Theft / Emotional Abuse / No Remedy

Started by zarbyman, Jan 02, 2007, 03:38 AM

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They have been together for six years.

She didn't work during this time. He put her through college.

He leaves town for a job. He is gone a few weeks.

He gets a call that she is leaving.

He returns almost everything in the house is gone both large and small things everything from towels to the big screen TV.

They weren't married.

The only thing left is a lawn mower and his business records.

He is determined to keep his lawn mower and business records.

I tell him that he cannot confront her physically in any way.
If he does, he goes to jail.

It doesn't matter that she has just stolen everything he owns virtually. He cannot confront her physically in any way.

We go through the various alternatives and every one is rejected.

The police will laugh at him (it is a small town -- he pretty knows them). If the police come over, they will do little good and might arrest him.

She is saying very ugly and provocative things. She is undoubtedly waiting for a chance to have him arrested for DV.

The best alternative we come up with is for him to have a woman over. A woman can more safely deal with this conflict. The problem is that he doesn't know a woman who would do this for him. His sister would, but his sister is sick. He needs a woman on his side but none is available.

We ultimately decide that he will lock the gate with a new lock. The home is some distance from the gate. She would have to walk a ways. I told him that if she goes over the gate, you get in your truck. Don't open the door. Don't roll down the window. You don't want to expose yourself to the accusation that you did anything physical or even verbal. I told him let her take your damn lawnmower and even the business records. Do not interfere. If you interfere, the risk of going to jail is just too great.

By the way, we did think about moving the business records to another location, but he says the records are just too voluminous. By the way, the whole time we are talking I hear that noise on the phone knowing that he has another call. He says that she is calling him repeatedly.

Years ago, I had gone on a road trip with him and his girlfriend. We met her sisters. I heard her talking to her sisters. They were scheming against her sister's boyfriend or husband. I told him them that she would eventually be trouble. I guess it is rude to be saying "I told you so."

They had been working on a second house. He had invested some $70,000 into that house. It is a long story but suffiice it to say that she schemed around where she is selling the house and he will get nothing. He would ask about his interest, and she would start yelling at him. He decides just to let that go. He says if he pushes that issue she might claim they are married and try to get his equipment (he has a dumptruck, backhoe, etc.). I told him she might do that regardless of whether pushes that issue. He decides that he will try to save his lawnmower and business papers and the second house go. The first house is clearly his separate property.

He is bemoaning his disasters with women. His previous wife had accused him of molesting his daughter. It is a small world. His previous wife and my previous wife were friends or at least acquaintenances. My ex wife moved into a house across the street from her. It scared the hell out of me. My ex wife at one point threatened me with an accusation like that. It scared the hell out of me. She never actually did it -- thank god. He agreed to termination of his rights to his children. Then, like now, he chose to walk away from the problem rather than face confrontation.

Believe it or not, this girlfriend's ex mother in law used the allegation by his ex wife to make an allegation. She wanted to take his girlfriend's children (his girlfriend's ex husband is in prison). The girlfriend's ex mother in law made allegations not that not only that he molested his girlfriend's children but gave specifics like there was blood dripping from her anus. The problem is that it never happened. We pressed hard. The only evidence they had was that his ex wife had made an accusation. The judge was very good in that case. He made an express finding that nothing happened. He was obviously upset. But, of course, nothing happened to the accuser.

He is going to end up paying his girlfriend's mother. She says "she is a hell of a nice woman." Money was borrowed from the girlfriend's mother. He said he would repay it, and he says he will have to pay her.

I tell him. "Think about what you have done right." He says "what?"

First, you didn't have children with her. Second, you have done nothing to give her an excuse to make a DV allegation. Third, you sound like you are holding up pretty well. You should be proud of yourself.

My final advice is "don't answer her phone calls." Don't be around her. If she invades your home, you leave, to hell with the lawnmower and the business papers. I think this is good advice. But, the advice I am giving him is essentially to cower before a woman who is abusing him.


One more thing. The children are not his children, but he has of course to some extent become attached to them. Her mother said to her during a conference call "he may want to see the children." She said "No!!!!!"

He will end up of course losing another set of children. He vows he will never, ever do this again. He says: "she will have her house. I will have my house." That is of course some protection but in a society where women are growing accustomed to abusing me and society allows it, that will not be enough. When there is a will to abuse and it is allowed, it will happen.


Jan 02, 2007, 11:39 AM Last Edit: Jan 02, 2007, 11:46 AM by Independent
Is there really any incentive for men to so excessively persue the building of wealth when society has enabled that wealth to so easily be stolen? And are we not contributing to our own downfall personally and as a group by accumulating wealth?

