disasastrous.

I think that you Richard, Bluegrass and Capt. make good points. and these ideas are not exclusive of one another or contradictory.

We should open our markets to poor nations but cut our aid budget. This will feed the poor directly while denying governments the cash they need for social engineering. Unfortunately fashionable opinion says that we should do the opposite- but when did progress ever depend on fashionable opinion?

Absolutely, we should open our markets, but not because of some misguided idea of generousity to foreigners. We should open our markets so that we may live better in a world where there are not artificial barriers that aid the few at the expense of the many. And I will be damned if I want any of my money to be used for aid other than to directly feed the starving. I would rather go to Africa and sit beneath the acacia trees with the rest of the disincentived drinking whatever the local brew is.

Fuck the fashionable.

As far as Bluegrassī post,

Enough said. And, if africans and the rest of the third world werenīt so leftist and anti-capitalist, then maybe they could see this reality.

How gracious to forgive the debt that the countries amassed. OOps, how much of that enriched war lords, corrupt officials, politicos.

Yea and donīt forget that by forgiving the war lords, corrupt officials... etc. etc., it will be you and me that pay. Let the whole continent declare bankruptcy and let the idiots who made these loans eat shit.

I agree that in Africa, the people should have control over their own resourses...
I don't agree that there should be more sweatshops
if they want the labor, pay the people what their due, don't take advantage of people that are already disadvantage
I feel you that they need more jobs and opportunities but not more companies cashing in on poor people
Companys making millions and they pay their workers 7 cents a day. Thats wrong
Stuff like this has got to stop
...tribal war stuff also needs to really stop and they should consolidate their resourses instead of warring.

I agree that in the world people should have control over their own resources and not martians or gods or lions or tigers and bears. Oh my.

I donīt agree that there should be more sweating if we can help it. It smells icky and it stains your clothes.

Yea, no advantage of disadvantage.

Yea,..........buuut thats wrong

Only good stuff, no bad stuff ........  tribal    war   bad ............  stufff...  got   to   stop   bad................. stuffff
     only   good   stuffff
     more stuffff
     yea,  stuff
A different approach to different times; Independent

Everytime you feel trapped in a feminst dystopia, just repeat this mantra to yourself: "there are 3.1 billion women on earth"; SIGE


how to help africa is to stop helping them now. Right now this very instant!
stop everything! food, medicine education and all the rest! EVERYTHING!!!
Let them figure it out for themselves like we had to.
Harsh you say??? Hell yes!!! but when you feed billions of starving now africans you will have TRILLIONS of starving africans later..but then, femi-illogic isn't concerned with later. They want a quick feel good fix right now, so instead of bombarding us with ads to feed our own homeless and starving people, we see little Juliqua and her ten starving siblings...there in thier squallor, no parents in sight. Our hearts are then supposed to break.
If they can't figure out how to take care of and feed themselves, it really shouldn't concern the U.S. except as to put cultures there that actually can and will manage themselves, after the africans have starved
Onward with natural selection I say...
Darwin was right...

please direct all hate back to HELL where it came from
Thank you for your attention
-A woman's promise is written on water-

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