Study: 30% of mothers and 40% of fathers are abused during a pregnancy

Started by ., Jul 06, 2007, 09:32 AM

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Is "Who Me" a troll who is not truly debating?

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Men's Rights Activist

Maybe because they [statistics] do not fall to your liking?

Documenting the frequency of attacks and who is doing the attacking is something you do not see as relavent?

Maybe we can try tea leaves?

I'm certain tea leaves would be infinitely more reliably than anything coming out of gender feminist advocacy research, or the gender feminist controlled DOJ, Office On Violence Against Women.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

who me?

So you feel the Bureau of Justice is part of the conspiracy?

Absolutely, overwhelmingly, without a doubt, as influenced by these evil criminals in DOJ:
Office On Violence Against Women

The last time there was a "hearing" to renew VAWA, the criminals in the DOJ running the hearing didn't even allow testimony from male victims of domestic violence.  The Office On Violence Against Women isn't unAmerican, it is the enemy of America.

You do understand the term hard data huh?

Are you saying the DOJ changed the gender from female to male just to make you look bad?  Do you feel they misreported the arrest and conviction data?

Or  are you just willing to pretend they made it all up just so men would look bad?

You aren't making allot of sense here.

who me?

Maybe because they [statistics] do not fall to your liking?

Documenting the frequency of attacks and who is doing the attacking is something you do not see as relavent?

Maybe we can try tea leaves?

I'm certain tea leaves would be infinitely more reliably than anything coming out of gender feminist advocacy research, or the gender feminist controlled DOJ, Office On Violence Against Women.

You are right.  The Department of Justice, FBI, heck probably the CIA are all out to get you.

They live to make men look bad using stats.

How silly is that anyway?

Maybe the tinfoil is slipping this afternoon. :dontknow:

The Gonzman


Would you mind if I used your post about typical feminist responses?....I promise I will give you credit =)

Credit MGTOW - not mine - I just connected the dots.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.

Men's Rights Activist

To be very honest you may need more than 800 participants to get an accurate read on anything.

Wrong again.  That number, 800, is not too small a number for University research on the population of Washington State, considering one of the biggest studies ever conducted in America by the federal gov't on domestic violence included just 16, 000 people.   The responses of those 16, 000 were then used to infer what was going on in the entire population of the U.S., regarding domestic violence.  That study found that over 34% of men were d.v. victims and the study was not based on corrupted crime stats controlled by corrupt gender feminists and their ilk.

Sadly, for years, people have not bothered to ferret out the truth about the lies being told by gender feminist scam queens, their ilk so lies have passed for truth, until now the vile gender feminists largely have control and manipulation of what comprises domestic violence, and largely have control and manipulation of all domestic violence stats.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

Men's Rights Activist

You are right.  The Department of Justice, FBI, heck probably the CIA are all out to get you.

They live to make men look bad using stats.

How silly is that anyway?

Maybe the tinfoil is slipping this afternoon.  :dontknow:

If you concerned about the tin foil hat slipping that you keep bringing up, then why don't you just look in a mirror to see if it's on straight? :laughing6:  :laughing6: :laughing6:
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

who me?

You are right.  The Department of Justice, FBI, heck probably the CIA are all out to get you.

They live to make men look bad using stats.

How silly is that anyway?

Maybe the tinfoil is slipping this afternoon.  :dontknow:

If you concerned about the tin foil hat slipping that you keep bringing up, then why don't you just look in a mirror to see if it's on straight? :laughing6:  :laughing6: :laughing6:

I'm not the one pushing the notion that the DOJ fakes stats to make men look bad.

That definitely fits in the tinfoil hat category.

Hey, that puts you in the company of Alex Jones and the Jonessetts.

Enjoy yourself. :laughing6:

The Gonzman

Jul 11, 2007, 01:45 PM Last Edit: Jul 11, 2007, 01:51 PM by Gonzokid

Oh so you are one of those posters that spew the verbal abuse and then tries to pretend you didn't do it?  The cool thing about message boards is the fact that posts are there for anyone to read.

I'll bite here - In fact, I've been trying to figure ways to be more abusive to you without violating the Doc's TOS.

What of it?

You also seem to suffer from this delusion that anyone that challenges your thoughts automatically fits in a certain category....i.e......feminist.  That's really narrow in scope but if it makes you feel better....enjoy I guess.

When you spout feminist stats, feminist government worship, feminist woman-firsting - I'd call anyone who started in talking about the "Holy Catholic Church" and "His Holiness Benedict XVI" a Catholic, too.