Letīs look at it individually:

Man X above has obviously either made a fortune or received one. Either way it has ended up in the hands of another( a women). Now by no means is there anything wrong with striving, having ambicion, working hard, but why should this sweat, and blood( money) or his body(... his choice) end up benefiting the effortless in this case? Would this man not have been better off spending as opposed to saving( accumulating)? Think of all the posible ways he could have spent this money for his benefit. The fruits, of his effort or of the effort of someone to which he was important, benefitting him. And had there not been this accumulation or ostentation of accumulation would he have attracted the parasite?

Then letīs look at it from the perspective of all men:

If men as a whole were more concerned about themselves( as are the opposite sex) would we have this inequality? Are we not contributing to our own grief collectively by being so successful in our traditional male role.

But by acting out of our own self-interest, as we should,  we will contribute to a new balancing of the relations between men and women, a fairer balance.

Therefore, I think it would be good for all men to reevaluate their lives reflecting upon the reality of their world as reflected by the above.


His previous wife had accused him of molesting his daughter. It is a small world. His previous wife and my previous wife were friends or at least acquaintenances. My ex wife moved into a house across the street from her. It scared the hell out of me. My ex wife at one point threatened me with an accusation like that. It scared the hell out of me. She never actually did it -- thank god.


In this day and age in which women just want one child to be able to screw you over,

A different approach to different times

Everytime you feel trapped in a feminst dystopia, just repeat this mantra to yourself: "there are 3.1 billion women on earth"; SIGE

Men's Rights Activist

My final advice is "don't answer her phone calls." Don't be around her. If she invades your home, you leave, to hell with the lawnmower and the business papers. I think this is good advice. But, the advice I am giving him is essentially to cower before a woman who is abusing him.

No Excuse for Abuse - - - Even If Your a Woman!

No Excuse for Abuse - - - Even If Your a Woman!
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


Wow. He's not even married.

I gotta say, I find it hard to believe that the police would laugh at him, even though she cleaned out the house. Surely, they have to take theft seriously.

What happened to being able to shoot trespassers? Y'know I'd get two big guard dogs and put up warning signs. After all, everyone has a right to defend their property.

What am I missing?


I gotta say, I find it hard to believe that the police would laugh at him, even though she cleaned out the house. Surely, they have to take theft seriously.

This has not been my observation. In one case, the woman in direct violation of the court ordered that said no property was to be moved backed a truck up to the house and started emptying the house. The police ignored the order stating that "the signature didn't look right [the signature of the judge]." The police stood by and "protected" the woman while she emptied the house. When the guy stated he would follow the truck because he wanted to know where his stuff was being moved, the police told him that if he followed the truck he would be arrested.

In another case, when the guy (me) was finally allowed to return to his house, he found his house vandalized and many things missing that shouldn't have been. The sheriff's department refused to even respond to the call. The local city police were going to respond, but the sheriff's department told them not to respond. I could list other cases.

I very rarely see women chastised in any way for disrespecting property rights during a divorce or separation. There seems to be an unwritten license to take anything and everything. There is an unwritten rule I think that the police don't get involved in this. As a result, if you call the police, they are likely to do nothing about your complaint. They are likely to view the situation in the context of a "family disturbance" as opposed to a property crime. Guess what their training dictates? Arrest the man.

Men's Rights Activist

Jan 03, 2007, 03:45 AM Last Edit: Jan 03, 2007, 04:10 AM by Men's Rights Activist
There is an unwritten rule I think that the police don't get involved in this. As a result, if you call the police, they are likely to do nothing about your complaint. They are likely to view the situation in the context of a "family disturbance" as opposed to a property crime. Guess what their training dictates? Arrest the man.

It sounds like it's time to get some badge #'s and names and treat the good officers  to a $#%t storm of lawsuits.  I'm surprised these people don't go in with lawyers, and tape recorders rolling, demanding the police take a police report of these serious violations of law.

It may be different where you are, but  I know someone here in Los Angeles (me) who walked into the police station and politely demanded a police report on a woman violating a restraining order, without lawyer, or camcorder rolling.  At first the police refused, but when the guy started writing down names and badge #'s they got off their lazy, corrupt @$$e$.   The police reports later made it to internal affairs, but that whole process (in matters like these) is nothing more than the foxes watching the chicken house.  Anybody where you live own a pickup?  If gender feminists think they can corruptly shame and blame good decent men using police, judges, etc....





Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

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