Study: 30% of mothers and 40% of fathers are abused during a pregnancy

Started by ., Jul 06, 2007, 09:32 AM

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<<<Women commit the majority of child abuse.>>>

That's a 'DUH'.

Women commit the majority of child rearing, hence they will commit the majority of abuse.

What sucks about the above arguement (women commit the majority of child abuse) is it fails to take stats on a level playing field.

The majority of children spend the majority of time around their mothers.

Yes or no? Who the heck cares?

But this is a derailing of the thread.  DO you beleive that 30% of women are abused during pregnacy?

Wait a second!

But what about single mother vs single father households?

_Precentage-wise_ children are less likely to be abused in single-father households then in single-mother households.

As for that 30% of woman being abused during pregnancy? Sure. If we also accept that 40% of men are abused during pregnancy.


Jul 17, 2007, 11:09 AM Last Edit: Jul 17, 2007, 11:17 AM by devia
<<<Precentage-wise_ children are less likely to be abused in single-father households then in single-mother households. >>>

Are they are more likely to be wanted children in a single-father household.
Yes or no?

How many ghetto poverty type babies (a hightened risk group) are raised in single father homes compared to single mothers?

Mr. X

<<<Women commit the majority of child abuse.>>>

That's a 'DUH'.

Women commit the majority of child rearing, hence they will commit the majority of abuse.

What sucks about the above arguement (women commit the majority of child abuse) is it fails to take stats on a level playing field.

The majority of children spend the majority of time around their mothers.

Yes or no? Who the heck cares?

But this is a derailing of the thread.  DO you beleive that 30% of women are abused during pregnacy?

AND SO WHAT! Women ignore ANY extenuating facts when it comes to men so according to the same set of rules we men should mindlessly ignore any extenuating set of facts when it comes to women.

YOU KILL CHILDREN MORE THAN MEN DO PERIOD END OF STORY! I am using EXACTLY the same mentality on you that you use on me. Now I will take this and grind you into the dirt with it as you do with me. You kill children. We should ignore the minor amount of men who kill children. We should ignore when little girls are killed by women since that's a crime of women on women.

Where the HELL do you women get off holding ME responsible for the actions of another man simply cause I have the same equipment YET when its done to you we mena re SUPPOSED to look at the circumstance.

I AM USING YOUR RULES! I have NOT altered them in any way. I have simply reapplied them back onto you BABY KILLER. This is the way YOU WOMEN treat us men then you got the GAUL to demand we help you by claiming ALL violence is MY FAULT cause the majority of perps are men.

But of course you then convienently weasel out of the areas that women do the worse in. And why don't you blame blacks? Why don't you dived on racial boundaries?

Sorry, suck it up baby killer. You kill children. Devia is a baby killer and child abuser cause MORE WOMEN ABUSE CHILDREN THAN MEN. This is a WOMAN'S PROBLEM and we should ignore all male perps in this circumstance ACCORDING to female mentality.

How do you like it?

As for the 30% pregnancy abuse. 1 Do you believe 40% of men are abused during pregnancy? 2. Is abused defined objectivily? The ORIGINAL complaint about the article was that it CLEARLY stated MORE MEN were abused than WOMEN yet it went on to ONLY talk about the women. THAT was the original complaint.

IN FACT its exactle the complaint WHO ME? apparently has that MORE of a group is abused than another yet the SMALLER group gets the focus of attention.

IF the study is correct then it CLEARLY states more men are abused. So then why does the article then ONLY focus on the women abused in pregnancy? Shouldn't the stat really be "40% of people involved in a pregnancy are abused in some way"?

Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."



Women are around children more then men...hence end of story.

I myself have never killed a child, hence I cannot think of myself as the "you" group.

dr e

I agree with Mr X on this one.  The violence done by men is generalized to conclude the guilt of masculinity while the violence done by women is given a pussy pass.  Screw that.  Enough excuses.  Give them the same number of excuses we give the men.  ZERO.

Devia applies for the pussy pass with no shame whatsoever.  lol


Women are around children more then men...hence end of story.

I myself have never killed a child, hence I cannot think of myself as the "you" group.

Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Mr. X


Women are around children more then men...hence end of story.

I myself have never killed a child, hence I cannot think of myself as the "you" group.

Sorry, extenuating circumstances are not considered with men so they are not considered with women. These are the feminist rules. I have not altered them. Why should I care about the reasons BEHIND any of this when the reasons BEHIND why men commit crime are not considered.

I have not assaulted someone so I cannot be held accountable for male violence yet I am held accountable simply cause I have the equipment.

Women's rules. I have not altered them, simply reapplied them. This is the flaw with collectivist thinking.
Feminists - "Verbally beating men like dumb animals or ignoring them is all we know and its not working."


Jul 17, 2007, 11:34 AM Last Edit: Jul 17, 2007, 11:42 AM by devia
I don't really understand what your point was dr e?

Are women not more likely to be taking care of children then men?


That you placed a poll the way you did, you now look like an offshot of the "niceguys" site.

Try dealing in facts instead of slander and gossip.


