Betraying Poor White Boys

Started by poiuyt, Jan 16, 2007, 11:13 PM

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System fails poor white boys,,8164-2547281.html

"WHITE poverty isn't sexy. And as a result, white boys from disadvantaged areas are missing out on funding that would help to tackle inequalities, teachers suggest...

British boys from poor white families perform worse than almost all other ethnic groups at GCSE level, according to figures from the Department for Education and Skills...

While 65 per cent of the poorest Chinese boys and 48 per cent of poor Indian and Bangladeshi boys gained five or more good GCSEs last year, only 24 per cent of poor white boys did so. The only group to perform worse than white British boys were those from a small number of traveller families, where the score was just 5 per cent..."

Can it be that the fathers of poor white boys alongside mothers forming the social majority happily accepted a society structured according to gender lines and not merit, providing this was only ever harmfull to others. But in so attempting an underhand benefit to advantage their daughters [whom were always privileged and never ever oppressed in the honest sense of the term] have seriously harmed their sons.?

Any cynic could second-guess the majority preferred solution as now positive discrimination going forward to favour poor white boys!!

'Tis a funny old game western democracy eh. Did anybody really ever beleive in freedom, justice or equality for all as against just for some ?


Growing gender gap risks turning universities into 'male-free zones'
Alexandra Blair, Education Correspondent

The gap between the number of men and women applying to university has grown fivefold under Labour as evermore women opt to take a degree.

While the Government trumpeted record numbers of teenagers wanting to continue with further education yesterday, academics voiced concerns about the widening rift between the sexes.

Between 1998 and 2007, 14,305 more men applied for university places, compared to 51,214 more women. This gap has increased every year for six years.
Malcolm Grant, Provost of University College London, gave warning that unless the trend slowed, colleges could become male-free zones.

He said: "We are concerned because you'd think that if we had an equality of genders in society, it would be reflected in their performance at A level and university.

"We need to understand what it is that's causing young men not to thrive in the A-level culture and not to choose to apply to university. The male participation rate is sufficiently divergent that we'd expect it to continue."

Professor Grant's comments echo widely-held fears, already expressed to ministers, that young men face being locked out of university and marginalised in the jobs market

Is this not just one more social consequence, amongst a number of other consequences of structuring a society according to prevailing gender bigotries instead of according to merit ?

Here is a clue: Pious zealots of the prevailing bigotry in the form of elite men and feminists will tell you these are not consequences at all, but evidence of progress!!! A progress the vast majority have chosen afterall !!! They know their congregation too well; at least enough to trust them not to kick against the structure.

bachelor tom

poiuyt it is sad and ironic

either the West finds a way to keep its blue-collar jobs at home, or young men will be forced to seek academic education (or emigrate)
political correctness = patriarchal chivalry + matriarchal victimology


There is some good commentary on this trend on digg here
please digg it


We are storing up so much trouble for the future it's unreal, but nobody in power seems to realize how seriously bleak the future is. We are creating a lost generation of men. An underclass of men with no hope, no sense of self-worth and no identity.
It is time we began to ask who are these women who continually rubbish men. The most stupid, ill-educated and nasty woman can rubbish the nicest, kindest and most intelligent man and no one protests.

Men seem to be so cowed that they can't fight back, and it is time they did." Doris Lessing


The article reference below is a bit related. Have a look at it, especially the graph MATH SAT vs INCOME. I cannot figure out what is going on. Affirmative action? Something else?

The graph is a little easer to understand if you exchange the x and y axis.


Half school 'failures' are white working-class boys, says report,,2108862,00.html

Most of the persistent low achievers in England's schools are poor and white, and far more are boys than girls, a Joseph Rowntree Foundation study says.

And, according to a study published today by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, nearly half of all pupils who leave school without any or with few qualifications are white British males.

White working-class boys perform worse than any other ethnic or gender group at school, according to a study published today.

They suffer because their parents fail to talk to them at home and they have a culture in their communities that it is "uncool" to learn, says the report commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

White boys are being turned into an unemployable underclass - as they fall behind children from other racial groups at school, new research shows.

Almost half of all children leaving school without any good GCSEs are white British males, according to figures published today.

They outnumber white girls by two to one and have vastly inferior reading and writing skills at the age of 11.

... obvious consequences of a shamelessly chauvenist culture. One that pretends to be better friends of females, irrespective of what this means for its males...

Cordell Walker

 growing up poor in the inner city is a trip, and if you are white, its an even stranger trip. I know because I grew up in SOuth Oak Cliff, one of the toughest ghettos in the southern united states, also the home of Stevie Ray Vaughn, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Clyde Barrow. the high school I went too had over 2,000 students,  the most that were white was 7. Although I was fairly popular and "cool"(stunts like making weed pipes in wood shop and selling them at lunch and stealing the biology teacher's car stereo helped establish my  "coolness") I was still to an extent an "outsider" in my own mind. I think High school was the inception of my interest in men's issues. Also I learned that alot of the sterotypes and myths about life in inner city america were so far off base.
after finding the Men's movement all these years later(and after a move to the suburbs); I ponder on the lessons that  were shown to me from ages 11-27(when I moved out of the cliff permanantly)
1. boys arent doing badly in school because they are stuped, no. I went to school and dcropped out with my "crew"; all of us were in remedial classes etc, "stupid" by the teachers definition. So why is it thatall these "stupid" boys once they drop out, within months have their own car, own apartment , cash etc........????? say what you want about the moral depravity of young criminals, but the fact remains , if these boys were "stupid" they would not even be able to sell 5 sacks without getting busted or robbed much less engage inan organized criminal conspiracy
2. living in the cliff, I saw my share of abusive mothers and violent women. so I never really bought into the "fairer sex" myths
  I still visit oak cliff from time to time, still a few friends there and many memories
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother

Mr. Bad

We are storing up so much trouble for the future it's unreal, but nobody in power seems to realize how seriously bleak the future is. We are creating a lost generation of men. An underclass of men with no hope, no sense of self-worth and no identity. an invitation to widespread civil unrest and revolution.

I can't believe how utterly dumb politicians are when they go along with feminist bigotry in education, employment, etc.   They are creating a generation of disenfranchised men, who will one day rise up and overthrow the power structure.  Action is what men do, and unfortunately for the recipients, many times the action manifests itself as violence. 

However, I can't say that I will feel one bit sorry for feminists and their fellow-travelers when the time comes, and in fact, will probably not do a darned thing to help the traitors who sold out boys and men.  Who knows, I might even help them. 
"Men in teams... got the human species from caves to palaces. When we watch men's teams at work, we pay homage to 10,000 years of male achievements; a record of vision, ingenuity and Herculean labor that feminism has been too mean-spirited to acknowledge."  Camille Paglia

Cordell Walker

you know, I have a multitude of male cousins on both my father and mother's sides, as do most of my buddies. Every time I look at one of these little dumb sons of bitches, it's like I traveled back in time 15 years and I'm looking at my dumb ass all over again. the clothes have changed, the music has changed, but one thing hasn't. they are doing the same dumb shit as I did, except they are WORSE!!! I got one cousin who is 17, already got out of a juve rehab program. why, because he was geeked out and got caught stealing copper in his buddiey's mom's jaguar :laughing6:...............well they matched him up with some burglaries of pharmacies, and a swimming pool supply place :dontknow:.............he has big time gangster fantasies, its like he cant wait to go to the pen and you cant scare the little fucker
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother


I   am  a  black  man   fortunate  enough  to  have  been  born  with a  high  IQ.   That's all  I  ever  needed.   Notice   the   absence  of   demands of  special  treatment  such  as    Affirmative   Action  and  Title  IX.   It's  2007.
People  need  to  stop  whining  and  asking  for  special  treatment.   A  policy  which  discriminates  against  whites  to  help  racial  minorities  is  just  as  bad  as   a   policy  which   hurts  men  in  favor  of  women.

Mr. X

I   am  a  black  man   fortunate  enough  to  have  been  born  with a  high  IQ.   That's all  I  ever  needed.   Notice   the   absence  of   demands of  special  treatment  such  as    Affirmative   Action  and  Title  IX.   It's  2007.
People  need  to  stop  whining  and  asking  for  special  treatment.   A  policy  which  discriminates  against  whites  to  help  racial  minorities  is  just  as  bad  as   a   policy  which   hurts  men  in  favor  of  women.


How much does anyone want to bet a great deal of these discrepencies are due to the government trying to "fix" things.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."


I   am  a  black  man   fortunate  enough  to  have  been  born  with a  high  IQ.   That's all  I  ever  needed.   Notice   the   absence  of   demands of  special  treatment  such  as    Affirmative   Action  and  Title  IX.   It's  2007.People  need  to  stop  whining  and  asking  for  special  treatment.   A  policy  which  discriminates  against  whites  to  help  racial  minorities  is  just  as  bad  as   a   policy  which   hurts  men  in  favor  of  women.

From reading your contributions over time I would have assumed all this to be the case with your good self.

I just posted this at DIW
The Peter Principle holds that in beaurocracies many individuals will naturally be promoted to one step beyond their actual competency. IOW a "level of incompetence". Affirmative Action enhances this effect by enabling some to advance several levels beyond. Many of the Duke Hoax fools would fall into this category. They have been set very low bars indeed.

I was involved in political policy committees in the early eighties that approved AA policies. I voted for them(feminism wasn't quite the hate movement it subsequently became) at the time. Nobody argued the case that it wasn't discriminatory. Indeed some countries(I believe the UK is one) still call it "positive discrimination".

The mistake has been not insisting on sunset clauses in the original policies. Unfortunately many now view it as an entitlement. They will argue that it somehow represents equality. The original framers didn't maintain that.

In hindsight I now recognise that it was an early signal that feminism was falling under the control of it's extreme elements.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.



British men forced into 'modern slavery' abroad

By Alison Holt
Social Affairs Correspondent, BBC News

[Poor white boys are growing into poor white slaves in socialist england and europe ... where only women are conceived as subject to the law's protections from trafficking.]
Criminal elements of the British and Irish travelling community have been transporting vulnerable British men abroad to work as virtual slaves.

