I have considered it.
Conservative men are against the same things.
Conservative women demand the same chains on themselves. Anti porn/ prostitution/ gay is a morality issue, and women are bound by the same laws. The first two are actually a way for poor women to make it on their own, thus taking away our choices as well, although in a smaller parameter. The second, it is considered wrong for conservative women to be lesbians as well. Goes both ways. While I am sure you can find some evidence that technically the Bible does not prohibit lesbianism, because the word man is used instead of human, the word 'man' was for both men and women. And most churches which ban homosexuality include in that ban lesbianism. In practice they are equal opportunity.
You also typically undervalue women's contribution in the family. I will say this but not go into detail as I know it is not something I am going to argue with you, no sense beating that poor horse anymore. A Christian woman is taught to make many sacrifices for her husband, and to put his needs first, just as he is to sacrifice for her and put her needs first. They are to put their marriage first after God and they both are to work to raise their kids. I think that conservative women are working towards the Biblical view of family. Men also want and value children, so this is not a woman only issue. I think that loosening the strict gender roles would help men become more intimately connected with their children, which does not necessarily go against the Biblical view. Both working 25 hours so both can spend time with kids is not against the Bible.
That view is not anti-man anymore than it is anti-woman. New laws which are feminist have skewed the balance, but that does not mean the original was wrong.
In early christianity, laws were made prohibiting women from doing things which would allow them to be self sufficient without men. For centuries laws existed making it very difficult if not impossible for women to live alone her whole life. So it was not just women chaining and enslaving men, it was a complicated social web to ensure children were born and raised well to ensure the continuation of our species. Men as well as women benefitted from that. Today, children are not a priority. Half of the world (women) are getting to do what they want, and our birthrate is plummetting. Men will soon get the same freedom from social pressure.
I hope we all learn to speak Arabic soon. Conservative societies are sucessful societies, which in part means replacing themselves. The more liberal we become, the more it is all about our personal freedom and to hell with social standards, the less in numbers we become.
It is so amazing to me that people do not see this. God is a lot smarter than people.