Jul 17, 2007, 11:43 AM Last Edit: Jul 17, 2007, 11:46 AM by CaptDMO

<<<Women commit the majority of child abuse.>>>
DO you beleive that 30% of women are abused during pregnacy?

With all of the couples I've known the mother was alllowed "special dispensation" for
errant behavior, and the father was ALWAYS extra mindful of his behavior, until about a year after the birth.
Two exceptions were with miscarriages. BOTH spouses got ugly for about 4 months.

I do not believe a study that pronounces such data as cited. I call bullshit.
I question the motives and impartiality of the "operators".

I know of feminist women that will outright lie in a public forum, not only to further "special protections" and "special exceptions" for other women that might agree with them, but also to excuse their rageing behavior, and support their own delusions of higher rationality and/or authoritative perception.

I'll laugh along with the Nancy Grace show to ensure my IQ hasen't dropped below 100 (or for background noise), when the Hannity/Colms cartoon  or O'Reily is in repeat mode. The high pitched cacophony helps to alleviate my tinnitus.

Edit to close quote.
WOW! A lot of shit can happen while one types!   


I don't really understand what your point was dr e?

Are women not more likely to be taking care of children then men?

Irrelevant Devia because the statistics that Dr E and Mr X are talking about are Per Capita RATES.

Try for your pussy pass under another section please
Imagine waking up tomorrow to find
that unbelievably rape is now legal.

You would be freaking out, telling everyone you ran into this is crazy- something needs to be done... now!!! And then every man you told this to just very smugly and condescendingly says...

"Hey... not all men are 'like that.'"

Cordell Walker

You know its odd, I used a similar argument with a feminist about violence against women......she said men are more violent towards women nowdays because  "empoweredwomen threaten men"; and I told her that was a crock of shit, I told her since more women are going places and doingb things men are, they are  getting put into  a position to be part of a victim group they used to be safer from.
I think Devia might have a point on the ratio of time kids spending with women might make women more likely to be the perp in that situation. However from personal observations mom always gets mad quicker and is usually meaner than dad, and this reaches across class and race
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother


<<<Precentage-wise_ children are less likely to be abused in single-father households then in single-mother households. >>>

Are they are more likely to be wanted children in a single-father household.
Yes or no?

How many ghetto poverty type babies (a hightened risk group) are raised in single father homes compared to single mothers?

Umm.....Kinda' stretching the demographic pretty thin there.
Back on track or I "beg the question" (Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure) as non-sequtur


Jul 17, 2007, 12:03 PM Last Edit: Jul 17, 2007, 12:09 PM by johndias
Dr. E, please lock this damn thread (that I started)!

That being said, I might ask all the armchair latent feminists reading this thread to think of the study's findings.  Abuse is defined broadly, to include emotional abuse, verbal threats and tirades...  Ever know a husband who had to put up with a pregnant wife on a raging, emotional, hormone-induced roller coaster?  And to the men...  have you ever been that husband?

It's not funny, it's not quaint, it's not excusable.  It's abuse.  And husbands bear the brunt of it during a pregnancy.  All you mothers who have any memory of your pregnancy will probably have to admit to yourselves -- in your most honest, private, solitary moments -- that despite the hormones and physical changes you endured, you still had your free will and your ability to make moral choices. 

Which is why the mother's tirades/demands/insults are not so quaint ("you did this to me, asshole!"), even when we think of the stress a pregnant woman endures.  She could have toned it down, but chose not to.


<<<<,Dr. E, please lock this damn thread (that I started)!

That being said, I might ask all the armchair latent feminists reading this thread to think of the study's findings.  Abuse is defined broadly, to include emotional abuse, verbal threats and tirades...  Ever been a husband who had to put up with a pregnant wife on a raging emotional hormone-induced roller coaster?

It's not funny, it's not quaint, it's not excusable.  It's abuse.  And husbands bear the brunt of it during a pregnancy.  All you mothers who have any memory of your pregnancy will probably have to admit to yourselves -- in your most honest, private, solitary moments -- that despite the hormones and physical changes brought on by pregnancy, you still had your free will and your ability to make moral choices.  Which is why it's not so quaint when we think of the stress a pregnant woman endures and the names and insults she hurls at her partner; she could have toned it down, but chose not to.



So in the studies findings the majority of woman were not basket cases during pregnacy.. but some were .. and some guys were.... and the study had the trash people so it could make a mark.

What the heck are you trying to prove here? Lock it because it didn't have its intended mark?

So abuse is defined broadly. Hence both demanding ice cream, and calling the woman a sow are both abuse?

Neither do I see as abuse. Perhaps we're supposed to sit back and imagine?

Stats are only good when they support your cause right? bad stats.

Cordell Walker

mark twain said there are three kinds of lies "lies damn lies and statistics"; no so much in the sense that the stats are false; but every statsitical study has to be looked at taking into account  other factors and possible intangibles and margins of errors and the methods of gathering info;  a business teacher of mine said "data is not always facts"
"how can you kill women and children?"---private joker
"Easy, ya just dont lead em as much" ---Animal Mother

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