An investigation by the BBC Ten O'Clock News and Radio 5 Live Breakfast has uncovered at least 32 victims.

The European Commission describes it as modern slavery and says this is the tip of the iceberg.

There have been confirmed cases in six European countries, including Sweden, Norway and Belgium.

The gangs pick vulnerable men off the streets in the UK, who are often homeless and many have drink or drugs problems.

They are promised well-paid work, but are then transported abroad where they are forced into long, hard days tarmacking or paving driveways for little or no money.

One man the BBC spoke to had arrived in the Swedish port of Malmo with two other Britons who all had been homeless when they were picked up. He has asked not to be named, because he fears for his safety.

The men worked 14-hour days for little or no pay and lived in appalling, cramped conditions. They were too frightened to escape, until the Swedish police offered them help. He says there was a culture of violence.

"I've seen people threatened with pickaxes. I've seen people kicked, punched. I've nearly been pushed off a moving vehicle. It's very tense. You're waiting for the next thing to happen, " he says.

'Targeting most vulnerable'

The European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmstrom, says she fears this is only the tip of the iceberg.

"It's a horrible crime and it's modern slavery," she says.

"They are using very vulnerable people and especially in hard economic times, people have lost work, nowhere to live, thrown out from families. We must act much stronger than we have done. It's only recently we have been aware of the amount of the problem."

The project manager of human trafficking at the European law enforcement agency, Europol, believes there have been dozens of British victims. David Ellero says traveller gangs have been doing this for a long time.

"[They are] targeting the most vulnerable in society and forcing them to work, but the cases are not categorised as trafficking. The work is normally carried out in northern Europe, where they work in rural areas and focus on elderly victims.

"These people are intimidated into paying for substantial work, so it is a double crime, exploitation of the victims and fraud of the person paying."

A report into human trafficking in Sweden, published in 2010, found 26 reports of human trafficking for non-sexual purposes. "In particular, these concern British and Irish tarmac and paving layers in Sweden," it says.

"The victims do not usually report personally that they have been the subject of human trafficking because they often have no confidence in the authorities that administer justice and are afraid of acts of reprisal."

Another confidential Swedish police report, obtained by the BBC, underlines just how lucrative the business is for the gangs. Their "conservative calculation" suggests criminal gangs are making about £3m in a year from what the report calls "black labour".

In 2007, Norwegian police estimated traveller gangs operating there made more than £11m in a year. The problem of vulnerable people being used for forced labour has become so serious in Norway that the police have been given new instructions on how to deal with it.

In Belgium, the ministry of justice has said it is currently investigating a case involving British nationals being trafficked into the country for forced labour.

The BBC has also heard anecdotal accounts from soup kitchens, shelters, church groups, homeless charities, anti-trafficking organisations and trade unions which suggest that traveller gangs are also operating in Germany, Holland and Denmark.

Dr Aidan McQuade, director of Anti-Slavery International, says the BBC's investigation shows how vulnerable, often homeless, people were being targeted for forced labour.

"That physically fit British men can be threatened or coerced into working without pay and living in fear for their safety reflects the brutal reality of modern slavery," he says.

"The widespread nature of the problem means that it is essential that local police officers consider new approaches to investigating this crime, such as regular meetings with homeless charities, soup kitchens and migrant drop-in centres to identify risks and potential victims of trafficking, and gather intelligence on gangs seeking to exploit vulnerable people for forced labour."

He believes that the British and other governments should be doing much more to combat the problem. That is certainly on Commissioner Malmstrom's agenda. "This is not worthy of Europe today," she says, "and we should do everything to prevent it."

A Home Office spokesman said: "The government is committed to tackling human trafficking and preventing the harm it causes to vulnerable members of our society.

"The National Crime Agency on establishment in 2013 will have a key role in building on the existing arrangements for tackling human trafficking. Its enhanced intelligence capabilities and co-ordination functions will target the organised criminal gangs involved in human trafficking, wherever they are."

Yvonne MacNamara, director of the Irish Traveller Movement in Britain, said her organisation condemned "absolutely slavery and forced labour, not least because travelling people have been subjected to slavery and forced labour throughout their history, including recent history.

"If individuals are suspected of criminality, they should be subjected to the full force of due process and the law."


British boys from poor white families perform worse than almost all other ethnic groups at GCSE level, according to figures from the Department for Education and Skills...

Can it be that the fathers of poor white boys alongside mothers forming the social majority happily accepted a society structured according to gender lines and not merit, providing this was only ever harmfull to others. But in so attempting an underhand benefit to advantage their daughters [whom were always privileged and never ever oppressed in the honest sense of the term] have seriously harmed their sons

From my experience of the UK education system, many white males aren't offered support and instead when struggling, labelled as troublemakers and abandoned instead of encouraged.

The main problem I see causing this in my society, is the abundant welfare and poor morality of people, promoting single motherhood.  Many children regardless of gender grow up damaged from the lack of a father.

There was an interesting documentary a while back "bbc - the biology of dads" which in a simple way stated what each parent imparts on a child and how having a father is just as vital, if not more vital than a mother and how a father even helps development in the pre-natal stage and helps relieve the pain for mothers.

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