Shop at Safeway

Started by Mr. X, Jun 19, 2007, 04:29 PM

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Mr. X

Hye, the Safeway in my area (Tucson) is having a huge prostate cancer drive with messages over the loud speaker asking people to donate to help prostate cancer. I think its great and I'm going to be shopping there. One thing though is the loud speaker message says prostate cancer has a 90% cure rate when detected early yet they don't say what the cure is ie removal of the prostate.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."


Well its a start at least. Is it a national thing or something just Safeway is doing we don't have them in my area.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.


They have the same fundraising campaign going on at the Safeways in Denver (and even liberal Boulder), so it must be a nationwide thing.
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Let us definately herald and praise this action.

Good news bro.

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"


Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan: "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."

Men's Rights Activist

I complained loudly about the fund raising for breast cancer, but lack of fund raising for prostate cancer last time I was in my Pavillions/Vons in California.  The had pink all over the electronic device where you swipe your credit card when checking out,  The cashier said they did the same for prostate cancer, but I told her I had shopped at the store for years and had never seen a darned thing.  When she asked my if I wanted to give to breast cancer, I replied, "Hell no."  I think I may have even said, "Women will never be equal as long as they have services, and programs and privileges that men don't have."

Well, it appears somebody got through to the dullards, because now Vons/Pavillions has blue all over the card swipe machine and advertising for donations to fight prostate cancer, and the cashiers are even asking if you want to donate.  I gave five bucks earlier today, and I think it may have even been the cashier I said, "hell no" to.  She actually asked me my name and when I told it to her, she said "Thank you Mr. B..."
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


There are some reasons why breast cancer is "worse" than prostate cancer.

Breast cancer strikes young women not just older women.
(Prostate cancer usually strikes older men).

Breast cancer somethings kills very swiftly.
(Prostate cancer usually develops very slowly and often never kills because men die of other things first)

I knew of a woman who died very quickly in her early 30s possibly late 20s of breast cancer.
I have never known of a man to die of prrostate cancer both quickly and at a young age.

Please excuse me if my facts are wrong. I am hardly an expert but these I think are facts.

I don't think there is a direct analogy between breast cancer and prostate cancer.

I think a closer analogy may be between breast cancer and male suicide.

Males kill themselves in large numbers at youg ages often I think due to stresses caused by women, divorce, etc.

The Gonzman

And men get breast cancer, then are forbidden from survivor's groups, banned from "races for the cure" and other such things because feminists want to keep it for women's health only.

As a friend of mine who got it discovered.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.

Men's Rights Activist

Actually, a better analogy would be breast cancer compared to heart disease in men - - - but has anyone noticed the recent, big, American Heart Assoc. push to call attention to all those old women dying of heart disease as if it were an epidemic.  My own dear Mom died of heart disease - - - at 89.

When someone mentions the age inequity between breast cancer and prostate cancer be sure to go down the list of all the inequities between men's and women's health such as all those offices of women's health, but none for men.  Yet, according to the CDC of the top 15 leading causes of heath by disease, men lead in twelve catergories, are tied in one, and women lead in two.

Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

Mr. X

There are some reasons why breast cancer is "worse" than prostate cancer.

Yes, breasts are sexual power and obvious sexual power. Men lose a prostate and no one will know. Women lose a breast and she loses sexual power.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."


My daughters cancer has been compared to prostate cancer in the way that it's a slow growing cancer.
The difference there is that prostate hits men in their elderly years compared to my daughters who hits mostly young women (but it's rare so it's just a blip in the charts). Because it hits the elderly most often something else kills them first.

Breast cancer is a quick growing cancer. It's hard to test early enough to cure.

Prostate could also be compared to cervical cancer, as long as it's caught early it's comparably easily treated. Women get yearly cervical exams, I had a bad one, they frooze the cells and I was cured.

One of the biggest issues regarding prostate cancer is men do not get themselves checked for it. If they got regular exams then a death rate for prostate would be in line with cervical. However some guys just don't like to go to the doctors never mind bending over for him. I'm not sure how to change that mindset.

My husband has recently has had "dribbles". He's booked in for a check.

As for the safeway campian, they've been doing the same thing yearly for at least the last few years national wide.


There are some reasons why breast cancer is "worse" than prostate cancer.

Breast cancer strikes young women not just older women.
(Prostate cancer usually strikes older men).

Breast cancer somethings kills very swiftly.
(Prostate cancer usually develops very slowly and often never kills because men die of other things first)

I knew of a woman who died very quickly in her early 30s possibly late 20s of breast cancer.
I have never known of a man to die of prrostate cancer both quickly and at a young age.

Please excuse me if my facts are wrong. I am hardly an expert but these I think are facts.

I don't think there is a direct analogy between breast cancer and prostate cancer.

I think a closer analogy may be between breast cancer and male suicide.

Males kill themselves in large numbers at youg ages often I think due to stresses caused by women, divorce, etc.


It is a myth that only older men get prostate cancer. Many people make this mistake because MOST older men will have some sort of prostate problem and for many of them if not treated it will become prostate cancer. Males should start being screened for prostate cancer at age 40, because this is when the risk increases. This is about the same age as women are told to start getting mamograms, yet there are no where near the ammounts of PSA's advertising the fact nor are there the number of free clinics screening poor men for it.

