<<<All good little Feminazis easily "benefit" from the Big Lie. After all as Dr E noted, they stated "Women's studies programs have had long practice in articulating the value of what we do to university administrators, We've seen what they do to uni presidents after all. Bullying and subterfuge are totalitarian specialties.
PS- Devia is that you??>>>
My husband, who turned me on to Objectivist studies in the first place at one point tried to convince me that because we are paying such huge tax dollars into these programs there would be no harm served by our daughters claiming metis status.
Is that me... I'd say no.They can take out student loans or whatever, I would never tell them they can live off in anyway of taxpayers money. (added this was one of the few arguements we ever had... and this one I won, in the end he agreed with me)
If you wish to think I'm part of the whatever , it's your choice. I'm against any form of welfare state, but not against a hand-up for anyone will take it to heart, not feel it an intilament. If you work for 6 months and live off the state for 6 months then frankly you're one small step up from a bum.