Yes, Timmothy McVee killed over 100 people with a uhaul truck, fertilizer and diesel fuel. Pull up to the school lunch room and walk away. BOOM. But this is really about us raising a passive society. The Montreal massacre is a grand example. One gunman walks into a classroom, orders all the men and the teacher to stand in the hall, which they all do without resistance, then he proceeds to shoot 14 women dead then walks out past the men who do nothing. Is this what women want out of their men?
Feminists believe being passive is a state of good because that explains how women sat around for 5000 years and were oppressed. They were being good by being passive. But passiveness is not good. Its just passive. Good is a state unto itself. One MUST proactivily do good to be good. if one is passive one is nothing at all, neither good or evil. And passive is not a prerequisite for good anymore than it is for evil. Cho was evil. He activily committed evil. You cannot fight evil with passiveness.
But our society wants us to give up our duty to defend ourselves and hand over our safety to "the right people". But where were those "right people"? 32 had to die before the right people did anything. It is too costly, destructive and dangerous to raise a soceity of children protected by the state. Each adult must take the responsibility to defend themselves. Pacivity is not good, its not evil, its just doing nothing. If pacivity were good then a 300lb man sitting at home doing NOTHING all day but watch TV would be a highly desirable man because he would be a good man. He's not raping, looting, murdering etc. but we all know that does not define "good".