The Fate Of All Men And Shape of Things To Come

Started by blackmanxxx, Jan 24, 2007, 03:13 PM

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Jan 24, 2007, 03:13 PM Last Edit: Jan 24, 2007, 03:15 PM by blackmanxxx
Gentlemen,  I  have  a  game  which  I  invite  you  to  play.   Let's  combine   real  life  history  with  fiction  and  come  up  with  something   interesting.

A   woman  runs  for   president   of  the   USA.   She's  a   feminist  and  a  sociopath.    A   woman  without  conscience.   She  can  do  anything  at  all  without  feeling  remorse.  She  is  charismatic,  intelligent  and  ruthless.   Her  team  works  tirelessly  toward  demolishing   her  political  opponents.    Through  treachery  and  deceit,  she  brings  them  down.   Finally, she  wins   !   She  is  championed  by   legions  of  women  and   a  few   men  around  the  world  as   the  bringer  of  change.   They  have  no  idea  how  right  they  are.

She's   got   a  team  of  female  scientists  working  on  a  top  secret  virus.

A  virus  which  shall  kill  everyone  with  an  XY   Chromosome  but   leave  all  those  with  an  XX   Chromosome   unscathed.

It's  the  ultimate  goal  of  the  feminist   organizations.   To  create  a  feminist   utopia   by   getting  rid  of  all  the   men  on  the  planet.

For  decades,  they  worked  to  make  their   dreams  come  true.   They   reduced  the  number  of   men  in  college.  They   reduced  the  number  of   men  in  politics.   They   shortened  men's   lifespan  by   directing  health  care  solely   toward  women.  They  changed  laws  to  demonize  and   mistreat  men.   They  worked  behind  the  advertising  industry   to   promote   negative   images   of  men.   They   showed   women  that  life  without  men  was   better.

They   even  changed  the   laws   so   that   female  and  male  students   attended  same-sex  classes.  This  was   not  meant  to  help  either  sex.   It  was  meant  to  separate  the  younger  generations  of  women  from  the  younger  generations  of  men.  To  show  them  lives  of  separatism.  To  indoctrinate  the  young  women   into  believing  that  life  without  men  was   better.

They   inoculated   women  and  girls  with  vaccines   but   not  men.  Those  vaccines  were  meant  to  test   top  secret   virus.   Viruses   which  would  hurt  men  but   leave   women  unscathed.  It  was  a glorious  success.

When  the  virus  is   of  all   ages,  races,  sexual  orientations  and  walks  of   life  fall  ill...death  soon  follows.   The  hospitals  around  the  world  are  overrun.   No  one  can  help.   Families  are  forever  divided.    Wives   lose   husbands.    Girlfriends  lose  boyfriends.   Grandmothers   lose  grandfathers.    Mothers  lose  sons.   Across  the  world,   men  die.

In  the  aftermath,  the   man-haters   are  successful.   The  women  of  the  world  are  weeping.   Some  of  them  anyway.  Many  of  them  were  hardcore   man-haters  and  they  welcome  this  new  day.

The  women  finally  inherit  the   Earth.

And    Empress   Hillary   Clinton  is  their   Supreme   Ruler.

This  is  the   shape  of  things  to  come.

Isn't  it  cool  ?



Have you read


I  saw  a   movie  like  this  on  Sci-Fi  a  long  time  ago.

Sir Galahad

First of all, surely even the most vitriolic man-hater must realize that if all men on Earth die, the human race would go extinct within decades (Yes, I know about Valerie Solanis and her views, but she was a psychopath).  The way I imagine a feminazi dystopia would be where men and boys are kept as slaves, and once they mreach a certain age, say 18, they are sent to die in wars between warring "womyn" factions over Earth's dwindling resources.

Second, a virus would take a few weeks or months to spread around the world, and once Russia and China catch wind of the scheme, they'd demand the vaccine for themselves and threaten to launch their nukes if they don't get it.  Than the whole human race would be fucked, not just the men.


First of all, surely even the most vitriolic man-hater must realize that if all men on Earth die, the human race would go extinct within decades

Not nessisarily. Current sperm bank levels could keep going for quite a while. Then they could use cloning techniques to keep going.

And they already have a method for creating a zygote from two female gametes (in mice) - they wouldn't nessisarily have to keep going too long, just until they'd got that to a level suitable for use in humans.


well Blackmanx, I've been saying this for years. There WILL be a male holocaust, and it will be slowly and deadly, and its already happening as I type this out right now. However, it won't be like what happened to the Jews during World War II. I can imagine that it'll start out where Hillary or some other rabid man hater starts a war where the draft will be re-instated, thus sending most of our men to die overseas. The ones that do come back, will come back to a country that does not want them. By this point, the females will have population clout and they will be the majority back home. Any male that doesn't fight would most likely be in jail for violating some femi-kook law or doing some dangerous shit-work to keep the feminazi system running. Compound this with the fact that misandry is rampant and that the vast majority of women resent us and don't care about us, thus ignoring all of the bad treatment men will receive.. Repeat this for centuries and centuries, and eventually there will be no men left.


