Volvo campaign feedback

Started by Factory, Apr 24, 2007, 10:17 PM

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A post I made on Glenn's blog I'm proud of (perhaps without justification, I guess I'll find out soon enough).  It's on the Volvo campaign and the fallout from it.

As soon as I saw this getting play with both the general media and the industry rags alike, I knew this ONE campaign had more effect on men's rights and awareness of misandry in society...there was no way for it not to be successful.  This single, well-placed shot woke up a lot of people who control a lot of advertising....which anyone past 2nd year media studies can easily tell you GREATLY influences society.

Honestly, would a $6 Billion/year industry be built without delivering the intended results?  Advertising influences not simply the brand retention (what name comes to mind when I say...."Bandages"....for example?), but the perception as well.  Which car gets the best mileage?  What kind of blank CD is best?  Should I buy a Kodak digital camera or a Canon (both well known names with rock-solid reputations)?  Why is one better than the other anyway - especially since this is the first one you ever bought (oh, the Holy Grail...the first time buyer)?

But advertising doesn't influence shifts in society, right? 

Well, without getting too in depth (mostly because my memory isn't too good right now), advertising works on a couple basic principles.  You want the customer to both remember the brand you are selling, and associate it with a feeling.  Keep in mind here that we're not talking "happiness" or somesuch...we're talking about evoking emotion seemingly out of nowhere.  There are plenty of products out there that sell based on disgust or fear ( products or insurance), usually these products are presented as saviours, or safeguards.  And of course the more commonly held notion of feel good association.

Much of the communication, as in life, is neither verbal nor written.  No, the fact that it looks like that girl is giving head to a beer bottle in a bar scene is not an accident.  No, the fact that this woman has a house as big as a stadium is not an accident - and neither is the lack of a wedding ring on the hand that is frequently shown.  This isn't subliminal advertising either, this is simple observation with a typical North American attention span.  This suggests the overall emotional theme of the campaign, and all future ads will retain these same basic pieces of imagery - especially the subtle ones.  Through repetition a person will begin to associate half-remembered details (along with the emotions associated along the way) of a brand with a feeling.

Trip the feeling the right way and now you have a customer.

Problem is, those same feeling associations (buy our product, it'll make your life easier cleaning the house, you're too busy as it is, and Lord knows HE'S not going to help) capitalized on to trigger the buying process are also creating "converts".  For example a previously happy wife spends all day at home, where the advertisements on TV predominantly capitalize on the resentment of single mothers on welfare(yes, that's what it's aimed at - as well as resentful stay at home mothers), and this person becomes more and more resentful herself.  She doesn't REALLY know why, she just is.  their relationship is in a spiral, and divorce inevitable.  A tragic feedback loop, or  unintended consequences?  Nope.  Try Marketing Panacea.  Ring the bells and haul out the promotions, you've just Created a Market!!!

And THAT is the ultimate goal of advertising - expansion or creation of markets.  THAT is what the numbers presented in boardrooms to the beancounters present are.  THAT is a damn big portion of the decision making process.  So hell yes the people working in the industry are well aware of the man-bashing, they wouldn't have a job otherwise.  They're aware of the social shift the advertising campaigns are causing - in fact it's these very social shifts they are bragging to the CEO of XYZ Corp about.  You know...the "created markets"?  Unless they are a total moron, they ALL know...they just choose to couch things in a different phrase, water it down until it's "just advertising" in their mind, and can then sleep at night.  The human race has a long history of this type of behaviour, usually looked back on by people who say "How could anyone POSSIBLY not have known?".

But the beauty of this story is this.  An Industry Rag (tm) prints a story about a private email campaign, which then gets picked up (to a limited extent) by the mainstream media, which sparks a LOT of debate in said media about men, fathers, men's rights and public image.  It's snowballing, soon it'll be accepted - or at least acceptable - as truth that men are not evil ne'er do wells.  We may even actually attain legal equality someday.

And what I find ironic is the logical Scapegoat for the shock of mass realization is likely either going to be the Media, or Advertising.  Tough to get the message out when the competition holds all the microphones though, so I'm going to bet the Media gets to be the one that was misled.  And that means Advertising loses.  So I guess Karma really IS a bitch.


Nicely done.

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


One anti-male commercial that I saw a few years ago (it might still be around), I cannot recall the name of the product. The product was some sort of anti-bacterial lotion.

