I feel so uncomfortable and scared and stuff.

Started by Nillerz, May 13, 2007, 09:14 PM

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Some girl was staring at me for a good 7 seconds. She totally was raping me with her eyes. What should I do? It made me feel like, all uncomfortable and stuff. I'm scared. I want to sue her or something.
Evolution doesn't stop at the neck.


Some girl was staring at me for a good 7 seconds. She totally was raping me with her eyes. What should I do? It made me feel like, all uncomfortable and stuff. I'm scared. I want to sue her or something.

You are male, there is nothing you can do.
I will stop staring at your boobs when you stop staring at my paycheck!


Oh my God!

You like totaly deserve $12 million or something.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.


You poor thing!  I am here for you!  I know how painful it is!  I mean, you know, like, I was, like, raped like that, like 42 times!  You know that right?  'coz I am not like, saying your rape isn't like, worser than like, mine.. but like, I was raped more worser than you 'n all.

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


Uh oh, I hope you validated her attention in some way such as offering to purchase goods and services for her use without implicit or explicit expectation of compensation of any kind.  If you did not, you may have caused her to feel rejected and unworthy and you may be liable for civil and criminal damages.

I would recommend retaining legal counsel immediately.
The Lord works in strange ways; and with strange people.


You guys are way out to lunch on this one.  It's obvious that there was no crime here.  we know this because the police didn't break down her door, drag her out in hand cuffs and ruin the rest of her life on his say so.  Besides it wasn't her fault.  It was similar abuse from her father/brother/uncle/priest/whatever other excuse you can think up for her to not be held accountable.
It's not illegal to be a man...yet.

Mr. Bad

OMG I'm soooo upset for you!   That was, like, totally brutal and harassing and stuff.  You know, I think you, like, need to report her to, you know, the police and stuff. 
"Men in teams... got the human species from caves to palaces. When we watch men's teams at work, we pay homage to 10,000 years of male achievements; a record of vision, ingenuity and Herculean labor that feminism has been too mean-spirited to acknowledge."  Camille Paglia


I like the smell of fried troll in the evening!  :evil1:


I can, like, totally relate to that.  I've been sexually harassed like that before, too.  Like when I was walking down a bike path last year, and like had my shirt off because it was warm, and a woman walking toward me was smiling and, like, ogling my chest.  Also, at work last year a young woman 20 years my junior walked by me and said "rowrrr" like a tigress or something.  I feel so violated.  :sad2:
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May 14, 2007, 01:30 PM Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 01:32 PM by Nillerz

I can, like, totally relate to that.  I've been sexually harassed like that before, too.  Like when I was walking down a bike path last year, and like had my shirt off because it was warm, and a woman walking toward me was smiling and, like, ogling my chest.  Also, at work last year a young woman 20 years my junior walked by me and said "rowrrr" like a tigress or something.  I feel so violated.  :sad2:

how horrible! This makes me feel better and doesn't make me fall out of my chair laughing at all!

You guys are way out to lunch on this one.  It's obvious that there was no crime here.  we know this because the police didn't break down her door, drag her out in hand cuffs and ruin the rest of her life on his say so.  Besides it wasn't her fault.  It was similar abuse from her father/brother/uncle/priest/whatever other excuse you can think up for her to not be held accountable.

Evolution doesn't stop at the neck.


This form of assault comes from a sense of entitlement that girls have in our  culture. Make them realize that they are not entitled to anything and future assaults are avoided.  :pino:
Men's Movie Guide:  http://www.mensmovieguide.com   The Healing Tomb: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081N1X145


I know what you mean...it makes me feel so....so....CHEAP!!!

And just what is wrong with the world today, why on one website I read a suggestion to help eyerapists thwart justice by wearing round Leon Trotsky glasses with condoms streatched over the frames so that the CSI team won't be able to gather any DNA evidence. Of course they do make the perpetrator look rather cock-eyed. :toothy9: :toothy9:


I don't know! I think they need to be shot, myself . . .
Evolution doesn't stop at the neck.

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