It is also a myth that prostate cancer is always a slow growing cancer. Some prostate cancer is very agressive. Case in point: Jim Valvano head basket ball coach at N.C. State back in the 80s, was diagnosed with prostate cancer and within a year it had metastisized and spread into his spine he was dead about 20 months from his diagnosis.

Don't assume that breast cancer is "worse" than prostate cancer. When you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.


It's not worse.. it's different.

Of course there are aggresive forms of prostate cancer, fright when my daughter was first diagnosed we were told she was LUCKY.. if you were to get cancer this is the type to get (slow growing and treatable). Who knew then she'd be the .5 percent of people with it that are not lucky. Her doctors compared it to prostate cancer for those reasons.

I can't point to my kid as being the norm for thyriod cancer, don't point to this guy you know of as the norm for prostate.

Breast cancer is almost always a rapid growth cancer, hence it leads more often into younger death rates. There is a small time frame for treatment and it metabolisis into other organs quickly.

But the point of this thread was the campain going on at Safeway. It's not true that no one cares, this has been going on for the last few years.

Mr. X

Prostate Cancer - What it is
Prostate cancer in men is the most frequently found cancer in the over 50 age group, an dit the second most deadly type of cancer after lung cancer.

The frequency of prostate cancer varies little throughout the industrialized nations of the west. It occurs much less frequently in Asia. However, when Asians leave their homelands to live in the west, the incidence rate multiplies by 5 times. This would appear to indicate the involvement of diet.

The incidence of prostate cancer in black Americans is the highest in the world which tends to indicate an ethnic predisposition.

Cancer of the prostate chiefly affects the older age group, with 73 being the average age at diagnosis. The extreme age limits are 45 and 85. But due to the ongoing aging of the population due to medical progress, it's likely that the number of prostate cancer victims will similarly increase.

The statistics for the cancer in the western world are a follows:

• 30% of men aged between 50 and 60
• 40% up to 70 years of age
• 70% up to 80 years of age

In general, the younger men are treated and those over 80 are simply surveyed since prostate cancer progresses only very slowly.

Prostate Cancer and Heredity
In prostate cancer the role of heredity is significant. The risk of developing this cancer is double if your father, uncle or brother is a sufferer. The risk is multiplied by 11 if all three have contracted it. If the cancer is hereditary in this way, it will generally occur around 40 years of age. This justifies a close medical surveillance of those at risk.

Prostate Cancer and Hormones
The longer you live, the greater the risk of contracting prostate cancer. The absence of male hormones protects you from prostate cancer (thus for example it doesn't survive in castrated men), and on the other hand, any treatment based on male hormones will increase the risk of pre-existing prostate cancer developing further.

The Biology of Cancer
Now let's take a look at the biology of cancer, in particular with reference to that of the prostate, which spreads very slowly as the years pass.

The cancer begins at the cellular, microscopic level. The cells reproduce to form a lump, palpable to the touch during a rectal examination. This lump will then grow and spread into the prostate. At this stage it stays confined within the prostate gland. However it will eventually breech these confines, spreading further and further, invading the seminal vesicles, the sphincta and the bladder. Via the lymphatic system it will then localize in the lymph nodes of the pelvis, before invading the whole body.

The cancer cells can also escape through the blood vessels and invade other organs, essentially the bones, but also the lungs, brain and liver.

Progressive Stages
The cancer thus has several progressive stages:

• the localised stage when it is still curable
• the locally advanced stage where it has advanced beyond the confines of the prostate
• the developed stage, generally with lymph node or bone metastases

What is Metastasis?
A metastasis is a cancerous cell from the initial tumor in an organ or tissue which migrates to another organ or tissue situated further away, resulting in a similar lesion.

Metastatic diffusion is a phenomenon characteristic of the evolution of cancers and malignities, resulting in a cascade of events: invasion of the tissue around the initial tumor; penetration of the local blood or lymphativc vessels; migration; then stationary and the formation of a new colony, along with the associated intervention of the body's defense mechanism.

Curing Prostate Cancer - React as Quickly as Possible
In order to cure prostate cancer, it needs to be diagnosed early whilst still little developed. We know that if the cancerous cells have already invaded the whole of, or the majority of, the gland then the risk of metastasis is already great.

In the same way that the cancer is born extremely tiny, metastasis also begins almost invisibly. Thus a large localized cancerous growth in the prostate might already have emitted cancerous cells into the body. This explains the reason why, even if the prostate has been removed, metastases can still develop during subsequent years.

To cure localized prostate cancer, it needs to be small, like a nut, and palpable to a rectal exam, or even so small that it can only be detected by a slight increase in the PSA level.

In the same way, the higher the level of PSA, the greater the quantity of cancerous cells are developing. And to have the greatest chance of curing the cancer, it's best that the level of PSA hasn't yet passed the 10 ng/ml mark.

The foregoing goes to demonstrate one thing very clearly: in order to remove prostate cancer at a sufficiently early stage, it needs to be so small that there will as yet be no obvious physical symptoms - no urination problems - such that the PSA level isn't yet too high. That means... to all intents and purposes, the man must be in apparently sound health!

Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."



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