How to help Africa- LEAVE IT ALONE!
How gracious to forgive the debt that the countries amassed. OOps, how much of that enriched war lords, corrupt officials, politicos.
Of the folk I've ever met actually
from Africa, most were the English accent variety. Senegalese brass merchants in NYC, and Tutsis that did not have many encouraging things about their homeland.
Soooo much recent history of civil war and crimanal thuggery. "Take back the farmland" confiscations that the new "assigned" owners drove into the ground . An astounding number of Islamic Muslims that apparently have nothing better to do than destroy anyone not like themselves.(whatever THAT is.)
bluegrass wrote
Give them the means to own and maintain their own businesses and the middle class will expand and take the country back just like happened here.
How, exactly, do you suppose that might be facilitated among cultures based on Might makes Right?
In My Humble Opinion-
There's far too much going on in the sphere of life that I find myself in than to even think too much about the concerns of folk I can serve best by keeping out of the way.
I know of the catistrophic sociological pitfallls of the well intentioned volunteers providing a pump in the village well, and providing plumbing to every home. Sounds fairly noble on its face, and yet
the concequences can be devistating to the "village" .
Think in terms of all those sci-fi movies where a sliver of alien technology falls into human hands. All you get is an inevitable series of bad sequals as remakes of lessons illustrated throughout the ages.