Is It the Woman Thing, or Is It Katie Couric?

Started by Mr. X, May 14, 2007, 12:25 PM

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Mr. X

The numbers are stark. Eight months into Katie Couric's job as the first woman to anchor a network newscast on her own, her "CBS Evening News" has not only settled back into its long-held position of last among the evening news broadcasts, but also regularly falls short of the newscast that Ms. Couric replaced.

A New Low In the latest week's ratings, "CBS Evening News" had its worst performance since the Nielsen company installed its "people meter" ratings system 20 years ago.

Ms. Couric professed to be unfazed. "Honestly, I think we're going to see ebbs and flows," she said in a telephone interview the day after receiving the ratings news. "I don't think it's a doom-and-gloom scenario."

But it certainly is not a buoyant scenario either, as Sean McManus, the president of CBS News, acknowledged. "We are a distant third," he said. "There is no way to sugarcoat that fact."

CBS executives say their research had predicted that the newscast would continue to struggle in the ratings, even after the network's enormous investment in Ms. Couric -- an estimated $15 million in annual salary -- as well as millions more to build a new set and promote her and her newscast.

But the network seemed not fully prepared for a host of other developments that followed its expensive decision.

There has been a cascade of hostile comments in the press. Members of the news staff were quoted in The Philadelphia Inquirer as suggesting that Ms. Couric might stay only through the 2008 election. And a recent Gallup poll reinforced the notion that Ms. Couric had become a polarizing figure: 29 percent of respondents said that they did not like her, as opposed to 51 percent who said that they liked her. (Her competitors at ABC and NBC both had negative scores under 20 percent and positives around 60.)

Turning around the newscast will be a serious challenge, one former longtime network news executive said. "I think it will be very difficult, honestly," said the executive, who asked not to be identified because he expects to work again with one of the networks. "Usually it takes a cataclysmic event to change news loyalties."

"CBS Evening News" continues to bring in revenue for the network -- the smallest share of a total of about $540 million for the three network newscasts combined -- and CBS executives said that it remains profitable. But network sales executives have estimated that for each 0.1 rating point a newscast drops among viewers from age 25 to 54, the program could lose $5 million to $6 million in revenue. (A point represents about 100,000 viewers.) CBS executives concede that as the ratings decline, so do the profits.

"We're not making as much as we would if the ratings were up," said Mr. McManus.

Despite the low ratings and the reports of sniping from colleagues, the mood inside CBS News remains unshakably upbeat. In an interview in her office overlooking the set, Ms. Couric sought to convey the message, backed up by CBS management, that she was not going anywhere. Not now, not after the 2008 election, not anytime encompassed by her initial five-year contract.

Nor does she want to go anywhere, she insists. "I have no regrets," she said.

The network's executives, including Leslie Moonves, the CBS chairman, say they knew that they were acquiring probably the most avidly followed personality in television news, and so they did expect a media spotlight. But some of the other reactions caught them off guard.

"Am I surprised by the attention?" said Mr. Moonves. "No. Am I surprised by the vitriol? Yes."

He and Mr. McManus took pains to deny vigorously that there has been any plan to unseat Ms. Couric. "It's a flat-out lie that there has been any consideration, any meeting or any discussion about replacing Katie," Mr. McManus said.

"This is a long-term commitment," Mr. Moonves said.

Ms. Couric, 50, made her debut on CBS in September, after 15 years at "Today," accompanied by great fanfare. She was expected to appeal to younger viewers. And to a degree she has -- her ratings, while still usually third, are most competitive among younger women. But the newscast CBS created to try to take advantage of Ms. Couric's morning-show skills has already been discarded, discredited as a colossal misfire.

One senior CBS producer who supports Ms. Couric but requested anonymity because of a working relationship with some people on the program, summed up that initial newscast, saying, "it was inane."

Ms. Couric said, "I don't think there was ever a vision to blow up the evening news, but to maybe make some changes that would recharacterize it."

Only for a woman.

Gee if this was a man with low rating would anyone question the audience? No, his sorry butt would be out and they would replace him ASAP. But when its a woman right away it can't be her fault... it must be the fault of the neanderthal audience who won't accept a woman. Gosh, I wish I had that kind of job protection. If I do poorly I can just blame the people around me instead of blaming myself. But, alas, I am a man. I get no buffet table of choices, no red carpet, no warm friendly and inviting environment and no get out of jail free card due to my sex. I am Conan tossed into the wolf pit and I either live or die. Katie, on the other hand, could suck mellons for nearly 3 years now and still gets a free pass cause she's a woman.

Those stupid viewers! Why can't they just accept what they are supposed to like! Damn them for not picking Katie cause its Katie's turn to win.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."

bachelor tom

Is Couric considered a feminist by the average viewer?  Have their male viewers dropped off?
political correctness = patriarchal chivalry + matriarchal victimology


It is the fact that she is a fluffy airhead. She isn't a journalist and has no credentials as a reporter and people can see that. It is just convenient to blame the tastes of male viewers and play the "its not my fault they just can't handle a strong woman card".

If CBS had gotten any anchor with Gravitas male or female and made a thorough appology for there past violations of journalistic ethics and liberal bias they would have better ratings.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.

Mr. X

One other thing they admit is they stopped doing hard hitting stories and moved toward lighter, fluff stuff. But the point is how they are so intent on hanging onto her instead of admitting its not working. Whenever someone blames the audience for not knowing what good TV is, that's when they lose.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."


Is Couric considered a feminist by the average viewer? 

The Squirrelly Ms Couric announced that she was taking up a collection for mass murderer Andrea Yates' defense fund.  She definately wouldn't do that for a man.

Yup...She's a feminist.

Mr. X

Is Couric considered a feminist by the average viewer? 

The Squirrelly Ms Couric announced that she was taking up a collection for mass murderer Andrea Yates' defense fund.  She definately wouldn't do that for a man.

Yup...She's a feminist.

Well it is/was mother's day.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."

Mr. X

One other sad thing with this is how this effects other women and how it just boulsters the reputation women have of copping out and blaming everyone and everything else when they fail. Is this a good example for young girls? Or does it teach them that when you don't win it must be because of a conspirocy.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."


Is Couric considered a feminist by the average viewer? 

The Squirrelly Ms Couric announced that she was taking up a collection for mass murderer Andrea Yates' defense fund.  She definately wouldn't do that for a man.

Yup...She's a feminist.

Well it is/was mother's day.

Well Andrea's kids weren't available to provide the presents so somebody had to fill the breach. She is a mum after all. Couldn't trust a man to do it.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.

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