My advice to a man that is being abused is press charges and carry through with those charges. But then my advice to a woman in that situation would be the same.
You are incessant in arguing obtusely, but never recognize that the reality of domestic violence law is biased against men as victims and in favor of women as victims. Under zero tolerance and mandatory arrest police policies, if a woman is abusing her husband, and he reports it, police show up and arrest the man, because he is bigger. Who do you suggest that men report their domestic violence to so they are not arrested by the biased, gender feminist trained police and so they are not prosecuted by the biased gender feminist trained prosecutors and so they are not convicted by the biased gender feminist trained judges and so they are not insulted by biased, obdurate gender feminist ideologues and their apologist ilk, etc., etc., etc.?
The biased domestic violence laws that empower violent women and deny services for battered men are responsible for many of the deaths of women, but hey it brings in more taxpayers dollars for the domestic violence industry and pays salaries for more women's studies graduates. Violent women are empowered and emboldened by domestic violence laws and men are battered and made desperate by the same. People who obdurately fail to see that and argue against that reality are despicably contributing to the carnage. Shame on all those. Admit how the domestic violence industry and domestic violence laws are corrupt, or just admit that you are a part of the problem - a big part of the problem.