Jan 24, 2007, 04:39 PM Last Edit: Jan 24, 2007, 04:44 PM by blackmanxxx

well Blackmanx, I've been saying this for years. There WILL be a male holocaust, and it will be slowly and deadly, and its already happening as I type this out right now. However, it won't be like what happened to the Jews during World War II. I can imagine that it'll start out where Hillary or some other rabid man hater starts a war where the draft will be re-instated, thus sending most of our men to die overseas. The ones that do come back, will come back to a country that does not want them. By this point, the females will have population clout and they will be the majority back home. Any male that doesn't fight would most likely be in jail for violating some femi-kook law or doing some dangerous shit-work to keep the feminazi system running. Compound this with the fact that misandry is rampant and that the vast majority of women resent us and don't care about us, thus ignoring all of the bad treatment men will receive.. Repeat this for centuries and centuries, and eventually there will be no men left.

The  question  is,   now  that   we   know  of their  plan,  how  do  we  stop  them  ?

What  if.....we  formed  a  group  of   people    from  around  the  world  who  firmly  believe  in   men's   issues.   They  don't  just  talk  the  talk  or  merely  walk  the  walk.  They're  ready  to  die  for  the  cause.   They   are  committed  fighters.    They  can  be   Caucasian,   Arab,  Muslim,  Asian,   Black,  ect.   They  can  be  straight,  gay  or  bisexual.    They  go   anywhere   they're   needed.    They   are   fighting  for  justice.  They're  merciless  to  the  misandrists.  They  don't  answer  to  any  government.

What  do  you  think  ?


WHat was that movie that started Robert Urich (rip) where the planet was run by women and when they caught men, the sucked them dry (letterally via machines) until the couldn't produce sperm any longer, then killed them....Or made them unichs to do all the "heavy lifting 'n stuff....

Scary when you think about it....

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


Jan 24, 2007, 04:51 PM Last Edit: Jan 24, 2007, 04:53 PM by blackmanxxx

WHat was that movie that started Robert Urich (rip) where the planet was run by women and when they caught men, the sucked them dry (letterally via machines) until the couldn't produce sperm any longer, then killed them....Or made them unichs to do all the "heavy lifting 'n stuff....

Scary when you think about it....


Yeah,  I  know.    The  sad  thing  is  that   generations  of  men  have  let themselves  be  seen  as  the  disposable  sex.   Technologies   which  threaten  men  were  allowed  to  be  produced.   Anything  which  is  harmful  to  women  is  instantly   banned.   Courts  take  women's  health  a  lot  more  seriously  than  men's  health  issues.    What  we  need  is   a  group  of  Guardians   of   Mankind.    A   network  of  men  working  together  in  secret  to  help  their  fellow  man.   

Those  men  would  have  to  be  carefully selected.    They  can  come  from  any  walk  of  life  but....their  loyalties  need  to  be  to  the  brotherhood.   That  means  no  wife,  no   kids.   Oh,  and   no  boyfriends  and   partners  either.   Sure,  a  wife  and  kids  strengthen  a  man's  heart,   but  they  also  can  bring  him  down.  Devotion  to  duty  as  the  sole  purpose  of   existence  is what  they  should  strive  for.   That's  the  only  way  these  men  can  defend  themselves  against  feminist  infiltration.

Behind  the  face  of   the  most  loving  wife  can  hide  a   high-ranking  feminist  official  working  to  bring   men  down,  all  in  the  name  of  the  sisterhood.

I  wouldn't  be  surprised  if  there  were  women  who   don  the  "armor"  of  MRA  and  appear  sympathetic  to  men's   issues  yet  are   loyal  to  the  man-hating  sisterhood.    Women  make  the   best  infiltrators.   It's  a  historical  and  natural  fact.    Inexplicable   loyalties  is  what  makes  them  dangerous,  both  to  women's  organizations  and   men's  rights  activists.


well Blackmanx, I've been saying this for years. There WILL be a male holocaust, and it will be slowly and deadly, and its already happening as I type this out right now. However, it won't be like what happened to the Jews during World War II. I can imagine that it'll start out where Hillary or some other rabid man hater starts a war where the draft will be re-instated, thus sending most of our men to die overseas. The ones that do come back, will come back to a country that does not want them. By this point, the females will have population clout and they will be the majority back home. Any male that doesn't fight would most likely be in jail for violating some femi-kook law or doing some dangerous shit-work to keep the feminazi system running. Compound this with the fact that misandry is rampant and that the vast majority of women resent us and don't care about us, thus ignoring all of the bad treatment men will receive.. Repeat this for centuries and centuries, and eventually there will be no men left.

The  question  is,   now  that   we   know  of their  plan,  how  do  we  stop  them  ?

What  if.....we  formed  a  group  of   people    from  around  the  world  who  firmly  believe  in   men's   issues.   They  don't  just  talk  the  talk  or  merely  walk  the  walk.  They're  ready  to  die  for  the  cause.   They   are  committed  fighters.    They  can  be   Caucasian,   Arab,  Muslim,  Asian,   Black,  ect.   They  can  be  straight,  gay  or  bisexual.    They  go   anywhere   they're   needed.    They   are   fighting  for  justice.  They're  merciless  to  the  misandrists.  They  don't  answer  to  any  government.