During the course of the commercial they show someone doing disgusting things, like a filthy looking man sneezing into his hands and grabbing the handle of a shopping cart. Then they show a mother and her daughter using the cart later. Basically the product was to show that 'germs' are everywhere and this anti-bacterial lotion will help avoid unwanted germ contamination.

However, during the commercial, they show 3 separate scenes. In each scene the "disgusting, germ spreading person" is *always* male and the "germ defending victim" was *always* female. Over the course of 3 scenes that seemed too often to be "coincidence"  :rolle:
"A man chooses. A slave obeys." What if a man 'chooses' to obey, because he is met with scorn, shame and ridicule and rendered a social outcasts if he does not?


The especially ironic thing is the Martian Volvo logo.
Evolution doesn't stop at the neck.


 :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

Back when I enrolled at Mount Saint Vincent University in 1981, I took advertising and public relations.... it took me a matter of weeks for me to see what was going to happen....but whenever I spoke out I was treated like a crank.

:BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

Well now I say I TOLD YOU SO.

I also predicted the Marc Lepin temper tantrum.....

I do not participate in the threads with people like "school project" or any of the fembots who troll this forum and want to politically correct all of us....I deem them all to be worthless clumps of cosmic filth and a waste of the Earth's oxygen...certainly not  worth life's precious breath in any sort of "debate".

"Cast not thy pearls before swine neither feed that which is holy unto the dogs"

On at least four occassions in the last three years feminists have tried to take away my freedom of speach....why should I even feel obliged to have a conversation with them?

Feminists seem to think that until MRAs have beaten them in debate on their turf and terms, no man is permitted to take political action that they would not like....we are full grown full fledged adults...we do not need their permission, endorsement, or validation do do anything whatsoever.

Now to get back on specific thread....It is an impossible goal to eliminate bad mouthing of the opposite gender...that is as old as time....that will never change.....eliminating the government funding of it and profitable careers in it ARE INDEED acheivable goals......Glenn Sacks is Jewish.....he knows darned well that praise Jesus evangelism is not going to fend this off.....he knows darned well that hard work and thrift and other "Protestant work ethic" assertions are not going to fend this off.....he knows that to an organization or profit based company, a loss in revenue is the corporate equivalent to a kick in the balls.

On MRA sites, I have met people who are extrordinarily well versed in political science, religion, philosophy....but so very few who were well based in "Jewish engineering".

I had a professor who was Jewish...he was a character and a wag...he had a hand drawn dust cover for his teacher's edition of the FINANCE course he taught with a star of David on it and the title was "Jewish engineering".....I not only learned the principals of creating wealth....I learned what a betrayal my Protestant upbringing had actually been and why the European Christians and the Jews ended up in conflict.

I have said it before and I will say it again...political ideology will not save us....Praise Jesus evangelism will not save us....academic philosophy (or other Liberal arts) will not save fact ...ALL OF THESE THINGS HAVE ENTHUSIASTICLY SOLD US OUT!!!

(1) what are "they's " names?

(2) where do "they" get the money to buy lunch today?

(3) how can we undermine their credibility at the source of funding?

All of the rest might be good for venting or expressing our exasperation...but THIS is the strategy that works.

Some people will always male bash because they find it fun....when it ceases to be profitable it will die back to an easily managable level.   


I just caught a new Volvo ad.  Anyone else see it?  The ending with the Volvo name is across the female symbol!  I shit you not!

Uhuh.. Arnold really cares about men.

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


The Volvo logo is Mars, aka Male. Which is even worse, IMO.
Evolution doesn't stop at the neck.


From a sales point of view it's interesting
My old partner and I used to work together at Sears Home, him in appliances and myself in furniture.

As a pretty solid rule men made the desision when it came to the appliances, women furniture. Hence the women worked in furniture and the men in appliances as a general statement. Our new job is very unisex, whoever has the problem has the final choice.

Knowing people in car sales while the solo female market is growing leaps most people that come in are couples and beyoud estetics  when it comes to getting under the hood and comparing the two most ofter it's the man they have to impress. Perhaps a generalization but I figure no one knows it better then the sales people on the floor.

Pissing off the person whose going to make that last choice=bad. A "cute" or "funny" commercial may get people in the door for curiosity sake but it does not make a sale.