If you're not one, you might want to look in on a NOW membership.

Yeah, I've talked down to you a few times.  That I'll admit.  Considering the posts you try so hard to pass off as anything other than the insults they are........don't you even begin to understand you are only getting just what you are trying to dish out?

Passive aggressive. Check.  Not a monumental revelation, but good to see you adsmit it.  It's the first of 12 steps.

Now if you feel I need to adhere to a different standard than the one you seem to hold so dear for yourself; please feel free to report me for this horrible abuse you feel you have been a victim to.

Oh are playing the victim card.

Here's where you have pissed people off - and right now, nobody except for a few die hards is particularly interested in converting you.

As a class, few people here give a fuck about women.  Your claim to sympathy based on your plumbing has no receptive ear here.  If you are a decent person, you might earn that respect..

It's like "White History Month."  (Why don't we have a white history month?  Every month is white history month)  The whole national conversation is about women.  VAWA specifically and deliberately excluded men - that would be our government, the one you are so enamored of.

We've been told over and over again "Want help for men?  Start your own (Shelters, groups, etc.)"  Okay.  We are.  And it's about us.  Not you.

And now, typical, and true to tediously predictable form, here comes the feminazi with "What about women? Consider women! Women worse!  Take care of us first! Give us our half!"

Fuck that.

We've sat aside for years doing that.  We've gotten shuffled off to the side, backstabbed, lip service, lied to, and no more.  It is our turn, we're doing it for us, we've done it without you, we're gaining more and more traction every day.  It is working.  Your process is grinding slowly.  The only thing that could slow us down is to dilute our efforts by trying to do more than one thing - like "Women too!" and to dilute our message.

Now - enter "who me?" proposing we do exactly that.  Of course, in the name of "success."  Complete with the litany of shaming tactics and feminist talking points.

Hmm.  Go back to moderated talk and timid co-operation with a track record of no success, or stick with one having results.

Gee.  There's a hard decision.

Is that the sound of MRA sheepishly whispering the word.....uncle?

If you would chill out long enough to get to know new posters you maybe astounded at what you may learn.  But since you choose to label me to make you feel won't learn a thing.

What a shame to live in that one-dimensional universe you have chosen for yourself.

No, we've already learned all we need long ago about how effective it is to do "woman-firsting."

Woman second.  You have a plethora of women's groups and manginas who are eager to help you out and win their pat on the head.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.

Men's Rights Activist

Jul 11, 2007, 01:54 PM Last Edit: Jul 11, 2007, 02:26 PM by Men's Rights Activist
I'm not the one pushing the notion that the DOJ fakes stats to make men look bad.

That definitely fits in the tinfoil hat category.

Hey, that puts you in the company of Alex Jones and the Jonessetts.

Enjoy yourself.

There you go pathologically lying again.  That puts you in a category with gender feminists and the mainstream domestic violence industry.  That more than qualifies you for the "tin hat" insult you seem so impertinently and patronizingly to want to put on others.  I've always believed that the real batterers were the gender feminists and their ilk, running and supporting the mainstream domestic violence industry and you certainly add support to that contention.

No one today disputes that a plurality of the German populace were deceived into believing that Adolph Hitler was a valid part of the official institutions of German government and society, and like Hitler, America's evil, mainstream domestic violence industry has ensconced itself in all kinds of facades of respectability and officiousness.  Behind all the facades, lies the truth, that the vile, domestic violence industry is dishonest and rotten to the core - just like Hitler.  Apparently, in regards to America's evil, corrupt, domestic violence industry and VAWA, America has forgotten history.


Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

Men's Rights Activist

Declaration of Independence

,,,when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security:

# Violence Against Women Act
# Sexual Harassment Law
# taxpayer funded, male bashing, women's studies programs (over 750, but none for men)
# taxpayer funded, male demonizing, women's commissions (over 270 with only 1 for men)
# Title IX
# man-hating family law courts
# etc.
# etc.
# etc.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


Man!  Smells like rotten fish in here!

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.

Mr. X

Jul 11, 2007, 03:33 PM Last Edit: Jul 11, 2007, 03:36 PM by Mr. X
Just kill the thread guys. You're just giving who me attention.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."

Cordell Walker

who me, please adress these  intangibles in the stats you mentioned

1. if it is a case where both parties are arrested and charged with a violent crime...does the incident get counted as male on female, female on male, or both????
2what kind of allownaces are made for unreported abuse(and I would venture to guess a guy would be less likely to report to the cops, I know i wouldnt)
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother

Chris Key

all BS to the side, most men on some level do feel like that because we are tired of always seeing femazle violence excused

I agree that it is ignored by the courts.  The only way to defeat that is to press the charges and shove to see they are considered on an equal footing by the court. 

