Removing muscle from the police force.

Started by Thomas, May 04, 2007, 10:11 AM

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This commentary, on efforts to recruit more women into the Victoria police, discusses the dangers of force-feminizing the constabulary. Much the same has been done to military forces around the world.
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Mr. X

I'll tell you as a man I would be tempted to beat the crap out of a female police officer just cause I know I stand a better chance of beating her and I'm a law abiding citizen. Being big and scary IS a deterant and protects police officer's lives.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."


One thing not noted is the future threat from the increasing number of radical Islamists in that region of the Pacific - obviously Australia is on their list.  

Do burkas come with the standard kit?


Here's an expression of something similar occuring in France. Ségolène Royal, who may well be elected president of France on Sunday, stated in a recent debate with her opponent, "Under my presidency every woman police officer will be accompanied to her home after work."
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Here's an expression of something similar occuring in France. Ségolène Royal, who may well be elected president of France on Sunday, stated in a recent debate with her opponent, "Under my presidency every woman police officer will be accompanied to her home after work."

Accompanied by whom; a MALE police officer, or a squad of female officers with shotguns and rocket launchers? Ah, oui. Ze Francais say, "Don' fix zee problem; surrender' and make eet worz."

Every aged generation, from Socrates to now, lays claim to how worse the world changed as they got older. WE have proof. It's not only changed for the worse, it's gone absolutely effing off its rocker.
Explaining misandry to a feminist is like explaining "wet" to a fish.


Here's an expression of something similar occuring in France. Ségolène Royal, who may well be elected president of France on Sunday, stated in a recent debate with her opponent, "Under my presidency every woman police officer will be accompanied to her home after work."

If policewomen need special protection, what is the point of even having female officers?  Now, I have nothing against female officers and have no problem with women joining law enforcement agencies.  But I don't see the point in hiring a woman who needs someone to escort her home when you can hire a man who doesn't need an escort.

Also, most police agencies are undermanned, underpaid, and overworked, so Segolene Royal's policy would just add even more unnecessary strain on the police.


Also, most police agencies are undermanned, underpaid, and overworked, so Segolene Royal's policy would just add even more unnecessary strain on the police.

Well, she is a socialist. Those people seem to think that money just appears out of the ether.
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The feminization of the police has been going on for a while. Twenty years ago I was in school and sharing a rent house with a bunch of guys I didn't know. Two of them got into a huge fight after weeks of build-up. One threatened the other with a hammer, and he responded by throwing and breaking stuff in the house. I warned them to cool it or I'd call the cops. They continued to shout and make death threats - really out of control. I called the cops.

When they showed up, it was two very short, very overweight, and very butch police dykes with earrings and makeup. I explained that one guy was breaking things in the house, and asked that they write a report or give the guy an official warning, in case someone got hurt in the future. They responded that they couldn't do anything since they didn't see it happen. Then they advised us that we should all "live together in peace." It was like that comedy series that spoofs the Cops show. We couldn't believe they were for real.

When they left we all started laughing so hard that it actually lightened the situation and the guys got along after that. It became a running joke - watch out, or I'll call the cops again!!


WHEW! Sarkozy won the election.

I've been to France about a dozen times; needless to say, I like the country and I generally like the French people. It's difficult to know how good Sarkozy will be, but it would have been a disaster if Royal had won -- an endless stream of more, ultimately unaffordable, social programs.
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