My question would be: Being that most marketing excutives are men, then why would they make commercials which would piss off men?

dr e

My question would be: Being that most marketing excutives are men, then why would they make commercials which would piss off men?

Because men don't seem to react or complain about such mistreatment and it pleases those low self-esteem women who find pleasure in feeling superior to men.  Men are supposed to be strong and to admit you are upset over a "little joke" on a commercial is seen as unmanly.  You be the judge of the percentage of women who suffer this sort of low self-esteem but I will just say that it is more than a few.  If women and men were both mature they would both be complaining about the misandry we see in commercials and on tv in general.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

bachelor tom

My question would be: Being that most marketing excutives are men, then why would they make commercials which would piss off men?

Because men don't seem to react or complain about such mistreatment and it pleases those low self-esteem women who find pleasure in feeling superior to men.  Men are supposed to be strong and to admit you are upset over a "little joke" on a commercial is seen as unmanly.  You be the judge of the percentage of women who suffer this sort of low self-esteem but I will just say that it is more than a few.  If women and men were both mature they would both be complaining about the misandry we see in commercials and on tv in general.

Well said
political correctness = patriarchal chivalry + matriarchal victimology


<<<<Because men don't seem to react or complain about such mistreatment  Men are supposed to be strong and to admit you are upset over a "little joke" on a commercial is seen as unmanly. ???

I took the liberty of condensing your man/woman reasons together in order to reply. The above is not exactly what dr e said.

- You don't need to complain to vote with your pocket book, if something turns you off you're going to stay away from it.

Example: America's whore, pimp, bling black culture turns me personally off. I find it slightly repulsive and demeaning. I may not complain when I see a commercial targeting this audience but sublimely such a commerical is apt to have a negative impression regarding the goods being sold for myself. That's just my view btw.

- A working example of this: one of our competitors has a very in your face aggressive marketing campain. They attack the competition to the point of advertising for them (us), such as (taking liberty here) "we don't have free delivery like such and such but their just assholes". It hasn't worked, in fact thei business is for sale, and we get people in everyday saying his commercials turn them off.

If anyone is from winnipeg reading this (I know there is a couple) I'm sure they'll confirm that "You'll Find Us" just isn't working like the Kernhill model endered us.

<<<and it pleases those low self-esteem women who find pleasure in feeling superior to men.    You be the judge of the percentage of women who suffer this sort of low self-esteem but I will just say that it is more than a few. >>>

To be honest I believe what is happening is two-fold.

Ad executives are trying to appeal to two markets that they see up and coming.

One would be the "jack-ass" audience. It is by no fault of his esteem that my son thinks skateboarding off a garage roof is ok.  Guys im(very humble)o like to see other guys do extreme things even when their not doing it. The other is the "you go girl" advertising.

They miss the mark on this one. My life won't be complete untill I drive a Jag, (again imho since I was 12 or so and decided that was my dream car). My Jag dreams are slightly offset and in the hands of my husband and a part time mechanic who works on Jags that I work with.

Long story short I  have said " a Jag is my dream car". My husband has responded to this by offering up his lease for a year when his dream car runs out. My co-worker has a 78 which I can make an even trade for the car I'm driving now. Honestly if it was my choice the 78 would so be my choice instead of a new one. But someone has to be practical, and yeah a 78 might run into problems at -40. Might not get my Jag... I'll live. You just can't run a new Jag in(or an old one) our climate .

Dammit.. now I have low self esteem.

Women and girls can have cronic low self esteem,no doubt. But frankly those new Dove commercials are helping with that. You go girl (please see the irony).

<<<If women and men were both mature they would both be complaining about the misandry we see in commercials and on tv in general.>>>

No doubt.


Personally, I believe the whole insurance commercial theme of "so easy a caveman can do it" is a statement of defiance by the advertising industry. It's a thinly veiled reference to all men - who are primitive cavemen after all - and how they will not be taken seriously if they complain about being demeaned in commercials.

Ridiculing men is the bread and butter of advertising firms, and there really is no one left if white males become off limits. They are NOT giving that up. The "caveman" commercials illustrate how men who dare to confront them will be treated. Ask Glenn Sacks about that.


I'd disagree with you on that because most people go, "Awww, poor caveman" when they see those commercials. Also, it's not thinly veiled enough.
Evolution doesn't stop at the neck.

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