Ignoring the obvious doesn't mean the you are making progress.  It just shows an ability to deny basic fact.

To excuse violence to anyone is really stupid. 

I read much more than I post here.  Something that I've noticed are the excuses...oh the bitch probably....fill in the blank...she was asking for it.

What does that acheive?  I'll tell what it acheives, it keeps your cause pushed to the back and ignored.

Equality is not acheived by stepping up on the body of another.  Equality is supposed to mean equal not superior or more important.

You shouldn't excuse violence against women any more than you tolerate women excusing violence against men.

Placing one group ahead of another is a form of bigotry.  By ignoring one group you're more or less rendering demoting them to a "second-class" status.  The discrimination leads to caos between the two demographics, as the discriminated group will end up fighting back against the people who treated them like second-class citizens.  You're seeing this in action on this board.

Men as a group have been treated as second-class citizens by the law for a long time.  The problem dates back to 19th Century English law.  Women received a large amount of criminal law impunity and civil law privilege over men under 19th Century English Law.  The problem was worsened during the 20th Century when the second-wave feminists came along and inspired the legislators into enforcing more anti-male legal practices.

The result is men are losing empathy and respect for women.  They're starting to hate women and see them as the 'enemy'.  There is some legitimacy behind the way men are acting, as they are subjugated by a force (a coalition between the Government and women) that is far stronger than them.

Blame should be placed on the shoulders of the chivalrous legislators and women who have exploited men.  They've created a 'battle of the sexes' that has led to normal men feeling that the only alternative is to doubt and hate anything that is female.

You'll find that men will oppose 'violence against women' when the law system and women oppose 'violence against men'.  The problem is the media, the Government and society in general treats violence against men as a joke.  You cannot expect men to care about violence agaisnt women when society portrays violence against men as 'okay'.  It is wrong for men to not care about violence against women, but you cannot blame men for thinking this way when they live in a society that treats violence against men as a joke.  It's a example of why the chivalrous men and feminists are an enemy of women, as they're more or less turning normal men against women.
Men's Rights Activist,
Chris Key

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Chris Key

Yeah and when that hoe talks back you can break her jaw too. yeah a slap definitly deserves a broken jaw. A kick deserves a severed arm. A bad word deserves a gouged out eye. Perhaps disobedience deserves broken teeth. Disagreeing deserves mental abuse.

Hey so when a 7 year old kicks you do you break their legs cause you have a massive size an weight advantage? I don't care what the sex of the other person is, proportionality always should apply. So next time a kid bumps into me in the grocery store I should pick up their tiny little 60lb body and shove it through the glass door cause I can. WEEE DOGGIEE ITS FAIR GAME TIME!

Hey Gonzo, remember your attitude when you're 75 in a nursing home and some nurse breaks your arm cause you swatted her hand. Remember the weak must always be kept in line by the bullies who have a distinct physical advantage... oops I mean the "strong". You will be weak someday Gonzo. When that day comes I hope a younger, stronger woman breaks your jaw.

You're argument follows the following format:

It's wrong for a man to hit a child since children are smaller than men.
Women are smaller than men.
Therefore, it's wrong for men to hit women.

The problem with that line of reasoning is it fails to take into account that status isn't the only difference between women and children.  There are a plethora of differences between women and children that lead to the latter being more vulnerable than the former.  Children and women are smaller than men, but that doesn't mean children and women are equal to one another in regards to their frailty. Women are far stronger than children.  It's possible for a woman to defend herself against a man, but difficult for a child to do the same.

The other thing that we need to take into consideration is that size isn't the only factor that determines a person's frailty.  Both men and women possess a number of extremely sensitive regions on their anatomies that are vulnerable to trauma.  For men it is their testes, eyes and visceral organs.  For women it's their vulva, eyes and visceral organs.  In some ways women have an advantage, as the most sensitive region of their anatomy (the vulva) is not as large as the most sensitive region of the male anatomy (the testes).  This gives women a bigger target to aim at, which means a greater likelihood of making contact and causing long-term damage.

In conclusion, a woman can severely hurt a man if she knows where to attack.  Therefore, women shouldn't be allowed to attack men with impunity, because if they are given this 'privilege', then that would give them licence to severely injure men and disallow men from being able to defend themselves.
Men's Rights Activist,
Chris Key

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