I complained loudly about the fund raising for breast cancer, but lack of fund raising for prostate cancer last time I was in my Pavillions/Vons in California. The had pink all over the electronic device where you swipe your credit card when checking out, The cashier said they did the same for prostate cancer, but I told her I had shopped at the store for years and had never seen a darned thing. When she asked my if I wanted to give to breast cancer, I replied, "Hell no." I think I may have even said, "Women will never be equal as long as they have services, and programs and privileges that men don't have."
Well, it appears somebody got through to the dullards, because now Vons/Pavillions has blue all over the card swipe machine and advertising for donations to fight prostate cancer, and the cashiers are even asking if you want to donate. I gave five bucks earlier today, and I think it may have even been the cashier I said, "hell no" to. She actually asked me my name and when I told it to her, she said "Thank you Mr. B..."