What  do  you  think  ?

misandry has been spread too far for anyone to just stop it. There wouldn't be enough of us to make a change. And lets face it, any man that would speak my kind of view in the workplace would be looked at as a pariah, and probably end up committed to a mental hospital. The best thing is to throw women's attitudes towards men out of the equation forever, act like they don't even bother you, like they don't even exist, because you aren't going to change them.

What we do is that we educate men that WANT to be saved, and see if we can help them get out of this country. The man-ginas and the wimpy woman-firsters? Forget 'em, trying to convert them is a waste of time and manpower. Let them reap what they sew, this is war, and if you aren't on my team from day 1, you are with the enemy.


well Blackmanx, I've been saying this for years. There WILL be a male holocaust, and it will be slowly and deadly, and its already happening as I type this out right now. However, it won't be like what happened to the Jews during World War II. I can imagine that it'll start out where Hillary or some other rabid man hater starts a war where the draft will be re-instated, thus sending most of our men to die overseas. The ones that do come back, will come back to a country that does not want them. By this point, the females will have population clout and they will be the majority back home. Any male that doesn't fight would most likely be in jail for violating some femi-kook law or doing some dangerous shit-work to keep the feminazi system running. Compound this with the fact that misandry is rampant and that the vast majority of women resent us and don't care about us, thus ignoring all of the bad treatment men will receive.. Repeat this for centuries and centuries, and eventually there will be no men left.

The  question  is,   now  that   we   know  of their  plan,  how  do  we  stop  them  ?

What  if.....we  formed  a  group  of   people    from  around  the  world  who  firmly  believe  in   men's   issues.   They  don't  just  talk  the  talk  or  merely  walk  the  walk.  They're  ready  to  die  for  the  cause.   They   are  committed  fighters.    They  can  be   Caucasian,   Arab,  Muslim,  Asian,   Black,  ect.   They  can  be  straight,  gay  or  bisexual.    They  go   anywhere   they're   needed.    They   are   fighting  for  justice.  They're  merciless  to  the  misandrists.  They  don't  answer  to  any  government.

What  do  you  think  ?

misandry has been spread too far for anyone to just stop it. There wouldn't be enough of us to make a change. And lets face it, any man that would speak my kind of view in the workplace would be looked at as a pariah, and probably end up committed to a mental hospital. The best thing is to throw women's attitudes towards men out of the equation forever, act like they don't even bother you, like they don't even exist, because you aren't going to change them.

What we do is that we educate men that WANT to be saved, and see if we can help them get out of this country. The man-ginas and the wimpy woman-firsters? Forget 'em, trying to convert them is a waste of time and manpower. Let them reap what they sew, this is war, and if you aren't on my team from day 1, you are with the enemy.

Sounds   like  a   plan  to  me.   If  all  else   fails,   let's  do  to  the  feminazis   what   Darth   Bane  did  to  the   Sith  in  "Path  of   Destruction".


This is the kind of conspiracy theory that will get MRA's laughed at. If you can prove it then great...if not, well....
I will stop staring at your boobs when you stop staring at my paycheck!


This is the kind of conspiracy theory that will get MRA's laughed at. If you can prove it then great...if not, well....

The mechanism is fairly easy to identify: motherhood.

The idea that it is a top-down conspiracy is what's rediculous. Creating an anti-male society is as simple as making sure a majority of mothers believe men are the enemy (either by being sinful or criminal, does not matter.)


It's  the  ultimate  goal  of  the  feminist   organizations.   To  create  a  feminist   utopia   by   getting  rid  of  all  the   men  on  the  planet.

I disagree strongly.  Feminists need men as their object of hate. Remove their object of hate and there's a vacuum that needs to be filled.  Feminism thrives from men being their 'oppressor', from men 'holding women back' - man as the object of hate helps ferment the feminist messages.  Why kill the goose who lays the golden egg?

Ask yourself this: how would such feminist organizations exist in this new world of only women? You think it would be a big love-up with previously hateful women suddenly turning into kind, peaceful ones? This is the kind of transformation required to allow this fantasy even the most modicum amount of plausibility.

Sir Galahad

Jan 24, 2007, 08:06 PM Last Edit: Jan 24, 2007, 08:09 PM by Sir Galahad

First of all, surely even the most vitriolic man-hater must realize that if all men on Earth die, the human race would go extinct within decades

Not nessisarily. Current sperm bank levels could keep going for quite a while. Then they could use cloning techniques to keep going.

You mean human cloning techniques that do not yet exist?  With the majority of society's brain trust eliminated by the "man plague," technological advancement is liable to come to a grinding halt.

And they already have a method for creating a zygote from two female gametes (in mice) - they wouldn't nessisarily have to keep going too long, just until they'd got that to a level suitable for use in humans.

Like I said earlier, once they kill all the men, technological progress would come to a standstill (and likely regress) since most of the world's scientists and engineers are men.  Even as far as fantasy dystopias are concerned, this scenario just does not seem very plausible.

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