Now tell me. Does this system hurt the boys?
Of course it hurts the boys! That is why we are seeing the results in the wider society today. I don't believe for one moment that what the feminists bleat on about with regard to male behaviour in the past was anything like as bad as they like to make out. If there has been any gender which has really suffered in so many ways throughout history then it's the male. Women have never, ever been subjected to the same level of horrific experiences as have men. It is all hype, like most of what these silly deluded women continually rant on about like demented banshees all suffering from the same condition proved in psychology - penis envy.
No way would I accept the conditions as set out in the opening post. You could say that men themselves are responsible for allowing the present state of affairs to come about in which men are increasingly being disadvantaged in so many ways, men who seem to have become brainwashed by the perversities of feminsim. More and more women are now similarly bainwashed with the doctrine of male culpability and are to blame even for female shortcomings. Much of society seems to want to place the blame on men for everything, more or less - feminism's main objective seems to be the promotion of the image of the innocent victim women, and the true facts of many situations are either ignored or manipulated so as to be as far away as possible from the actual truth.
Until we can cure so many men of the mangina complex then the feminists will continue to ride roughshod across social and family and legal life in western societies with the main target being the male sex. It's a travesty.